Dissidia Final Fantasy

Dissidia Final Fantasy is basically Kingdom Hearts with only Final Fantasy characters and settings. PSP only release.


All the primary heroes join together and all the primary baddies (with a few slight exceptions) join together. Huge battle royal.

Major fun for FF fans. People who are tired of the Square-Enix cowcashing of the franchise, might wanna look elsewhere.

Yea, looks like they had to make some exceptions for 1 and 3. Hmm…not sure as for most of those games my favorite characters aren’t there, so it’s meh.

Sounds about right, reminds me of Stephen King in Family guy.

Stephen “A couple is camping and they get attacked by a… uh… lamp monster!!! OOOOOOO”
publisher " … You aren’t even trying anymore are you?"
Stephen "Hyah! hyah! hyah! -stabs lamp at publisher-
Publisher “… How much do you want?”

Sounds a bit like Super Robot Wars for Final Fantasy.

i was wondering when someone would start a topic for this title :stuck_out_tongue:

idea-wise, its similar to super robot wars, but its not a strategy game; its a one-on-one fighting game but no intense joystick-snapping button combos like street fighter

anyhow, i started playing it after visiting japan during xmas. as a person who pretty much suck at playing fighting and action games, this game was surprising okay for me although it got boring pretty quickly

the songs kinda suck though, at least not my cup of tea…its all sung in english and while language is not an issue for me but they all sound like english anime songs to me…

havent tried controlling any bad guys yet, my personal favorite “heroes” are zidane and cloud

I’m hating this game for the way characters talk. Cloud’s idioms are annoying to me… and man… what’s up with Tidus? :shock:

Don’t get me started on Kefka. :expressionless:

well kefta is kefta :stuck_out_tongue:

i guess ur just not used to a voiced verison of ff6 characters…and also the fact that we know kefta is kinda insane from the beginning since the super famicom days so what do you expect :stuck_out_tongue: