Do u know the name of this game

It was a game from the arcades, it was like Wonderboy in the graphics and Gameplay, but it was a bout a boy who went trough the game killing monsters and getting money for it, then u could enter in some kind of stores and boy potions, magics, armors, weapons, etc.
I cant remember this games name, and i know im giving u little (almost none) information. but u may know which game it is.

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
It was a game from the arcades, it was like Wonderboy in the graphics and Gameplay, but it was a bout a boy who went trough the game killing monsters and getting money for it, then u could enter in some kind of stores and boy potions, magics, armors, weapons, etc.
I cant remember this games name, and i know im giving u little (almost none) information. but u may know which game it is.

Not without more information. That's so vague it could describe an awful lot of games.

Without a doubt, it’s the modded NES game known as “Pussy City Pimps.”

well, one of my friends says it was called “wonderboy in 'something’land” or something like that(but i dont think so).
One of the first bosses was a kind of phantom (wannabe ‘grim reaper’). and alse, the bosses had a sphere in their chest that was changing colors till y turned red, the closser it was to red, the closer to defeat the monster u were.
if i remeber something else, i’ll post it

Your friend meant Wonder Boy in Monster Land. I played that game, and you don’t spend any money in it. So it’s not that, definitely.

That’s the game. Wonderboy in monsterland.
i wanted to get it because i remember playing it when a was a kid, and i got nostalgic.
BTW, do u know if that game is an abandonware or something? i want to play it again in my Computer ( believe it or no, i DO obey the law -its like i feel pursued by my own moral:S :S if u get the meaning :S :S-)
if not, were can i buy it?
I have a NeoGeo, does it plays that game?
Help please!

You mean that’s the game you referred to in your first post? It’s just like Wonder Boy, just with a subtitle, and you don’t go into any shops and don’t collect any money.

It’s not abandonware, that’s for sure. It came out on various systems, I think, one of them being the Master System.
eBay would be your best bet, probably.

Ok, thanks for the info, but i’m not someone who like to buy via eBay. i guess i will search for it, somewhere else then.

Originally posted by Benoit:
You mean that's the game you referred to in your first post? It's just like Wonder Boy, just with a subtitle, and you don't go into any shops and don't collect any money.

Um, you actually do. Here's a gallery of screenshots:,26/gameId,12588/

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 11-21-2004).]

I guess the ROM site I got the game from back in the day (for Game Gear) had the name wrong.

So that’s the game, eh? Looks like Wonder Boy II for the Master System.

That’s what it was, I think. There was Wonderboy, then there was Wonderboy in Monsterland, and then there was (the far superior) Wonderboy III: The Dragon’s Trap. The third one was a brilliant game, IMO. Very inventive.

Yup. And I still don’t have it.
Should buy a better pad first, though. The current infrared pad I have doesn’t ‘support’ the pressing of the two buttons simultaneously.

I owned Wonderboy III back in the days when I had a Sega Master System 2 - the one with the Alex Kidd game built in. I wonder where that console got to, anyway. It was probably sold or junked ages ago. sigh

Anyway, I think Wonderboy III is an example of platform gaming at its finest. Forget Wonderboy in Monsterland, Avenger - find Wonderboy III!

Well, it seems obvious that most (if not ALL)
of u say that WB3 is better than WBML, and i think i’ll buy it. But the true is that i wanted to get WBML is because is one of the few games i never get to complete (i always got beatten in the first 3 or 4 chaps )
and i’m not the kind of person who takes defeat that easily

Why ditch one game over the other? Just buy both.

Yup, Darkling, I have the same Master System model.
Alex Kidd sure was a hard game, especially in the end. A few more months, and I’m 19. I was 6 when I got my Master System, my first console. I only beat the game something like almost two years ago, and I needed the Internet for it, too.

Hmm, good point, Benoit. Getting one doesn’t rule out getting the other one. It’s just that I was never able to get anywhere with WBML, whereas I eventually managed to finish WB3 on my own, so I feel that it’s a less frustrating gaming experience.

With Alex Kidd, the tough part was memorising the order for each game of jan-ken. Well, that, and then beating up the bosses when they got upset about losing. But I remember eventually beating that one too - and that was in the days way before the Internet!

Everyone hum the Alex Kidd theme music with me! Dada da daaaa, dada da daaaaa, dada daDA da da da daaaaaa…

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 11-23-2004).]

maybe i’ll buy wb3 later (i want Little my maid first and if i’m not worng its almost release date )
About Alex Kidd, well, when i played it, i was 6 or 7 and my name in english is Alexander, so, simply put, i got that game because of the title
mmmhhhh… MHHHHH!!!.. the music…, OH! i remember!..Dada da daaaa, dada da daaaaa, dada daDA da da da daaaaaa…

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 11-23-2004).]

Ahh, the memories… Yes, I can follow the tune quite well.

I had made a list of the correct decisions on the Janken games, and had mastered defeating them when they lost. The hard part of the game was the hidden lake castle, and Janken at the end of it. His Janken choices are random, and he cheats! Plus, defeating him is rather hard.

But I ALWAYS got stuck in that room with those silver crests on the floor. I never figured out the order on my own. And if you made a wrong order, the ghosts would come after you. Going all the way to the left made the disappear most of the time, but not always…

Sadly, I’ve forgotten most of what I knew about Alex Kidd. It’s been years since I played it. I remember that I loved the helicopter sequences the best - it was heaps of fun just blasting away at rocks.

I remember the early stages better, since I played them so often trying to beat the game, but I think it was a relief to have finished the game, so I may have only finished the game once, for all I know…

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 11-24-2004).]