
You lost all credit here. Check yourself.

The what? The only skill I know is the Spell Deflection in the Arms Companion, but it’s no a Monk specific skill AND you need a shield (or a similar large object), something a Monk usually doesn’t have since it prevents him from using his Adrenal Defence.

No Monk base list gives Initiative bonus. Martial Arts does, but anyone can take them, not just the Monk. Anyone, I said I won’t enter a rule discussion, so I’ll stop here. Your wrong (and easily refutable) statement about the Noble Warrior told me what I needed to know.

I don’t think i’m losing any Credit and i don’t think you know what you needed to know ^^
I didn’t open the Book i used my memory of the few spell list i remembered (Combat Enhancement and some Monk List… Well, i forgot that Beastmaster get some in common with Warrior Mage too)

So i’m wrong well… It happen.

After you said i’m losing Credit? But you as well with Adrenaline Move Spell Overdance in the concentration who help to “dodge”/“escape” the Area of Effect of a Direct damage Spell… Well it’s not really good and, most of the time, the cost is too hight to be worth … but it can help.

After for the Monk Spell list, it’s a base List who came with a later Companion (I don’t remember if it’s with the Oriental or another one… I must check my book, but i’m too lazy to do it right now, but i’m more inclined to think it’s come from the Oriental… And anyway they’re old French Version so… I don’t think i will do an accurate translation)

Well, in the end it’s true, it’s up to you to consider it as really a base list or not (but normally is a base List who was just added later)

Anyway, we won’t agree on the monk, maybe, because we have different set of rule or point of view.

Isn’t this a thread for D&D4th? If you’re going to discuss Rolemaster maybe you should start a new thread? Just saying it’s getting a bit off topic. :expressionless:

You’re Probably Right ^^

Indeed, here’s the RM2 thread.

LOL! :lol:

Seems to be a movement, where people are telling others to stop complaining that D&D4 sucks. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Honestly, having had more time to practice with the gaming system: it’s not D&D. I’ve got that understanding 100% down. However the system itself isn’t terrible. I think the issue, is that its still labeled and shelled within the name of D&D. Maybe if it was called something else, there wouldn’t be this huge upset. Then again, it probably wouldn’t sell like it has either.

When ICE released the third edition of Rolemaster, they didn’t call it “Third Edition”, but “Standard Edition” so RM2 became RMSS. The same way, the fourth edition is RMFRP. It’s still RM, so old players would convert, but it’s different enough that no backlash was felt. :wink:
People are more sensitive to a version naming that some may think, foremost nowadays because of the computer culture. No matter the exact changes, a v1.01, a v2 and a name change don’t have the same impact.
Dungeons & Dragons: Massive Adventures edition? DDMA? :smiley:

Well… It’s long gone the time when Gary Gigax was creating near impossible campaign for the pleasure of torturing his player…Who was ubber ^^

I remember the first time i played in Dark Sun in secondedition, my Semi-Giant Gladiator… I was in total awe when i was looking at my stat…Then i encountered my first Monster… and i understood the meaning of the stat ^^;

A Warrior/Barbarian/Frenzied Berzerker who has immunity to death spells and immunity to mind effecting spells and generally high spell resistance.

Indeed they did. Book of Nine Swords was a preview of the battle system of 4e and it relied a lot of those special moves, many of which people decried because they saw it as magic, but others heralded because it finally did a lot to make fighter-type classes comprable to a magic user.

Same with D&D 3.5, so i fail to see the difference, except maybe a couple levels later. Anyone with a level 15 fighter is laughed at.