Do you prefer virgin heroines?

LOL! :twisted:

[size=200]You’z don’ like blood…?[/size]

I do not understand… :?:
[size=150]…[/size] :roll:

Do I even need to say it? :lol:

I tend to think girls with spunk are overrated. They tend to be easily broken, because the defiance is actually a front for their inner weakness. Once you’ve stripped away the illusion of self control, its only a skip away to shatter their mental stability and remold them into what you want. It’s the quiet girls that are more threatening I think. Since they are always submissive and do what their told, its difficult to tell if you’ve REALLY broken and remold them into absolute loyalty, or if this is just their natural reflexive mechanism to authority. Therefore they remain a threat, because the spark of independence (which is the irony here) still remains hidden beneath everything.

I want a clean slate damn it! :evil:

So breaking such girls sometimes requires making them stronger in self confidence, and once they’ve achieved a point where they are grateful for you in making them this way, break her down to submission again. After all, you gotta reassert your role as the absolute Master who can give and take away EVERYTHING they cherish. Of course that’s just one of many techniques and possible situations. Too many factors have to be considered, before going with a particular plan. :twisted:

Who said eroge would not be handfull in real life ? :smiley:

I like my women how I like my food : clean and never touched by someone else.

It’s strange that I feel mildly annoyed and want to chastise people who are snooty about virginity, and yet I have absolutely no desire to scold Narg. :slight_smile: Perhaps it’s easier for my instinctive reactions to recognise that Narg’s desires are fantasy, not reality, and don’t mean he’s like that to real girls?

… or perhaps my instincts recognise a Master and quietly fall into line…

That might work but you have to be careful or they might commit suicide. So as you break them you have to show them that you are a true master over everything of them. That means even life and death. If that means they feel you won’t kill them, then you must make them think that you have no qualms of doing this by showing them the ease at which you might get another to replace her so that she realizes her place. Then at the same time you must torture her both mentally and physically so she wishes for death, but of course you don’t grant that wish.

Of course you could always play the role of sympatheic character who’s fallen in love with her and would do anything. Build her confidence and the illusion of control for her up to grand heights until your ready to make your move and crush her when it’s too late.

Of course both of those are just two of many possibilities.

Ah, but one of the many reasons that I love reading your posts, Narg. You always put things so eloquently.

We also agree… :twisted:
Got other things to say… But since Narg-kun already covered most of the details… :roll:
And I’m getting lazy…

We also think that these [size=150]“QUOTE”[/size] is somewhat appropriate inn this thread… :mrgreen:


I do believe these happen(ed) in YMK.

For myself, maybe i’d really like the idea of a pretends-to-be innocent, yet actually a closet nymph (that needs cracking to open) BUT still-a-virgin kind of girl/character. That’d be teh_PURE WIN in my specifications. (Kirimiya Mizuki came really close here)
Although i’d instantly go for Innocents and Moe (<<FTW) characters easily, and then “train” them? However, i’m not really into guro or anything of the sort.

But if ever possible… it’d be someone like Belldandy. Yes, this character holds a special place within me.

Heh… as far as Oh My Goddess virginity goes (female deities in order of appearance):

Belldandy - Virgin. No question. Keiichi might be her first. Depends if he grows a spine.

Urd - Plum Spirit is implied to be her first. Not sure if she’s still sexually active since then however: given how much she hangs around the temple all day and all night, its really doubtful. Plus she appears to still be holding that torch for the Plum Spirit…

Skuld - Virgin. No question. Sentarou will probably be her first though - he has way more backbone than Keiichi.

Maller - Feh… probably a virgin when all is said and done. She’s always too focused on her work. Never seems to have had a relationship with anyone. There’s always Velsper though. :roll:

Peorth - She “gives it up” too easily to be a virgin. The “slut goddess” of the group. :shock:

Hild - Not a virgin. Popped out Urd.

Lind - Virgin. No question. She pretty much spends every waking moment breaking things with really sharp objects. Cold fish all the way. Nevertheless, she wins Narg’s approval - she has twincest angels. You’re practically getting a threesome for the price one. Not to mention she’s probably a masochist. Lastly, Lind makes Ragnarok happen in my pants when she’s in a bikini. Doormat Belldandy is overrated. :twisted:

OHH MY GOD, I JUST DIED A LITTLE :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Thx, Ragnarok in my pants, I’ll remember that.

I’d normally say yes to the question, but Yuka was my favourite character in Crescendo, so i guess it really depends on how strong the story is.

For case like that, they have their second virginity to give you :slight_smile:

You can see that with Yuka (Crescendo) and the aunt in come see me tonight 2 for exemple.

Anal FTW!