Do you replay your old games?

I don’t think we can really give age of a character as evidence of sketchy translation… at least not when the original is under 18!

The most blatant example I can think of is when Critical Point’s Reiko-chan is asked her age, the Japanese voice says 17 and the English sub says 18. Let’s not get started on SotS and assorted others. Changing insults or expletives is quite common too. (The translation may still be very slapdash, I’ve no idea - just saying ages in particular don’t indicate much…)

And I’m very glad to discover I’m not the only one with a backlog of games to play! I can only really play translated-to-English games, and only started buying them about a year ago (this ex-pirate has reformed, my b-game collection’s fully legal now!), but I still have several unplayed, several more I need to get far more endings to than I have already, and seem to acquire new ones faster than they leave the list…

I’m almost caught up with my games, but I just received an order of 55 anime DVDs from RightStuf. Looks like my nights are booked for a while.

Originally posted by woodelf:
That is more than my monthly income on that order! Wow I guess that was about $1500 US.
At 5 hours a night that is around the 2'nd
of march! Have fun with your anime!

Actually, less than a $1000 with their end of year in stock and membership discounts. Thanks to everyone's help in the So how many here watch anime and read manga discussion, I got plenty of leads.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 01-15-2004).]

Heh I like Rightstuf’s studio sales more since you get a bigger % discount. So I just wait for a studio sale before I stock up on a studios title unless it’s something that I need RIGHT NOW like rune soldier or CoTS. They still have a CPM anime and manga sale going right now so I need to see if I need anything from CPM.

Well as long as we can brag about anime as well as games backlog I’m there I probably have a 10-20 US console game backlog along with my 100-200 dvd backlog so yeah Olf I’m just as bad as you and Uni

For me, half the time I forget about the Right Stuf sales until it’s too late. Especially with the time zone difference, I usually remember then find out it’s past the deadline…

Well, I’m not as bad as you guys. Unless you want to count all the games included in various bundles that I never intended to play. There’s quite a bit of those in my apartment somewhere…

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Are we really going to make that our "brag with your backlog"-thread?

Usually, people brag about what they accomplished, not about what they still have to finish. ^^;;;;;
Originally posted by woodelf:To get back on topic, I don't replay my old games since I've had so much trouble getting the good endings, I know them by heart.
Kouruyaku are your best friends! ^_-

"What is love if not painful and tragic? It's just boring."
- Elaine Barlow -

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 01-16-2004).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Usually, people brag about what they accomplished, not about what they still have to finish. ^^;;;;;

Think positive!
How does "Managed to out-buy his own greed" sound?

I just hope that Spec-san isn't going to apply this nice wording on me the next time it comes in handy for him... [img][/img]

I’d rather think that “hoarding” doesn’t imply “using” thus that I’m being faithful to my draconic nature.

Hahaha I rather like the word hoarding for what we do Man I just hope I don’t get too sucked into buying cels