Disgaea 4

So it looks like NIS America finally is brining this over. I have to say overall they did a decent job, though as usual voice acting could use some work. Anyone picking this one up?

I’ve got it pre-ordered. fuuka is cute. I’m just hoping the game is funny like 1 and 3 where, 2 had really lame main characters

So been a while. I actually enjoyed the game. I think I might try a cosplay of Valvatorez and hand out some cans of sardines.

I liked it too but I think the humor was lacking. The same jokes get repeated constantly. The HD sprites look very nice though.

Well TBH, none of the protagonists have ever compared to Laharl imo, but they did some interesting things. I am thinking they were trying to get some more play by having a girl as a Prinnie instead of your typical Prinny.

Yeah Laharl was badass. I got him in D4 but I don’t have the motivation to go further. My brother plays it more than me even though I bought it…he beat zetta and pringer x

Glorious Hitter is my favorite move

I’ve said before in my review of Disagea Infinite they need to have him back as the main protagonist.

The biggest complaint I had with Disgea 4 is they didn’t do much to integrate the home town into gameplay. It’s little more than a shopping area which could effectively be done via menus (though probably not as exciting). I understand the battles are the meat of the game, but that doesn’t mean you ignore the condiments.

I’ll admit I’m not very far in the game (Item World grinding takes up so much time), but the biggest complaint I have is not being able to zoom in or out when it comes to viewing the battle. It gets a bit disorienting at times.

It tells you how in one of the tutorials within the first hour of play. You hold square and press R1 iirc. I’ve heard other people complain about this as well so I think a lot of people are just skipping the tutorials or didn’t pay much attention when doing them (can’t blame you honestly).

Isn’t the town like that in all the disgaea games? maybe I am not getting your meaning

Indeed it is. However, they’ve gone and improved a lot of aspects in every release. Most of these are naturally battle, but not all. This one is notable for its online connectivity, but there are other minor improvements. However, the town has been left relatively unhanged since its initial release.