Diablo 3


Was I the only one who was truly suprised that we really are going to have Diablo 3?

I believe everyone knew it was coming, but not so soon on the heels of Starcraft 2. Diablo 3 doesn’t appear to be as “finished” as SC2 was however… still in the concept phase (they’re trying to hire additional staff for its production).

I assume all of Blizzard’s current resources are locked down on Starcraft and WoW. :expressionless:

Check out the gameplay feature Video starring the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor. Destructible Enviroments FTW.

Can’t wait for this. I’ve been missing the awesomeness that is Diablo.

Of course, while we’re all waiting, we can enjoy an old-time classic:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMAbNFpt … re=related

If they exchanged Necromancers to Witch-doctors, I’m going to get angry…

Ah… so the drama begins. Gamers are telling the developers what to do. They’re even asking for stuff, the creators have pointed out are impossible to incorporate this far into development. Devs SHOULD NOT bend to “hardcore gamer” demands. Most games that alter their content, or conform to what “customers” want, turn into garbage. Master of Orion 3 anyone? They should stick to the plan that they’ve taken years to assemble.

Of course if Blizzard feels Diablo 3 isn’t going to be successful, they might just kill it. They’ve done it with other titles twice before. Wouldn’t that be funny. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a somewhat related note: SPORE has been getting some heat, for not meeting people’s expectations. Game is still selling well, but Maxis has pointed out that fans were over hyping things. They realized it was a problem, but it was well beyond their control to contain anymore.

I especially like how in this new video, the fan-critics said they took into account the Blizzard dev’s statement that “no color = unplayable, cause you can’t tell what’s onscreen”. They released a new video which they SAY shows it’s possible to strip out coloration and still have a playable level.

But I look at the video, and the “original footage” part is clean and works just fine – then the “altered footage” starts up, and all of a sudden bam, I can’t see [shift].

These critics just have no clue.

Didn’t even really notice the full illumination in the video the first time I watched it (The original on blizzard’s site). I mean i don’t want it to be so dark I can’t see in front of me, but I did like that shroud of darkness they had in the first 2, it really added to the creepiness of the world, but yeah for that video in particular I would have to agree with you :smiley:

P.S. does anyone on here still play D2?

Does it count if I say I still haven’t finished the first ever Diablo - on PS1? :oops:

I think it almost counts for something, even if i’m not sure what :smiley: