Demonbane summer 2010 release

When I first joined this forum, I saw a post about how JAST doesn’t much like doing remakes. That is pretty clear when one browses their catalog. Is the third Demonbane game a remake with a few additions and touch ups or is it completely different like a sequel? I know there is a character I’ve seen that isn’t in the game we’re getting, so maybe it is just extra routes? Either way, I think it wouldn’t be soon if at all.

there are only 2 demonbane games
can anyone tell me if dvd edition and Nitro The Best! Vol.3 and Kishin Houkou have any different content from each other besides lack of h content

Don’t worry; I’m fairly certain Nitroplus won’t release another Demonbane.

unless they decide to do a new version of demonbane 2 with h content

Jast has no problem releasing new entries in a series; they released XChange 1-3, and XChange Alternative. However, they passed on XChange 1R - because they already released XChange 1.

So if there’s any chance of a non-h game being released by Jast, and if Demonbane does really well, they’ll probably release Demonbane 2. I don’t see the “not wanting to focus too much on one area” thing being an issue.

If Demonbane does well enough for Nitro+ to want to continue releasing things then I doubt that Demonbane 2 would be their highest priority unless it sold extremely well. More likely they would try to release either Jingai Makyou, due to them having “announced” it once already, or a newer title like Sumaga.

I’m hoping for Hello, World or Soukou Akki Muramasa. Best Nitroplus games. Hello, World might not really fit JAST’s model, though- it’s not pretty nor high-concept.

Extended fight scenes and some added cgs. I was hoping JAST somehow work on adding those, but that would be asking too much I guess.

i think jast could add an r patch to x-change 2 but it only adds very little content


“Hello, World.” been wanting that one since I first bumped into Nitro+

Muramasa would definitely be my top preference. Of course if I recall correctly it used a vertical text system, which could cause even more problems than Demonbane’s current issues.

This along with “at least before summer” gets the fire burning again.
Finally threw in the payment for the pre-order (Ended up borrowing a relatives credit card for a 1 dollar payment. Oh well).

I’ll just keep hoping I will have the game in my hands soon.

same for me

Depends on whether their contract allows for it and how much JAST wants to push for them and how much they think it’ll help (its obvious fans would prefer having more content). Very rarely is less better.

Well for something like this I would assume it would be break at spaces or dashes since text I would assume is suppose to be viewed the same no matter what. Thus PP is the one who determines if its better to break on a space or split the word.

Finally finished translating the first prequel novel. I am thinking of making a fc and posting stuff there for people.

Complete first prequel novel translation

Check if this works. Otherwise, I will try another method.(Also, if you want to copy the link to somewhere else, at least give credit to me.)

Just a quick note here that things are very much hopping on the Demonbane scene and there will be more news tomorrow - February is shaping up to be The Month of Demonbane and I’m pretty psyched about it. Not as psyched as I’ll be when the thing is finally printed, but this is as close as it gets.

This is epic! I’ll check it out when I have the time. Just a note that posting this sort of thing here is a bit of a grey area, but is generally fine - it’s piracy of available products that we have a problem with (someone reported this post and this is in response to them). This falls more under “sharing fan resources” and we’re cool with that.

Excellent, my evil minion … Excellent …

and i am pretty sure nitro+ has no desire to bring over that translated novels

Good to know. I am just doing this to get more people into the series. To be honest, I am amateur translator, so don’t expect anything professional from that novel translation. Might edit if you wish. Also, I can work on other 2 novels if you guys want.(they are well connected with the game itself.)