Dark ero is under attack in Japan

Okay… for those of you who don’t know: anime like School Days and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni were canceled from airtime by a few TV studios – and more than one dark eroge title was briefly delayed - because of an unfortunate murder involving a 16 year old loligoth who murdered her dad with a hatchet (a cop to boot). Read this article:


Now not all air stations have censored the series I’ve mentioned above - nor were any dark eroge actually cancelled (they just held off release for a week) – but the “sensationalist media” were ruthlessly targeting dark eroge (yandare, guro, etc) because of their “bloody” content - and how this girl is like characters in these (as you can read in that translated article).

For awhile the negative fervor died down after new news replaced it, but I was watching Japanese TV today and I caught a news spot where they mentioned a few women rights groups were successful in getting some legislation proposals against violent ero (not just the games – publications and AV as well) to be at least considered for debate.

The key word is considered (political talk for “fat chance”), so I truly doubt anything will come of it… but I thought I’d mention it: America isn’t the only one with people who thing violent entertainment, makes a violent civilization.

A bit more on what’s been going down recently in Japan’s 2d ero world can be found here.

Most doujin artists seem to be weathering the storm pretty well, but the evil eye of public opinion is definitely swinging in this direction from its perch atop the mass media tower of doom.

We’re hunkering down and hoping the storm passes over… this coming Comiket should say a lot about whether the ero status quo will be maintained in the near future. As a concerned industry watcher I’ll be keeping a close eye on this. ;_;

I’ve sorta remained quiet on the topic, because I thought it was just another thing passing… but the course of action I’ve been seeing isn’t good for us dark erogers (and lolicon it seems). This seriously sucks ass because to get things changed in Japan takes an Act of God that God considers an Act of God. Depending on the topic, they can make ultra religious American conservatism, look like a radical liberal revolution. :frowning:

For the last decade, ero has been using less and less of the mosaic to blur things out. Now all that “sly” maneuvering to gradually get the standard to be less restrictive (i.e. show more), is totally going out the damn window. Years of progress is now suddenly slowed, has a possibly of being halted, and may fearfully go backwards. Then I see a “proposal” for using mosaics for blood and gore? And that’s actually the lesser of the two evils; considering the other is to totally ban things like guro and yandare. We got too lax and overconfident… making non-ero versions - but still bloody as hell – of these titles… That probably was a mistake.

Also… while we’re focusing on the topic of adult media, I should point out that it’s more serious than that: console games like Biohazard (Resident Evil) and Devil May Cry are also under attack. Anything that “glorifies” blood and guts is being eyed with suspicion. If you wanna go extremist, then I’m sure Castlevania is up there too. :frowning:

Awwww… damn… Gunslinger Girl falls under this nonsense. The series was just funded a second season too. :frowning:

[ 12-17-2007, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Damn it…
I dont know who to hate more: the people who ban thing (Mr.Senator) or the people who does the shit that makes people ban it. (Hatchet Girl)

Can’t we hate them all?

Well from studies, the recent increase in violence has increased the amount of violence from the old percentage to… a lower percentage? Really, these guys don’t get it. The stuff we got here actually help people alleviate tension as opposed to doing crazy things.

I’ve always been against banning things that are appropriate for suitable for adults to watch. Instead, I think it is important that there should be measures put in place that would keep kids from watching it. Same thing goes with violent video games and films.

Like “spend more quality time with your children playing outside rather than using video games and TV to babysit them”?

Exactly. Thats the problem with parents today. They want everyone and everything to teach and entertain their children except the parents themselves.

I thank my parents for actually being there for me most of the time. I think it made me a better person.