Do you like horny bunnies 2 Quickie Review

Either the people who already have the game are still engrossed in playing the game or everyone is just plain lazy, no one has put up a quickie review so I guess I’ll do it once again

After many problems with the game crashing and rebooting my system I think I might have found the problem and with a quick driver update I haven’t had crash since So here is my quickie review:

You are Kazuma a somelier(wine dude) for the newest Platinum restraunt. You got hired by your ex-lover who also happens to be the manger of this platinum. Whats more it seems all the bunny girls are interested in you. I like how this game is going already

The graphics is classic Zyx. So if you like how the women look in chain, tsuki, virgin roster, ect you will like how they look in horny bunnies. I personally love Zyx character designs so it gets a + from me. There are some animated h-scenes so fans of these can rejoice too.

Can’t comment much on the sound as I think that’s what was causing my crashes so I was playing them without music. But from the little I heard it’s your standard fair nothing great nothing bad.

The gameplay is exacly like horny bunnies 1. In fact you probably won’t notice much of a difference between 1 and 2. Which could be a good thing or bad thing. The dificulty is about the same also.

Like I said I had some techinical dificulties with the game so I really haven’t played it that much only gotta couple sex scenes which were really easy to get. But the game is fun much like horny bunnies 1 and does anyone remember if Sumika was in Horny bunnies 1? In the story they say that she worked in the origional platinum. Ok it’s friday, I didn’t get much sleep and I’m still at work so I’m ending this review here

They don’t go right out and say it but wasn’t Akina (original Platinum Manager) and Sumika roommates in college? That would make her husband the Sommelier of the original Platinum.

Hmm, I can’t really remember exactly. I’ll probably go back and check it out.

I liked the game. It was fun for the most part. And I liked how they worked in the cameos by the characters from the original game. It made logical sense and wasn’t just out of the blue. (And they kept each girl’s quirks from the game and worked it into the scene.) And while I know they emphasized Makoto’s breast size, it seemed to me that pretty much all the girls were well endowed. So that can be good or bad, depending on your point of view.

One thing I was sort of disappointed on though. In the first game, each girl had a particular sexual peculiarity that was a strong part of the storyline. In this one, it was a bit more low-key and not as central. Since I thought that was part of the charm of the first game, I was hoping it would continue into the second one.

Oh well, either way I definitely enjoyed the weekend with the game. I thought Shiori was hilarious at times, though I doubt I would survive having a girl like her as a girlfriend.

OH yeah About shiori she like the adult equipment. lol Also, her hobyy is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I like to see that in real world. lol

Originally posted by Computermania:
OH yeah About shiori she like the adult equipment. lol Also, her hobyy is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I like to see that in real world. lol

Nah, I really liked her idea of creating a school club for it. I mean, can you imagine the membership for such a club?

Hmm… I haven’t gotten to shiori’s path yet, but it looks like I might have to go after he next Damn how come it always happens, I get the game first everyone else finishes it first.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm.. I haven't gotten to shiori's path yet, but it looks like I might have to go after he next [img][/img] Damn how come it always happens, I get the game first everyone else finishes it first.

Some of us have less of a life than you... [img][/img]

Actually, in this case I've been looking forward to Bunny 2 for awhile now. So I really couldn't wait to run through it immediately. Besides, I'd been having a bad week and I really just needed to unwind over the weekend.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm.. I haven't gotten to shiori's path yet, but it looks like I might have to go after he next [img][/img] Damn how come it always happens, I get the game first everyone else finishes it first.

yeah up you should go with shiroi path. Anyway, when I have a time mostly I play the B-games. But, once I finish the B-games I don't play that much. lol

~__~ … Sad… Really Sad…

I haven’t even reached the first decision tree yet. Guess I shouldn’t even be here reading possible spoilers. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by ekylo:
Some of us have less of a life than you... [img][/img]

FF XI has been a serious distraction for me as of late, but I have gotten Sumika's, Madoka's and Makoto's endings.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 03-31-2004).]

Originally posted by Noirbo:
Guess I shouldn't even be here reading possible spoilers. ^_^

Well, any review thread is going to have the possibilities of spoilers. Though I thought we did a good job of avoiding any major spoilers. Then again, Bunny 2 isn't exactly full of twists and turns in the storylines.

Yeah seems there’s not too many choices to mess you up. That said, my first time through I did get the bad ending.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Yeah seems there's not too many choices to mess you up. That said, my first time through I did get the bad ending.

When I played the first time of B-games I always get good endings. I don't know why, I always end up with good ending. To gather the CGs, I have to see the bad ending T-T

shrug Well I know I don’t always get the good endings, sort of depends on how complex the game is. But once I get the general idea down, usually I can get all the good ones in short order. Still feels really weird later to go back and purposely screw up to get the bad endings though.

Originally posted by What the ?:
Hope this doesn't sound too perverted but are
the animated sex scenes long like in Fortuna or just short clips, like they were in Chain.
Well thanks 4 any help, g'nite.

Having not played Fortuna, I can't be really sure what you mean...

But in general, all Zyx titles have those really short clips that just keep repeating over and over. Nothing new with Bunny 2.

Yup they are the chain type. Hmm…so fortuna has more animated h-scenes, might have to see if I can find a copy of it cheap somewhere

Is anyone willing to write an official review for We’d love to get more up to date reviews on the site.

I’m thinking about cleaning up my Brave Soul mini-review now and send it to J-Mate, but it seems that only one review is allowed for each game… That and the fact that bishoujo games are listed under the evil category that is “hentai games”.

I think Ekylo is writing a review as we speak. At least that’s what he’s claiming he’s doing now in the other thread Don’t worry we’ll keep beating him with a frozen trout or was it pelting him with rotten lemons until he produces

I think you had to take his shinies away.