Dark Ero Narg Enjoyed

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of PM’s asking what “supernatural and/or gothic” dark eroge I recommend. I appreciate the trust in my opinion and judgment, and thought I’d make a thread listing them, so everyone can see it. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and I will be adding more as I remember the titles enjoyed. I seriously play more eroge than I can immediately recall in one sitting. :oops:

Some aren’t actually supernatural or gothic per se… but they have the general appeal like them. While I’m guilty of it when bragging about the “Dark Side” and whatnot, please take note that “dark eroge” does NOT mean it’s a violent rapefest full of sex. That would be a “brutal eroge”… when I mean dark, it’s the tone and/or mood. Something deeply serious or frighteningly morbid (though not always both). However the brutal and dark categories frequently intermix, so more than a few dark eroge I mention, will inevitably be brutal as well.

I might go back and throw in a sentence or two giving my pro/con opinion on the titles, but until then, there are links leading to the official site (or Getchu if that URL is down or just plain sucky). If someone has a question, go ahead and ask, but don’t expect me to give ya full review. You’ll just have to wait until I can post one on my site. :wink: If Peter, Lamuness, or Shingo are reading this post ¬ñ consider it Narg’s wish list. :lol:

[list]* Bullet Butlers
+ Shingo has countered to me on his site, that this title really shouldn’t be listed in the dark genre, because “darkness” isn’t as profoundly ingrained. He’s right… but I stubbornly call it dark anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:

[color=#FF0000] Anim [/color]
On the whole I despise Anim. For each good title they make, there are two or three shitty duds. You gotta be real careful when picking titles from their catalog. Yet here I am listing a few. Go figure.

[list] * Gyakushu 2
http://www.hs-crowd.co.jp/anim/product/ … yaku2.html

[color=#FF0000] Black Cyc [/color]
Unless you make it a habit to completely ignore every post I make, you already know this is my favorite releaser of dark eroge. 8)

[list]* Gore Screaming Show

[color=#FF0000] Nitro+ [/color]
One of the “big dogs” of the eroge market. When they bark everyone listens, because they’ve got the massive budgets and quality gaming down pact.

[list]* Deus Machina Demonbane

[color=#FF0000] SP-Janis [/color]
I tend to think this studio cranks out too many titles per year for their own good, but a few are quite entertaining and worth great praise.

[list]* Cross Fire

[color=#FF0000] Tinkerbell [/color]
This studio’s Inyou series is REALLY great stuff. These are all gruesome sexfests with little actual plot - women are little more than sexual meat bags to be hideously violated - but they do such a damn good job at it. :twisted:

[list]* Inyou

[color=#FF0000] Touchy [/color]
Now known as Assemblage. Mostly 2002 era eroge. Used to be the kings of the violent sex genre, and most of their works remain brutal even by today standards.

[list]* Crusade
http://www.assemblage.co.jp/asm/softwar … de/top.htm

  • The undisputed king of loli brutality from a commercial company, without going in the territory of guro and keeping the victim’s body intact. Last I checked, the title is out of print and difficult/costly to locate. I’m told it raised a bit of hell in Japan when first released. :shock:

[color=#FF0000] Type-Moon [/color]
If you don’t know who they are, you should really lurk moar. :wink:

[list]* FATE Stay Night

No love for ??? or ??? or ?PARADISELOST?? I would also say ??? is pretty dark in itself.

I’ve played only the two Kansen games from your list, and I’m really impressed :shock: :shock: :shock: .
Is it really possible to play so many erogames so fast, reading all the text AND seeing all the graphics AND hearing all the sounds (40 Hours Thing notwithstanding :wink: )?
Me I need a couple of weeks MINIMUM for most erogames, and usually only if I have the time for one of my nocturnal, Full Audio sessions (it’s very fortunate that my neighbors don’t understand Japanese :oops: :stuck_out_tongue: … ).

I see that also Tre Donne Crudeli (slightly) mangles my poor tongue (“Franco” is a male name, the female version is “Franca La Nera”, for example, and “Donne Anonime” is plural and lacks the article, “La Donna Anonima” or, MUCH better, “La Donna Senzanome” is correct Italian) :frowning:
Oh well, tongue-mangling is not a Japan-only specialty, however :lol: .

I have to admit I always impressed by the rate at which some people play their games (and Narg seems to be part of them). For my part, it usually takes me about one full month to complete a game, though it’s more along the line of 2-3 months these days, because I started to watch anime again (and write).

Don’t worry. Every time I see French in a Japanese anime/game/manga, I feel the same. :wink:
The only exception I met was light’s ?R.U.R.U.R ??? that had an almost perfect written French (pronunciation was horrible, otoh).

Thank you! Thank you! I knew I forgot a recent vampire ero I loved, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember it (MinDeaD on the brain). Draculius is damn good stuff. Made that fix to the list. I also forgot to post the Black Lilith titles I like… need to add them.

I have two Innocent Grey games ¬ñ Nagomibako has TWINS!! - and yet I’m not playing them because I’ve been REALLY procrastinating. Heard nothing but good things, but I can’t personally vouch anything until I’ve completed them. Still… I don’t expect to be disappointed.

The others I have not played or have in my collection yet: will work on fixing that ASAP. :slight_smile:

Since I’m always travelling around and I’d rather not party in locations I’m not intimate with, I can spend about 6 hours a day playing eroge: normally 8PM to 2AM. I generally only sleep for about 6 hours… I blame my time in the military for screwing me up with that. :wink:

On Saturday or Sunday - if I’m not in Japan, San Diego, or my hometown (where there’s other stuff I like to do) - that can crank up to 10 hours if the weekly workload was finished. So your typical “40 hour” game only lasts 3 or 4 days… because it’s rarely 40 hours to actually play them. Same goes for the occasional non-eroge console or handheld game I buy. If the voice acting doesn’t really appeal to me, or I just get bored with the particular route (can’t like every girl now), I’ll turn it off and just speed read through the text. I honestly read it - but not with the focus and dedication I do with the paths I really enjoyed.

LOL! Japanese have slain English for a looong time:


Good to see their not prejudice with the other cultures too. :stuck_out_tongue:

As expected of Narg-kun… :smiley:
I really have to thank you for this list…
There’re quite a lot of dark eroges we haven’t played or even heard of yet… :oops:
I’m a lazy net surfer, so…go figure…
Anyways you have our thanks… :stuck_out_tongue: