Devils Devel Concept

Since this game does look interesting and others have expressed interest in the game, I’ll make this post to see if anyone else has any thoughts on this game, and also whether it turns out to be as good as it looks after its release.

Anyway, here’s the link to the main site and a getchu link:

Story summary (according to

Human, monsters, and beasts… The world doesn’t forgive them… There is a town where mysterious cases often happen. The ones who have special ability called Enja. The origin of Enja is “devil”. They get together as if led by something unseen and kill each other. Sora is an Enja boy. He lost his parents several years ago and now lives alone. His life is full of peace, rest, and destruction. Peaceful school life with friends. Strange dreams he has every day. Battles against devils that appear in the town at night. His “contract” leads him to Hell of sadness, fights, and carnage. He also meets some girls along the way. Love, obedience, subordination, immorality, and desire. Sora, who doesn’t know how to love, is a broken human. What does Sora get, what does Sora lose through contracts with the girls? At the end of the contract, he meets the last devil…

All in all this title kind of looks like something from the Shin Megami Tensei series, so it definitely has my interest. That and I like the opening video.

It has twincest, so Narg is automatically aboard. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lancer-X makes a good point however, that Boku ga Sadame wasn’t as great as advertised. Minzoku Injou was also rather hallow, despite the great visuals and keen voice acting. It’s like Akatsuki Works has great ideas and talent, but are incompetent in focusing it properly.

I’m hoping this title breaks the mold, but I won’t be surprised if turns out to be overhyped. Akatsuki Works are masters at advertising though… there’s no question of that.

Just wanted to let anyone interested know that a new trailer was posted a couple of days ago whcih features the whole song and new images. Narg, not sure if you’ve seen it, but if you look hard enough the trailer seems to hint that your main character can win both twins :smiley:

I’m trying so hard to not hype myself over this game. I’ve been disappointed with several dark eroge as of late, and I don’t wanna be hurt again…

That being said: if this game is half as awesome as the soundtrack, then Narg will be happy.

The full song video is cool, but the whole “old film footage” look makes it hard to actually SEE things. It’s cool for a one-and-a-half minute intro, but not as a whole music video. :stuck_out_tongue: They also recycle a lot of the same pictures over and over again.

The new sleeping twincest makes me happy though. You can’t show something like that, and NOT have them share. 8)

On a sidenote: what is up with all these “rolling chains on the screen” for dark eroge? Does that come as a default template with Macromedia or something? :lol:

You don’t want to get hurt again? Perhaps I’m missing something, but I thought that was the whole point?

What about the GLOWING WHITE BIRDS, which you see in EVERYTHING? Are they some sort of standard effect too? Or did someone decide to shove some glowing white birds into an eroge OP one day, and everyone saw it and copied?

I mean, seriously, find another damn effect.

lol… true… and let’s not forget the ever fashionable OMG LENS FLARE LAWL!!1!!

Plus the “blood moon” is kinda over used… ever since the very first Castlevania, gothy games have been using it left and right ever since. :lol:

Well, more than just a plain lens flare, there’s also that flare-ish effect, with the stippled lines, that appears in the first and third screenshots I linked in my last post (the DDC and Little Busters! EX ones) - LB!EX uses that effect a bunch more times, Amber Quartz’ OP uses the effect probably half a dozen or so times, and who knows how many other titles do - more common than the damn birds.

Anyway, after watching the DDC demo movie, my thoughts:

  • 4:21 OP? That’s only ten seconds shorter than Saihate no Ima’s OP. I’m with the whole ‘ridiculously long OP’ thing but isn’t that taking it a bit far? Of course, this is assuming that they’re using the whole thing as the OP–which wouldn’t surprise me. Demo movies, to akatsuki and other akabei sister-companies are generally OP + release date/system requirements screen at the end.
  • The old film effect is a problem because of the compression codec - noise does NOT compress well. The only commonly-used video codec that deals with noise well at all is H264 - to get that OP video looking like it should with mpeg it’d need to be a gigabyte.
  • Did they show just about every non-H CG from DDC in that one video? It’d be funny if they did…

Oh, and totally unrelated, but Secret Game: Killer Queen DEPTH EDITION has a release date (24 April) now.

lol… you’re right… I bet we could make an entire thread, listing all the “recycled ideas” in ero intro movies. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also DDC will be out later today. I should have the game late this afternoon, and will have an opinion of it by this weekend. :o

Neat. For reference, I’ve changed my prerelease opinion of DDC somewhat.

Despite everything else, somehow I completely missed the SCENARIO WRITER for the game. That scenario writer isn’t bad! That scenario writer won’t make something bad. So, yeah, I guess I am sort of interested again. I’ll at the very least consider getting this.

So who is the scenario writer?

Ozukeii Chirouused to work for ROOT and CLOVER.

Was the scenario writter for Quilt.

It’s still too early to say, because I always have that “new game rush” when playing something… I always have to let myself cool down a few days and retrospect with a clear view. Completed two story arcs so far, and they’re both very gothy and evil. However this is NOT a guro title: no tentacles, insects, scat, or other nasties. All sex that I’ve ran into is consensual as well. Great music and voice acting. Artwork is on key. Awesome character designs, and you take the role of a total and complete bad ass (most powerful being in the world as a matter of fact).

Oh yes… before I forget… there’s delicious [color=red][size=200]TWINCEST[/size][/color] in it. They tag team and dual wield - in and out the bed I might add.

These positives being said… the scenario is bothering me. I can’t put my finger on it yet - maybe I just need a 100% complete to understand the whole deal - but there’s some potential plot holes and story disappointments. Kinda short. Sex is pretty skimpy too.

Need more time to finish it. I’ll definitely be giving it a full review: good or bad.

Initial reviews on erogamescape are not encouraging.

On a side note: I love the promo ad poster. Twins dock so symmetrically, don’cha think? 8)

Come on, FOUR REVIEWS (at the time of writing). Nobody’s had time to finish the game yet, so those reviews are probably worth ignoring =p

Finished it. Gonna replay through once more, to make sure I didn’t miss anything important.

Gonna do a formal review as soon as I can (this and Aquanauts of a Morning Calm are next on my list). Just immediately off the top of my head though:
[color=green]+ awesome character designs

  • detailed background and setting info (there’s even a glossary)
  • different antagonists and final boss for each scenario (hence the huge cast list)
  • premium first class music and solid voice acting
  • twincest[/color]
    [color=red]- maximum screen resolution is 1024 x 768
  • quality between different scenarios greatly differ (partly because of the huge cast list)
  • royally rips off Tsukihime and FATE
  • there’s proof the game was unfinished at the deadline (probably explaining the glossary)
  • typos out the ying-yang; thus a lack of QA’ing
  • not very much twincest[/color]

Also to make a correction to my earlier post: I’ve uncovered a gang bang rape of a virgin… but they rapists get what they deserve soon enough.

I assume I’m the only one who got this game already, but if I’m wrong on that assumption, I’d like to ask a few plot related questions. No cheating now… you don’t wanna spoil yourself if you’re interested in getting this game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Does it seem like Katana is the only girl with a complete story? I mean she has two alternative routes, a bad route, almost as many sex scenes as all the others combined, and an epilogue after the credits. Most of the girls only have two alternative routes… except the twincest who only have one good route and one bad route, then Mei with only one route… speaking of her, I assume that yandere is the canon ending, since she gets the vocal ending theme at the end. Also about the twincest… does it seem like it just “abruptly ends” for you? I was expecting more after they feel asleep in your lap. :expressionless:

As an update, Devils Devel Concept’s EGS score has substantially climbed, with a decent number of very positive reviews.

There’s only n=22 total, but still, it’s a good sign. Compare this to Tapestry, whose EGS score has dropped quite a bit.

I’m playing Tapestry currently, though, and it is quite awesome, so, uh… ignore those =p

Hmmm… someone even voted at 95 to offset the people who voted below 20. If you discount those “negative” initial scores, it rates as a 70+ title.

I’ve started drafting my own review for the game. I’m still assessing my final score for the whole thing… not many people I know have played it yet, so I’ve been taking my time and replaying certain routes to make sure I’m not missing any plot details.

I can safely say it will be a 70+ title for me… maybe 80+ if I can sort out why I have a nagging feeling about something.

The Type-Moon ripping is a double edge sword (cool for copying such awesome settings; but uncool for copying such settings).

I wish they’d release a patch to fix the typos. It be nice.

Patch 1.03 has been released. It fixes a lot of typos and various bugs. Strongly suggest applying it, if you’re still playing the ero.

On erogamescape the metric appears to be stabilizing at 70 (although some pages are still calculating the average as 68). So I’ll assume that’s the final scoring. That means the followship there feels that DDC is significantly superior to Boku ga Sadame Kimi niwa Tsubasa wo (an abysmal 57), but inferior to Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu (bling-bling of 79). Personally I never liked Rui wa Tomo… not a bad eroge… just not relevant to my needs. However I agree that Boku ga Sadame is pretty disappointing. To my knowledge, Rui wa Tomo is Akatsuki Works best selling eroge - I seriously doubt DDC did better than it, as far as sales are concerned.

How is a TRAP PROTAGONIST not relevant to your needs? =P It doesn’t even matter what your needs are; I’m sure it’s relevant, whether you realise it or not.

It’s basically a nice modern-day-ish horror story wrapped in moe and comedy - I think there’s something for most people in it.