Dark Translations served with a DMCA notice

1-6 are all good. 3 is probably the best. Once they get bigger than her head, I’m out.

For me, i’d choose 3-6, with 5 the best.

1 must be a trap or a jailbait, 2 is definitely a jailbait. 7-8 must have a terrible pain in the back, 9 needs a liposuction and 0 must be a man! :slight_smile:

She should have painful and unhealthy surgery just to more properly align with your personal views of attractiveness? :slight_smile: Not to mention, she’d be far less mainstream-attractive after liposuction. Bags of hanging wrinkly empty skin, ew!

If the round girls are not to your taste, just leave them be and let them find their own cuddlepiles. :slight_smile:

Yes. I’ll pay for the reduction surgery for 6 through 8 too. (regrettably, 0 is a lost cause)

4-5 and possibly 3 and 6 for me. 1-2 are just to small for my taste and 7 and 8 are just to big.

Buy a dollfie and design her to your heart’s content instead. :slight_smile:

Seriously, liposuction is not good for you. It’s a useless procedure with a lot of potential side effects and no health benefits. If they suck more than a tiny bit, it leaves nasty saggy skin and possibly rotting bits, and the body restores the missing fat soon enough anyway. It’s a terrible thing to do, and it sets you up for a lifelong cycle of dismay. People get addicted to cosmetic surgery. Creepy.

Breast reduction has its own set of potential horrible woes (pain, all the various ways surgery can kill you, possibility of ending up with breasts/nipples that have no sensation, possibility of ending up with weird lumpy breasts, possible BAD REACTIONS to pregnancy, possible inability to breastfeed) but I get the impression that if everything does go well, the problem stays fixed and there can actually be improved quality of life - assuming the subject wanted it done in the first place.

I know it’s mostly brought up as a joke, but this seems a reasonable opportunity for my raving politicism to step in and wave the flag a bit. :slight_smile:

Yeah. A lot of the other surgical ways of reducing weight (lap band etc.) have their own rather horrific-sounding problems as well. No easy way to lose weight, at all.

I swear, when those things become advanced enough, both physically and in terms of AI, I totally will.

No guarantees I won’t get bored with her in a week and go back to eroge, but that’s how these things go =P

I have a really good online friend who had the procedure done. She was absolutely glad after it was over, since she was already having some nasty back problems when she wasn’t even 20 yet!

That had me wondering which of the 2-5 you’d go for, now that you can pick and choose whatever you might want…

Probably 4. Looks the most ‘natural’.

I think that 1-5 and 9 are equally ‘natural’, and personally I do not discriminate between breast sizes if the girl is cute :slight_smile: (yes, even 9 has potential, rarely :lol: ).

6-8 are a bad dream, 0 is a chemical nightmare :stuck_out_tongue: .

The recent eroge ???!???!???! has a 9, and she’s great. I found her ‘path’ to be quite hilarious.

To sorta get back on topic, I looked over one of their translations and I can’t believe people would pay him to commission that work. It sounds like a Japanese person translated it, which means it reminds me a lot of MG’s earlier stuff.

I’ve noticed that people who have zero proficiency in Japanese, will pay an arm and leg to get something Japanese translated into English. Why they won’t spend that money to actually learn Japanese is beyond me… although I’m told some people have trouble learning a second language no matter how hard they try (like how some people can never grasp higher mathematics no matter how hard they study).

That being said: he found a void people were willing to pay $$$ to have filled. Even it wasn’t filled with perfection. Many will take a 3 out of 10, if their only other choice nothing at all. There’s a huge deficit of eroge in the West, and that emptiness is stronger in the “dark and violent” side of the genre.

When was the last time Peach Princess released a hardcore evil eroge that focuses around forced sex? No… Lightning Warrior Raidy doesn’t count (it’s like calling Mario Brothers hardcore violence). I’m not blaming them - Peter is mindful of the potential political and legal censorship; it’s totally his choice to not touch the market - but it doesn’t change the fact there’s a demand for it. Fortunately MangaGamer has tried taking up the torch… but we’re still waiting for an awesome evil eroge to get officially translated (like a top tier release from Black Cyc or Anim).


Mmmmhhhh I haven’t paid arm and leg yet for VNs to be tled from Jpg to Eng 'cos I haven’t quite sunk into hardcore VN fandom level. Though I did pay half a thousand dollars(local currency) just to purchase and import a bunch of VNs a few years ago(still haven’t finished most of them). =P

But mehhh… I have too many problems remembering English, not to mention Mandarin. Mandarin’s supposedly my mother tongue but I have enough problems remembering all those damnable rules like “silent tones, tone variation”, “counting systems” and strokes. Then there’re all those Chinese dialects I’m supposed to speak but I can barely remember Hokkien… dunno the rest. :lol: Oh and forget about learning how to “write” the dialects: same writing system, yes… but sometimes, different kanji for certain meanings. :roll:

Japanese is on another level. =P I can’t remember much of hiragana or even katakana… and no way am I going to actually recall the Japanese meanings of kanji and not mix them up with the Chinese meanings for kanji. It’s a shame… I used to be so much more proficient at English + Mandarin too. At that time, I could’ve learnt Japanese if i’d wanted to.

It’s times like these that I really really wished that they’d have some unified language for Asia. -__-;; Oh well… soon… earth shall have a unified language. K, maybe not “soon” but a few hundred to thousand of years later… provided humans are still around. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, I’d love to see some really dark stuff or even all-out crazy stuff. Like guro level or those kinda “mindfuckery” stuff they used to pull in some 70s shoujo… Damnit… T_T I don’t mean… just like the “torture”( a la slowly peeling off the person’s skin, pouring in weird stuff into the person’s body, etc.) stuff they have in guro but the kinda “screwing with your mind” stuff they do in some “guro” and other types of manga/stories from other mediums. As in: total mindbreak, bizarre characters who operate solely using WTFism logic. And for me, it’d be damn fun if you threw in mindbreakery WTFism with some “dark stuff”.

It’s not fun … going all “nice and clean and happy” sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah… sorry… :oops:

I didn’t mean to imply that everyone would pay $$$ for a translations service… just that there’s enough of them, for someone to take advantage of the desire.

I think (in a lot of cases, but not all) it may be more a question of using the wrong/ill-suited/inefficient learning methods or spending insufficient time on it (as for Japanese, kanji alone are going to take a rather large chunk of time to learn, probably running into the hundreds of hours) rather than being unable to do so. If someone’s able to learn a first language, then most of the time there’s no reason why a second should be out of reach.

Don’t worry, dude… I think I was jumping around and ignoring parts of your posts… silly me. ><;;

But seriously… people like that translator are annoying. -__-;; Yeah, I understand the want to be “rewarded” for your translations(your work) but charging for them… is a big no-no… if they really want to “earn” something, they should join a company instead. His actions only make things worse.

“Patching” of visual novels is more like a “gray-issue” sort of thing anyways. Because even if the company gave their permission in “wording”, they can always retract it. I must admit that I know little to nothing about laws in general but even then, there’s no legal agreement that’s binding and stuff like that. So, I do think that it’s better not to over-step the boundaries and screw over the company’s goodwill to ignore it(provided they know the patch/project exists). But I’m likely repeating whatever everyone’s said in this long, long thread.

But seriously, reading about the Minori and the NNL drama leaves me with one thought: don’t the people involved in any of the sides, have anything better to do? -__-;; And the C&D wiki makes me laugh.

Then again, I’m hoping there are more companies that are open to fan-translation patches. -__-;;

Also, Nitro+‘s behaviour sounds pretty professional. Instead of screaming at TLK(which may or may not have provoked an angry response in return), what resulted was some sort of “co-operative stance” which seems more beneficial for everyone involved. That way, it’s “win win”(from what I know): translators’/editor’s/etc.'s work gets “appreciated and recognized”, “Nitro+ comes off as looking tolerant and at least ‘decent as humans towards other humans’” and people don’t end up drawing all sorts of conclusions… just 'cos they’re angry. Then again, maybe it’s 'cos they’re a bigger company so they can afford to be more lax or something(just jumping at conclusions here).

Btw, years ago… you mentioned having to play a BL game so you could review it. What did you end up playing?

But the process by which one learns a first language is very different from the process by which one learns a second language (assuming the second language was learned after early elementary school). Frankly, I think the real reason is that learning a language requires time and effort, whereas paying someone to translate for you only requires money.

As I understand it, the level of difficulty for understanding kanji when going from Chinese to Japanese depends on whether or not you were taught Simplified (predominantly mainland China) or Traditional (predominantly Taiwan and Hong Kong) Chinese characters. If you were taught Traditional, it is fairly simple since a great majority of Japanese kanji are written the same or very similar, often have the same meaning, and may have a similar pronunciation (much more likely when using onyomi). Simplified Chinese on the other hand makes things difficult. For instance, the character for horse is “?” (kunyomi: uma, ma onyomi: ba) in Japanese, “?” (pinyin: m?) in Traditional Chinese, but “?” in Simplified Chinese. While certainly much faster to write in Simplified, much of the origin is lost by chopping off the part of the character that represents the horse’s legs. Personally, I find that Simplified characters have lost much of their beauty.