Da capo walkthrough

can anyone help me find a translated copy of the walkthrough for the game

here is part 1 sakura

I’m working on one, so far I’ve managed to get Sakura, Nemu, Moe and Mako.

how much do you have left now

Having problems getting Miharu, Wont be much longer, she’s just being pains in my ass at the moment. Only need to get Miharu now ><

Edit: Changed to reflect finally getting Kotori’s ending.

ran into any bugs that would require for the game to be pulled yet
i am just wondering about the bug that the game was delayed for

There was no ‘bug’ supposedly.

It was just pulled because they hadn’t checked it for bugs yet.

I haven’t ran into any bugs at all. Just a typo here and there. Working on miharu now and then i’ll post a link to the walk through.

… Well… I got miharu’s ending and what do you know, the minute I exit the game, we have a power outage… Time to do her part of the walkthrough once again… :cry:

You can find the faq on gamefaqs now.

After you complete the game with all the characters - it opens up a new option at the title screen called D.C. it seems to be an extra epilogue.

This walk-thru will get you 100% CG and 98% of the scenarios.