do I like horny bunnies?

Since this is the year of the rabbit, I’m thinking that it’s my patrotic duty to get this game. But I’d like to hear from the Voice of the People first. Which one’s better? 1 or 2?

Personally, I don’t even remember what happened in which one. I remember that they weren’t worth the money though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just look at the screenshots and choose the bunnies you like. There isn’t any sort of depth to these games anyway.

Both Games are sex romps. and there really isn’t all that much to them, focus on a particular girl and go from there.

I’ve only played the first one and I thought it was good. Sagara Family was alot better as a sex romp though.

  1. I liked the first one a lot more than I did the second one.

  2. On the other hand, DYLHB1 is one of the first h-games I ever played, and the second one I played after having played a lot of much better games. So it might be nostalgia coloring my perception, since I haven’t replayed the first one in a very long time.

  3. Back on the first hand, I had the same experience with Kangi Schicyauzo - which I DID go back and replay the first one, and I still enjoyed it.

So I guess I would NOT recommend getting both, and I would recommend the first game over the second game. But I’m not the most reliable person to ask.

I liked they both but I’d good with the second one more than the first. But then this is my opinion.

I would recommend NOT to pick any of the two. If you really, and I mean really, have got to pick one of the two, go for the second.

Both are poorly made sexromps… I honestly can’t suggest you get any game…

i know for a fact that i do lol. i liked the first one more but i enjoyed them both. maybe because i like both the sex romps and more story driven games that i don’t see why people hate this game or any sex romps. i liked all the games i own and played. i don’t think there was one i hated and i own a pretty big library well its big to me lol.

i’d say get them both. but if anything get the first one.

Well, people who can understand Japanese (and thus have access to Japanese market games) will have access to a huge ocean of titles. So it doesn’t surprise me that people who speak Japanese think DYLHB isn’t a terribly good game.

As someone who more or less only has access to what’s in English, I liked DYLHB 1. (2, not so much.) But I haven’t replayed it recently so I couldn’t say how it holds up.

I enjoyed them somewhat, but there are sections where I am POSITIVE the translators got lazy and put in quick statements rather then full translations. Five or six sentences in Japanese should not translate to “IT feels so good, more!”.

Yeah, I noticed that.

Thanks for all the comments. I went ahead and got the game, and I like it just fine. DarkFusion mentioned The Sagara Family, and I think I’ll pick that one up soon, too. I’m finding I’m getting a little more interested in the older JAST games than in the newer ones lately. Can’t say why, exactly, but maybe they’re just getting a little too moe for my tastes. My Girlfriend is the President? Come on.

Yeah, you really should get Sagara Family. I somewhat liked all ZYX games I’ve played, but Sagara Family was the best one by far. :smiley:

I realize I’m late to the party, but I figure I’d throw in my two cents anyway:

It’s been a long time since I played through the Bunnies titles. As I recall, the first one had less refined art and was literally rough around the edges (ZyX didn’t introduce sprite anti-aliasing until much later). On the other hand, the characters in the second had a lot less substance, and some of their scenarios were actually reused from the first (the plot developments in Hiromi’s and Misuzu’s routes were identical, IIRC). The majority of the routes in both titles were extremely formulaic or cliche (usually both). The decision tree for each character was almost exactly the same, too (just different choice labels). I can’t wholeheartedly recommend either of them, to be quite honest.

As far as mindless sex romps go, The Sagara Family gives you much more bang for your buck (pun not intended, but it fits). It features superior art from the same artist, a better story (though one of the scenarios is basically recycled from Bunnies 2), and a much more likable cast. Oh, and a ludicrous variety of sex scenes. I hear that the Kango Shicyauzo series is good as well, but I haven’t played through any of the Trabulance titles just yet.

I should note that all three of the ZyX titles mentioned are directly related. The protagonist and all five heroines from the first Bunnies have more than just voiced cameos in Bunnies 2. You’ll have no idea who they are when they appear unless you’ve played the prequel. The Sagara Family serves to canonize which of the ladies in the Bunnies titles the respective protagonists chose in the end (interestingly enough, they chose my favorites from each game). The first Bunnies cameo appears in Arisa’s route, while the Bunnies 2 one can be found during Ruruka’s ending. To that end, I’d advise getting the first Bunnies title over Bunnies 2, and both over The Sagara Family. That’s only if you care about continuity, though (I’m a stickler for it).

I hope this has been helpful.