Demonbane question

So Peach Princess put their pre-order for this game, since I’m a lot more familiar with that site and how it lists its products, I have noticed the pre-order for the game does not have a “fully uncensored” note, so what kind of censorship will be showing up this time?

After what happened last time, I wouldn’t trust the listings on Peach Princess without someone on staff saying otherwise.

Which is why I asked this question here. Hoping to find out what the deal is. I’m not gonna be pre-ordering until I hear what JAST has to say.

Perhaps they just decided to be cautious and never use that phrase again in any of their advertisements. Perhaps not.

I guess we will see, won’t we?

Now I’m not exactly sure about the fate of Demonbane’s localization myself, but why are the Moero Downhill Night games (including the unreleased ones) labeled as “fully uncensored” if they’re just being ‘cautious’ with that label? If they could keep it for those games, why couldn’t they do it for this game?

If they were going to do something like censoring the game, I thought they actually promised to directly tell us before they release it, instead of saying nothing and keeping us wondering whether they did it or not until after it gets released?

Even if Demonbane is going to be uncensored in the end and we discover that our concerns were merely a case of overreaction, giving a little assurance might actually help us out a little, especially considering the fact that they also told us that they’d be a little more careful in looking at the content of their titles before deciding whether to license a title.

Real nice marketing here. :roll:

Don’t you think that there would be even more reaction if they pulled off the “fully uncensored” tag from games that have been up for pre-order for quite awhile? Some people (I won’t name examples) would cry out that Peter is conspiring against them again. If they are being cautious with using that label, it makes a hell of a lot more sense for them to simply not add it to a new pre-order than to pull it from a pre-order that has been up for some time.

I don’t know–If you ask me, they’ve pretty much shown that there’s no real guarantee that any work in progress is going to remain uncensored, so the application/retaining of that label for any upcoming game, not just Demonbane, seems like a risky proposition for JAST anyways. Despite the potential stink in the beginning, it could be more ethical to take the label off the Moero games so it can at least raise peoples’ awareness if JAST is so uncertain about their products that they can’t consistently apply it for all their games. After all, there’s going to be an even bigger reaction if they had to censor the game at the last moment, but kept the label anyways in their release. But despite the fact that they probably aren’t 100% certain about if it really is going to stay uncensored, they’re keeping the label on the Moero games anyway, so for all intents and purposes, that tells me that they don’t intend on censoring those games, at least not from what I can see. Right now, I can at the very least say “so far, so good” for the Moero games–I can’t really say the same with Demonbane because they aren’t telling us anything at all. What is it about Demonbane that they can’t tell us if they’re keeping it uncensored so far if they’re confident enough to keep the labels for their other upcoming games?

The “conspiracy theory” issue with regards to JAST/Peter is the company’s problem, not ours–I don’t see why that should be a reason to keep them from properly informing their customers. If anything, I’d imagine that a lack of clarity or disclosure on a product is probably only going to compound such fears. Those theories pretty much thrive off of uncertainty–I don’t see the company trying to allieviate that uncertainty, at least from what I can see.

Then again, if they promised to tell us if they’re censoring a game before they release it, then why not conversely inform us that they’re not going to censor a title before its release if they’re still using the “uncensored” label for their other upcoming titles? They’re going to have change it and tell us ahead of time once they find out that they have to censor it, so why keep us in the dark and make us worried this whole time?

What was the name of the fan translation group that was supposedly working with JAST to translate this title again? I think it’d be in our best interest to maintain contact with them so as to get a better idea as to what the hell is going on with the localization.

It’s not time to worry yet, and doing so is pointless. Peter already stated he wouldn’t outline changes long before the game is released; there’s no reason he’d commit to “censored” or “uncensored” at this point either, because that would lead to wild speculation. Sorry guys, but looks like you’re going to have to wait for Golden Master status for your official answer.

If you really want to bug the fan translators, here’s their site: … =Demonbane

It’s entirely possible that Nitro+ just lost the uncensored images, that stuff has happened before. Well, it’s not like some mosaic would ruin the game.

In general though (if I recall correctly), when data has been lost, JAST/GC/PP cancels the game because they are devoted to not having mosaic on the images.

Huge waste if the game is actually good though.

here are a few of the uncensored images … ase-nears/

Not sure what you mean by “uncensored” images. Those are probably just images from the original game, which happened to not have mosaics due to choice of images or “camera” angle.

Those are exactly images from the original game.

Fixed as only Narg can fix 'em.

I’m actually wondering how many times you’ve pulled that trick Narg :wink:

Only a million times. :stuck_out_tongue:

I care about the company trying to pull a fast one more than I care about the censorship. Both times this has come up with Peach Princess, it’s been handled extremely poorly.

As for the censorship itself, well, I did not, and will not, buy XChange 3, so the first case was moot - and the second case, I can understand. Even if the censorship means she’s got two bras on. They didn’t try to change the story to cover it up.

If you go look for it, you can find threads online where people talk about what manga have been censored and how much. Some things? Not a big deal. In Claymore, for example, apparently they airbrushed out a few shriveled mummy penises in one of the early arcs. Some people get all pissed off about that - frankly, it’s an irrelevant detail. It was in terms of the size of the change versus the size of the whole page, small. It did not materially affect the tone of the work (in the way that changing alcohol to “tea” does) because the work was not really very sensual anyway, it’s dark bloody fantasy. Nor was it in any way related to the plot at all. I do not care about irrelevant details.

Then there are cases where big changes were made. Negima, for example, the distributor was worried about the heavy fanservice; there was talk that it would be heavily censored as a result. A huge outcry killed that, and so it was released shrinkwrapped unedited. But in other cases - Faerie’s Landing, I think is the name of it – the changes even extended to changing the story; the rewrite was apparently so extensive that the storyline changed significantly as a result. Or Tenjo Tenge, where they took a mature-oriented title and tried to make it OK for teens by cutting out huge swathes of it. I actually dropped Faerie’s Landing when I found out that the story got messed up. (Tenjo Tenge never interested me anyway.) That, I care about.

Trust me you’re really not alone in that boat, and I must admit when I saw the word “censorship” in the first post I thought “oh christ… not again” as it seems not a single game can be discussed without someone repeating his or hers thoughts about just that… which easily fills up a page or two of the same old ramblings we’ve all read before.

In this case It turned out to be a valid question though, but it didn’t take long till it turned into another “the sky is falling thread”, which almost had me thinking that it would be neat if they just censored everything, but that would probably bring a ton of slightly adjusted moans instead.

To make it short, I don’t care about censorship, but I really dislike the massive board space it takes… but it’s not like people need to care much about that :wink:

So in other words, you do hate censorship since it also equals massive board space. :smiley: You hear that, JAST? No more censoring since it causes mass chaos in eroge communities! :evil: