D.O. Games

Yeah… but I’ll still keep the banner there as a link.

I have seen the death of one of my favourite Western game companies: Troika, and it wasn’t even to piracy. It was like as if Both Angel Smile and Troika fell in their respective markets for simialr reasons.


Admittedly, to stay on topic, D.O. produces games as good as Angel SMiles’s, but the thing that seems to keep them in the market is the diversity that we normall see in Zyx’s games. Their latest venture, I believe, was a sci-fi RPG that featured tentacle rape (egads !) Also, they seem to love controversial issues… Ayame’s path in Crescendo is kinda like Ryo, Little Brother. I wonder if marrying your adopted brother is incest or against the law…

But if anything, the market is like that.

So… a memoriam to Angel Smile.

The step-sister, step-brother thing, I’ve come to realize, must be related to the popularity of the anime/manga Miyuki, back in 1983. That’s the basic story, the brother who falls in love with two girls names Miyuki, one of whom is his (step) sister. I’ll avoid telling you which one he ends up with.

That would kinda explain Gibo, Transfer Student and Gimai Hitomi - especially Gimai Hitomi.

Btw, thanks Pete ! I now got one new anime to watch, and do research on…

Actually I think the whole “mothercon” or “stepsister” thing goes more along with the Japanese view of fetishism. i.e. it’s not kinky unless it’s really over the top.

Or maybe it’s just Freudian.

Fesishism ? I doubt it. Kana Imouto and Crescendo don’t play like that… I can understand if Gimai Hitomi and Gibo stand testament to that agrumebnt, but not the former two.

Maybe it is Freudian… having your step-sister/adopted sister is the cloests and most legal thing to amrrying your own sister as, by legal right, you can amrry your step sister, since you don’t share the same genes/blood as her. Provided, of course, that you realise she’s more then just your sister.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]