Cya later Jewel Knights

Yay!! finally somebody decided to boy me my copy of Jewel Knight!!! finally i can say goodbye to that awful game…
i think that with the money i’ll buy x-change 3 or tottemo pheromone (now that i know that g-col still sell old games)

Congratulations, you have broken the EULA (End-User License Agreement) that you agreed to when playing the game!

About Copyrights
The copyrights of this product are owned by [insert CD-Bros. company here] and This includes the game program, sound data, graphic data, printed matter, and all the accessories attached to this product.
It is prohibited to copy all or a part of them.
It is prohibited to show or distribute the whole or part of this product without permission.
It is prohibited to rent this product out.
It is unlawful to sell this product.
If any violation of these articles is found, we may take legal action.

Sorry to say this, but its not something i care about…
Besides, i’m not the only one who sells his games (although it’s the first -and hope the last- i sell, i liked all the other games)

BTW: U didnt have to be so sarcastic, have you?? but its ok, i’m not mad, still happy about it…

Originally posted by Benoit:
Congratulations, you have broken the EULA (End-User License Agreement) that you agreed to when playing the game!

Ya know Benoit, there was some discussion a while back about whether that provision of the EULA was even enforceable. Something about it violating restraint-of-trade laws or something like that.

Anyway, IMO that no-selling provision is just bulls**t anyway. It wouldn't stop me if I wanted to sell one of my games.

It doesn’t matter if you care or not.
What you have done is illegal.

If you didn’t agree on the terms, you shouldn’t have agreed to them, simple as that. So you also lied.

Originally posted by Benoit:
It doesn't matter if you care or not.
What you have done is illegal.

If you didn't agree on the terms, you shouldn't have agreed to them, simple as that. So you also lied.

After the first post I thought you were just being funny, but if you're serious that's really pathetic, Benoit.

Originally posted by Benoit:
It doesn't matter if you care or not.
What you have done is illegal.

If you didn't agree on the terms, you shouldn't have agreed to them, simple as that. So you also lied.

Enough of this. Lamuness doesn't like it when discussions turn to legal tecnicalities, because this isn't just a BBS for English speakers [edit: who happen to live in the USA], but I'm just not going to let that one slide.

Several problems with this EULA.

First, it reads "it is unlawful to sell this game". It does NOT read "you agree you will not"; it says 'it is unlawful". Well, no. No, it's NOT unlawful, at least not in the US. Just because GC wants to pretend that it is, doesn't make it so.

Second, just because it's in the EULA does NOT mean the EULA is enforceable. Whether the EULA is enforceable or not varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction; some courts have found they ARE binding, others have found they are NOT binding.

So I suggest that if you're going to make an unequivocal statement like you have, you first find out where the person in question lives, then consult an attorney. Then, MAYBE, I'll believe you. :)

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 12-22-2004).]

Err, okay… :confused:

That is the most idiotic EULA I’ve ever encountered. It’d be interesting to see them try and enforce it.

Peace people, peace…

first of all, anybody can think what they want (Benoit can say that i’m a liar as mych as Nameless Mofo can say that the EULA is Bulls**t -thing that i agree with-) so please people, this post was just a ‘useless’ post, just because i was bored, this wasn’t supose to end like this (people fighting vs Benoit, Benoit fighting vs People)
I think that i already told Benoit (and i think that i spoke for many others) when i say that i dont really care what he thinks in this tread, and nothing he can say will actually affect me (nor should affect anyone)

So, for the sake of things not getting any worse, please, Moderators, erase this tread…

EDIT: Benoit, please, lets not discuss this anymore, i’m not the kind of person who enjoy to fight for this kind of thing, besides, Its chrismas! if i said something i shouldn’t, i’m terribly sorry…

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 12-23-2004).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
Congratulations, you have broken the EULA (End-User License Agreement) that you agreed to when playing the game!

Is this really worth pointing out/fighting for? At the very least, the issue is a grey area. It's not really a good idea to go about insulting board members when there's not even a clear-cut right or wrong to the matter.

Hell, G-collections can say in the EULA that the user has to sacrifice his first-born son 1 year after installing the game...just because the user unwittingly (or even knowingly) "agrees to the terms" doesn't make them legally binding. [img][/img]

and benoit, i dont know u, i dont know what your life is about, i dont know your past, i dont know anythng about you, so please, don't ever, EVER again say that i'm a liar because you dont know a SHI* about me!!!!!!!

Does that matter? I was just making a logical conclusion based on the situation.
You agreed to the EULA, yet you sold the game and then say you don't care about the EULA. So, logically, you've lied, because you said "I agree" when you didn't agree.
BTW: i heard that u have some problems or something like that, well, this BBS is not the place where u can unload that big shi* you carry on your shoulders every damn day...

Who the hell says I do?! That's a big assumption for one incident.
Is this really worth pointing out/fighting for? At the very least, the issue is a grey area. It's not really a good idea to go about insulting board members when there's not even a clear-cut right or wrong to the matter.

Hell, G-collections can say in the EULA that the user has to sacrifice his first-born son 1 year after installing the game...just because the user unwittingly (or even knowingly) "agrees to the terms" doesn't make them legally binding.

And why wouldn't it? It's a License Agreement, of course it's legally binding. Why else would they put it in there?

This has SO got to be locked or removed…
EULA’s are still gray area. Let the courts fight it out, we shouldn’t take it so much to heart. Do the software manufacturers have the right to try to protect their work? Of course. Is it fair to subject the buyer to an agreement AFTER a purchase? Probably not. Is the purchase for a license or merchandise? Questionable, since software can be licensed and yet there is a very tangible CD in the consumers hands that can be called the merchandise. Since it hasn’t been fully clarified legally yet, all this arguing is pointless…

[This message has been edited by Whole 9 Yards (edited 12-23-2004).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
And why wouldn't it?

Because it would violate the laws that are locally appliable to the user. Thus they may write in their EULA as much as they want, but if their demands are not based on (or worse: in defiance with) valid laws, they are only empty words and not enforcable.

Originally posted by Benoit:
It's a License Agreement, of course it's legally binding.

Not legally, but morally perhaps if you regard it as a promise broken by the user.

However, G-Col may be powerful, but not powerful enough to make laws that are legally enforcable, particularly not worldwide!

Originally posted by Benoit:
Why else would they put it in there?

Because they don't WANT you to do it, of course!

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 12-23-2004).]

For the record, Peach Princess and JAST USA games have no such agreement. We don’t mind if you sell your game on ebay or whatever (although we hope you will keep it and go for the “complete collection”). :slight_smile:

Thanks for educating me, and I’m sorry for my ignorance.

Congratulations for selling a LEGAL copy of your game on E-bay. (I didn’t see what all the fuss was about either. If I bought a game I didn’t like, I would go ahead and sell it. Some of these games are pretty expensive and it’s nice to get at least a third of your money back.)

Originally posted by Hhaze:
Congratulations for selling a LEGAL copy of your game on E-bay.

It was not on Ebay.....

Can you sell ILLEGAL games on ebay??(Nero images, etc) i dont really use eBay so i dont know, i just sold it to a guy friend of mine for about half the price i bought it

eBay doesn’t really care what you sell, so long as you don’t sell pornographic material outside the adult area (at least I’ve heard there’s one). People trying to report bootlegs and pirated stuff rarely see anything happen to them; eBay mostly excuses itself with that “the police doesn’t want to investigate because it’s too minor”. Which might be true, but still doesn’t excuse the fact that they turn a blind eye to it.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 12-23-2004).]

So many contracts you sign or products you buy have these sorts of provisions. Some people think that if it states something in black and white like that, you agreed and it’s legally binding, so these companies take advantage of the fact that not everyone goes to law school, which makes sense considering how cheap it is for them write this to potentionally save money. At least in the US, it’s okay to resell tangible goods like these b-games because of our copyright laws.

The Unholy Avenger, you didn’t think Jewel Knights was funny at all?