Divergence Eve/Misaki Chronicles ???

Errr… has anyone seen these two, because I just finished with them and I’m confused with the ending. What the hell happend in the end?

I did - ages ago.

However, I don’t recall that it left open any questions in the end - perhaps I should watch it again soon…

Finished rewatching the last four episodes - and I can now understand what was confusing.
Actually, the anime never clearly states what happened, so I made up my own theory about that. But I don’t want to spoil too much about that here, so first I will just give you a few hints for giving you directions to my solution.

If that shouldn’t be enough, I will give you my plain explanation (that still might be wrong - mind you!). But then I will encode it in ROT13 in order to not spoil the info for accidental bypassers.

For now my hints:

  • What are Multiverses?
  • What did LeBlanc want to do - and how?
  • What did Misaki tell him in their final argument?
  • What are the Ghouls?

The answers to these question together with what obviously happened in the end of the last episode should lead to a coclusion that might be close to mine.

Good luck! :wink:

[ 07-31-2007, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

It’s been a while since I’ve seen it so I can only remember a bit about what happened. Also for Uni I don’t remember anything that was left very open but if you’d like can you tell me what sorts of things were not explained? Gonna add a few lines to saperate the spoilers. Probably don’t need to add the alerts after this post since I’ll make it really long and no one read beyond this point if you don’t wanna be spoiled. :stuck_out_tongue:

Below are spoilers so don’t read on if your scared of them.

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Well basically at the end everyone forgets about Misaki except for Lyar. Because she never forgets that means that there is still a parallel universe that is connected with the present one. So when Lyar returns to Watcher’s Nest she finds this intersection to see that Misaki has been waiting for her to come. My memory is kinda fuzzy on this whole thing if you have any specific questions about events or something then I can probably answer much more clearly. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s just that at the end there is a young Misaki and an old one (the one Lyar meets at the end) that was confusing, and where did Luxandra come from? Because she was there at the end 2.
And what, will everyone live happily-ever-after on the Watchers Nest? And where did Lyar and Misaki disapear to? Whats Misaki’s breast size? (that wasn’t serious). Ergh…my head hurts.

  1. The young “Misaki” that you see isn’t the real one but the daughter from the couple in the scene before the colonization ship leaves. Edit: I just remembered that you see a young Misaki that gives a hint to Lyar about where the intersection is. That’s the Misaki that was created at the end of Divergence Eve, the one that remembers the promise with her father. You can say that it’s the part of her that knows what needs to be done while the adult Misaki during most of the beginning is just trying to run away.

  2. I don’t actually remember a part at the end where Lux comes back but since you recently saw it you must be correct. My guess would be that since in Watcher’s Nest there is an intersection of 2 universes there could be one where Lux doesn’t die. Or it is simply a memory scene. Sorry I really don’t remember this one at all.

  3. It is implied that there will be good and bad memories in the future for the people on Watcher’s Nest. It’s simply Misaki that has grown to realize that trying to change the past won’t work and to accept all of reality. It is close to what would be called a happy ending but with the arrival of LeBlanc it is implied that things will be rough once again.

  4. Lyar and Misaki didn’t disappear. They met at the meeting point of 2 universes where Misaki has been waiting for Lyar to come.

[ 08-02-2007, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: hiro ]