Do you replay your old games?

Over the weekend I decided to replay Desire, a game I hadn’t touched for around four years. Over two evenings I ploughed through Albert’s scenario and will soon be resuming as Makoto. The thing is, I had forgotten what a superb story it is (at least as Albert), prompting me to rethink my position on single-path games. Before playing, plot details were sketchy; I vaguely remembered certain events happening but couldn’t put them in context. However I dodistinctly remember not ever wanting to play through Desire again, so it struck me as funny how an extended break can rejuvinate a game and allow one to squeeze just a little more value from it.

After finishing Desire I plan to have another crack at DiviDead, having only got two endings the first time round and being totally lost in the complex plot (of which I can recall very little). It’s quite an exciting prospect, almost like having a new game waiting to be explored.

So, anyone else replay their old games and find themselves absolutely loving it?

Heh, of course. Snow Drop is one I still will pull out because I really do love the story. Nocturnal Illusions is another. (Although oddly enough, I still havn’t finished the Memorial version…) Actually, I probably should try DiviDead again as well. Who knows, now that I have more experience, maybe I can understand it better.

To truly understand Divi-Dead you need the walkthrough, Sachiko’s ending is virtually impossible to get with out it.

yeah I do from time to time. The story intensive, linear games are great to replay after a long break after you forget some details. Divi-dead is an awesome game and deserved to be replayed, loved the dark atmoshpere and music in that game. Chain is also another one I plan on replaying as soon as more of the details of the story is forgotten in my swiss cheese brain

I’m currently replaying the old '96 “Can Can Bunny Premier2”…
I’m replaying part of the Toraha series every year…
I’m planning to (at last) play Pia3, so I’ll probably replay Pia1, 2, 2.5 and TB beforehand. ^^;;;;;

“What is love if not painful and tragic? It’s just boring.”
- Elaine Barlow -

Originally posted by Doug:
To truly understand Divi-Dead you need the walkthrough, Sachiko's ending is virtually impossible to get with out it.

I'm able to get the endings, it's understanding the bloody things afterwards that I'm unable to do... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 01-08-2004).]

[QUOTE]Originally posted by ekylo:
[B] I’m able to get the endings, it’s understanding the bloody things afterwards that I’m unable to do…

Could you briefly explain how the endings work please? I remember getting a choice near the end of the game which - depending on the choice - gave me two different endings, neither of which involved Sachiko but I’m sure one involved dying…

I plan to finish replaying Divi-Dead for Japanese version. You can tell its insincere translation without knowing any Japanese. When Ranmaru asks Azusa about her age, her reply is “old enough” in English dialogue. In Japanese dialogue, it’s 16. This is minor change which I don’t mind. There’s another instance. After Azusa tricked Ranmaru and ran away, his curse is bitch in English dialogu. In Japanes dialogue, his curse is shit. I’m not going to argue which one is less obscene, but they changed the meaning completely.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
I'm currently replaying the old '96 "Can Can Bunny Premier2"...
I'm replaying part of the Toraha series every year...
I'm planning to (at last) play Pia3, so I'll probably replay Pia1, 2, 2.5 and TB beforehand. ^^;;;;;

Man that's alot of games your replaying [img][/img] Didn't you have like a huge backlog of games you didn't even play yet [img][/img]

Originally posted by Interzone:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ekylo:
[B] Could you briefly explain how the endings work please? I remember getting a choice near the end of the game which - depending on the choice - gave me two different endings, neither of which involved Sachiko but I'm sure one involved dying...

It's not that simple. Actually, there are 8 important decisions that you make during the entire story that affect which of the 5 possible endings you get. You have to make at least 7 of them in a particular manner in order to get the Sachiko-endings.

As a rule of thumb for Sachiko's endings: In all you decisions you should more stick to the nurse and the sisters than to the librarian and Haruka. I hope that helps...

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Man that's alot of games your replaying [img][/img] Didn't you have like a huge backlog of games you didn't even play yet [img][/img]

Don't tell me about that! I checked recently and...
I have 200 bishoujo games (PC and console added) and played... 38 of them!!!! ^^;;;;;

Hahahhah your about as bad as me with my anime dvds

Who says I’m not going to watch them much like I’m sure Olf is going to play all his collected games I’m going to watch all my collected anime, I just need a year long vacation to do it

Let’s see…
In about 6 years and a half, I played 38 games, which means I need about two months to complete a game…
I have currently 162 games to complete + 6 others already preordered for this month…
So, if we consider I stop right now buying new games, I’ll need… 28 years to play them all!!! ^^;;;;;;

Ouch… better start looking for that Elixir of Unending Life now…

Then again, I’m not much better… between anime to watch and games to play, I’ll be serving about 15-20…

[This message has been edited by Faust (edited 01-14-2004).]

Well now Olf if you just quit your job and play bishoujo games full time I’m sure you can speed up your time it takes to finish a game

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Well now Olf if you just quit your job and play bishoujo games full time I'm sure you can speed up your time it takes to finish a game [img][/img]

At least, until he can't afford food or the electric bill (whatever comes first). After that point, his speed will suddenly deteriorate... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Faust:
Ouch... better start looking for that Elixir of Unending Life now...

Why not start to look for the Fountain of Yoth instead? Or the Pilosopher's stone? Or gate leading intoa specific place... etc.. ? There's a lot of more alternatives than just an Elixir [img][/img].

Bah. To the dragon that I am, lifespan isn’t a problem. Notwithstanding, 28 years is… quite a long time. ^^;;;;

EDT: and what about you people? I’m sure there are plenty people with a backlog as long or longer than mine!

“What is love if not painful and tragic? It’s just boring.”
- Elaine Barlow -

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 01-15-2004).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
EDT: and what about you people? I'm sure there are plenty people with a backlog as long or longer than mine!

Are we really going to make that our "brag with your backlog"-thread?
*Off, counting my collection*

Oh, just in the meantime:
Regarding the original topic:
I occasionally replay one of my played games, but not too frequent. I still hope to keep my backlog smaller than olf's... [img][/img]