Da capo IF .

For those of you who loved Kotori and thought that she deserved to be “the main girl” in the anime ,they recently released part 1 of the OVA Da Capo IF where kotori does get the leading role . It took 6 years but finally its out a present to all Kotori lovers out there .

Nemu seems to be dead in this OVA(thus the “IF” part being this a alternative reality) and really that’s the only way Kotori would ever get a chance taking in consideracion the importance of Nemu(even if you hate her ) and of course kotori’s personality.

So hail all Kotori fans out there it seemed like a dream but in the end it did come true.

Chiwassu! :smiley: to all.

Game spoiler ahead, do not read if you haven’t played the game:

She’s not dead, in the game she goes off to school to become a nurse if you choose the Kotori route in the game.

i can’t wait for the next episode

you and me both… I actually hope they make more than the rumored 2, though.

Oh no she’s dead alright this ova doesn’t follow the plot of the game(or the anime) thus the “if” in the name and all the signs are there the visit to the grave the clearing of nemu’s room etc… also Nemu going off to a nursing school also happens in the other routes it isn’t something unique to kotori’s route

hmm, you’re right. Guess we wont know anything until episode 2 comes out.

The second part comes out in March (this ova is part of the launch of a “special edicion” box containing the entire Da capo anime series) .

Yea, sadly it’s only a 2 part episode. Kind of hoping for a series. Of the What - If’s.

Yea maybe still of all the girls only kotori deserved a “second chance” I mean she is treated badly in the anime (giving her hope only to be cast aside as soon as Nemu show’s up ). And really its Kotori after all its like a tribute to her .