Dark Translations served with a DMCA notice

Due to the growing hostility on this thread, I suggest we change the topic to discuss the wonderful varieties of boobies.

From left to right: Childhood Friend, Loyal Kuudere, Devious Yangire, Loyal Tsundere :stuck_out_tongue:

Now that is just disappoining, Narg. My favorite medium-size athletic type is not represented! :cry:

Too big, too big, too big, too small. I disapprove.

Well thats one way to end an argument. :lol: Although I donā€™t see that much of a difference in the first 3

LOLā€¦ alrighty then. Pick what number you prefer. :stuck_out_tongue:

2-5, I guess.


As a range, 3-5. As a single number, 4.

Surprised that no one has picked 9 and 0 yet, I was sure some of you had some weird fetishesā€¦ Boy was I wrong : /

There is still plenty of time for someone to say they like those options, given that many people donā€™t visit this forum on the weekend in my experience. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™d probably take anything on the table except 1ā€¦

Well, to elaborate, 6 is pushing it - Iā€™d say borderline, but hell, the only reason I dislike large breasts in eroge is because they often get followed up with horrible H scenes. If itā€™s tasteful and the character is decent, like Ruri-chan from AsuKimi, go for it. 7 and 8, out. 9 is overweight which means Iā€™d probably play her route anyway because Iā€™m sure it would be hilarious. 0 wwwwwwwwwwwwwww no, and Iā€™m not into the THE??? games either

Yeah, Iā€™m going to have to go with numbers 3-5. 6 is possible but only with certain characters. Of course by certain characters, I mean ones that donā€™t suck.

Iā€™d take 1-8 because Iā€™m not picky, though my main reason for picking 1 is to give the finger to those who would ban loli

Donā€™t draw too much attention. The bear is still in hiding here. :wink:

ā€¦I think weā€™re now officially off-topic robo.

Hmm, the question is if thatā€™s a bad thing or notā€¦ but anyway, probably 3-5 and on weird occasions 6-7 would probably be appealing :wink:

Mission accomplished Narg :lol:

Using these as my source images, 4 of these characters are fine, and one is most definitely not. Everyone else fits nicely into my preferred 2-5 range, whereas Kyoukaā€™s 8+ status means I canā€™t look at her without visually cringing.

ouch! how does that poor girl stand up?

I know there are women in the world with breasts gone wild, butā€¦ looking at that makes me want to grab mine and hold onto them in case they get any funny ideas.

2-4, maybe 5. Anything above that and Iā€™d just be thinking about how much her back must hurt.