Disney owns Marvel

Wow… just… wow…

http://money.cnn.com/2009/08/31/news/co … /index.htm

So I guess the next Capcom fighter will be Disney VS Marvel. Mickey Mouse battles Spiderman… my money is on the rat. :stuck_out_tongue:

My guess is nothing much other than Disney logo will change in the immediate future. Long-term, probably seeing some Disney comics, possibly some crossover although probably more with other series. More likely you’d see crossover into Kingdom Hearts if anything.

I see a lot of people saying that, but I doubt it. Considering how Final Fantasy got treated compared to the core Disney properties that got incorporated (i.e. a mere afterthought), the most I would expect to see is one or two guys that don’t much act like their real counterparts show up and moan about how their world was destroyed. Possibly a summon. But a lot of the most famous Marvel characters are too dark/gritty/violent for KH.


oh… the Punisher isn’t Disney friendly. :oops:


Frank Castle!!! Not Heralds of Galactus!!! >.>

If we ever do see any Marvel characters in the KH universe, I’d put my money on Spiderman (if so, no deals with the devil please) or the X-Men considering that they’ve had cartoon series that were kid friendly enough that I remember as being good (for the latter I’m talking about the first cartoon series and not the one based on the movies, though I do admit that series, Evolution, was pretty good as well). Of course I’d also like to see some Marvel villains show up. For instance, imagine what a Heartless version of Mr. Sinister would be like.

Superhero comics stopped being a novelty decades ago, I’m not surprised at all by these news, the strongest always wins :stuck_out_tongue: :lol: .

Here’s something interesting for all you fans of Crossgen… Disney owns most if not all the Crossgen IPs.

With their acquisition of Marvel, there’s a good chance we could see some of the Crossgen titles back in some capacity. (And with Greg Land and Paul Pelletier (Artists of Sojurn and Negation) working for Marvel at the moment, the chance we might see some new Crossgen titles seems like it could happen. Personally, I’d like to see Tony Bedard and Pelletier finish Negation War and use that as a springboard to launch the new Crossgen line.

-It also puts Marvel on even footing with DC now since DC is backed by TimeWarner.

I heard about this briefly on the radio on my way back from school yesterday. Before I turned to another station, the general consensus amongst the speakers was that given Disney’s current management, don’t really expect much to change. They pointed out how when Disney acquired Pixar, they essentially just left them alone to do their own thing (i.e. if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it).

There will now be stuff like this and you will like it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I suppose this mean we’ll be seeing The Incredibles in Marvel titles? Or Marvel characters in The Incredibles spinoffs? :shock:

Yandere. Apex Predator of the Universe. 8) :twisted:

essentially =/= completely though and TBH Marvel isn’t in the same spot Pixar is; comic books as they have been traditionally are dying and likely to continue their death spiral due to the rising cost of paper and print.

Actually while the prices on books continue to rise, a lot of it is due not only to increased manufacturing costs, but to the decrease in sales and higher salaries / Contracts for creators. Consider that during the 40’s comics sold 500k copies easily. due to their being few entertainment alternatives. Now with all the other options out there, and Super-Hero Comics sad tendency to Stagnate and not be truly innovative, It’s no wonder why print medium for Comic Books is dying.

Well graphic novels have become much more mainstream and marketable. Reading a “graphic novel” is not seen in the same light as reading the latest comic book issue in some areas. This is likely due to the greater variety of mainstream graphic novels available and the use of “novel” doesn’t hurt them.