Debaters asked

LaconianShot is at it again!

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(even in Japan)

That’s why story-heavy games sell better in Japan, right? (/sarcasm)

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 05-06-2005).]

Looks like you have a happy little flame war going there now…

Originally posted by Benoit:
That's why story-heavy games sell better in Japan, right? (/sarcasm)

Oh please. You're missing my point.

In Japan, adult bishoujo games are sold in the same places which sell ALL kinds of PORN -- in hentai shops, along with all kinds of sex toys, fetish costumes, and the like. You DON'T see bishoujo games in your neighborhood toy store. If bishoujo games are truly in a different league from other types of porn then why are they sold and bought there side-by-side? I'm simply stating what I observed while I was in Japan.

Besides, how would you even know the EXACT Japanese bishoujo game sales statistics?

Looks like you have a happy little flame war going there now...

Yeah. A little one.

All it would take to calm things down would be someone from here confirming (and perhaps correcting) what I'm saying, as to him, I'm not credible enough. I really need help here, no matter how well I'm argueing. Me alone is not enough.

Besides, how would you even know the EXACT Japanese bishoujo game sales statistics?

From a native Japanese bishoujo game player, of course!

I did see that you said "adult bishoujo games", but you there are still non-adult ones. [img][/img]

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Benoit:
All it would take to calm things down would be someone from here confirming (and perhaps correcting) what I’m saying, as to him, I’m not credible enough. I really need help here, no matter how well I’m argueing. Me alone is not enough.

My impression is that he’s so firmly entrenched in his stance now that only nuclear lemons would stand a chance at moving him now.

We’d probably be labeled as biased and/or unreliable, so I doubt it’d make much difference. I try to stay away from heated arguments like that, though I sometimes can’t help myself and make mile-long posts anyway.

Yes, us posting there would only make matters worse, not “calm things down.” It’s already descended into personal accusations and insults, and is now less a discussion/debate and more of a personal squabble.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-06-2005).]

I don’t know. If it weren’t for us ganging up against people on different threads then you wouldn’t be with us now, Dark_Shiki. If it makes a difference to even one random reader then it’s not a waste of time.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
I don't know. If it weren't for us ganging up against people on different threads then you wouldn't be with us now, Dark_Shiki. If it makes a difference to even one random reader then it's not a waste of time.

As with that debacle, pretty much anything of importance was covered early on. Benoit has made his point well enough already, and I see no need to beat a dead horse until its guts are splattered all over the to speak. There's a point at which you just have to let people think what they want and go your own ways. Also, piracy is quite unambiguously wrong. The opinion LaconianShot not. He's entitled to his opinion (ignorant though it may seem)--unlike Virgofenix.

Oh, and the Virgofenix wars were hardly the defining reason why I stopped pirating English H-games. They were merely a factor, and likely as not I would have taken the same path regardless, even if it had never occurred.

A friend of mine, Lord Khyron, has vouched for my statements, and it has calmed it down, and gotten my point accross. I can now drop the point.

Oh, and the Virgofenix wars were hardly the defining reason why I stopped pirating English H-games. They were merely a factor, and likely as not I would have taken the same path regardless, even if it had never occurred.

You never mentioned it like that, though. You only ever mentioned the Virgofenix wars. What were the other factors?
Maybie you could of discussed Hourglass of Summer instead

Yes… Though Brave Soul was the game that was first brought up, one year ago, and we went from there when bishoujo games came up as discussion subject again thanks to my thread.

Dear god…
What is going on here? There is clearly something wrong with the people on that forum, I guess it’s wrong to say that any male that gets angry about the thought of seeing something sexuual is wrong, but why is everyone getting so upset about it
"I’m mad, because you get to see nekkid pix an not interneal vsera and bones, 1 can7 2h0w 0ff my 1337 sk1lz 8ther!!!"

Originally posted by Benoit:

You never mentioned it like that, though. You only ever mentioned the Virgofenix wars. What were the other factors?

Well, first of all, I believe I'd seen the same sort of sentiments expressed in the Virgofenix wars elsewhere on this board. But the major reason I gave up pirating b-games is somewhat less than altruistic: peer pressure. I felt a distinct pressure to give up piracy if I wanted to be a part of this community. In my mind, I was basically confronted with two choices: give up piracy and become an active member, or stick to my ways and never be more than a lurker. The decision was a gradual one, but one I made nonetheless. Of course, if I didn't feel that piracy was somehow wrong in my own mind (thanks in part to the Virgofenix wars), the decision wouldn't have been so polarized, and I might have chosen to pirate the games while becoming an active member. But at the time, the personal feeling that piracy was wrong was not strong enough alone to make me give it up. To a large extent in fact, for me the most persuasive reason to not pirate b-games, then and now, is that the industry is so small and fragile. It is very dependent on its fans, more than anything else I've come across. If this were not the case, I probably would never have given up b-game piracy.

Originally posted by Benoit:
A friend of mine, Lord Khyron, has vouched for my statements, and it has calmed it down, and gotten my point accross. I can now drop the point.

Then he's done something we never could have done. I doubt many there would have been persuaded by complete strangers that you invited just to argue your point.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-07-2005).]

So, Dark_Shiki, even though you knew piracy to be wrong, you wouldn’t have given it up if the English market wasn’t fragile?

You understand that this makes me question your morals, right?

Originally posted by Benoit:
So, Dark_Shiki, even though you knew piracy to be wrong, you wouldn't have given it up if the English market wasn't fragile?

Likely. Once you get used to getting stuff for free almost effortlessly, it's hard to give up. A vague sentiment that piracy was bad was not enough. I needed something more concrete. After all, if it didn't make a difference anyway, why bother changing my ways?

You understand that this makes me question your morals, right? [img][/img]

Well, you should realize that the person I was then and the person I am now aren't necessarily the same. If the b-game market were to suddenly encounter explosive success, I wouldn't return to piracy. But I should say that I still pirate other things, even though it's "wrong." Generally not games, but I'd pirate certain Microsoft products in a heartbeat.

So yes, I admit that my "morals" are somewhat questionable. But then my entire sense of right and wrong has blurred recently, as I've come to realize that the world isn't as black and white as I used to think. Couple that with growing apathy and disillusionment with the world in general, and pirating various odds and ends doesn't seem to matter very much anymore.

Sigh, I don’t even know why I posted this here. When in doubt…blame Bishounen_Blue!

Originally posted by Benoit:
All it would take to calm things down would be someone from here confirming (and perhaps correcting) what I'm saying, as to him, I'm not credible enough. I really need help here, no matter how well I'm argueing. Me alone is not enough.
You're a complete idiot and a utter moron anyway, Benoit, and you know it. As the Virgofenix event proved it, just as people like him thinks bishoujo games are the worst thing ever invented by mankind, you put them on a piedestal and worship them without seeing the mud covering said piedestal and without any knowledge of the market and world of such games.

Che, coming back now to keep reading such fanatical fanboyish devotion.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:

Che, coming back now to keep reading such fanatical fanboyish devotion.

No, thanks. You can return to your wet dreams, now.