Does G-Collection still has the contact with Trabulance

Well, I don’t know for sure, but common rumors here tell that CD-Bros. has gone bankrupt.

If that’s true, then I would assume that all labels of CD-Bros. have ceased to exist. That would mean:
No new titles from Trabulance, Sekilala, Zerocool and Angel Smile anymore.

Actually, there were more labels, but as far as I know, we have only seen localizations from these four.

We also got games from ZyX, Ignition, and D.O. We know that ZyX is still in business, as is D.O.

We do plan to do more games. it will be a while since we’ve got a backlog of PeaPri games to release.

Originally posted by Benoit:
We also got games from ZyX, Ignition, and D.O.

Ah thanks for reminding me!
Indeed, Ignition was also another label from CD-Bros.

Originally posted by Benoit:
We know that ZyX is still in business, as is D.O.

As far as I know, ZyX and D.O. are other companies who just cooperated with CD-Bros. for forming G-Collections' lineup.
So, even if CD-Bros. has now bankrupted, they still might act on their own and release new games in Japan.

However, I don't think we ever heard an official staement from Peter if ZyX and D.O. are still interested to cooperate with him as they did with CD-Bros.

no more games from angel smile? ah man, that blows

Really? Trabulance is dead? I haven’t seen any updates on their website but it hasn’t shutdown either so I’m guessing that they’re still breathing at least. If it’s true then I guess that’s too bad. I really liked their animation style. Reminded me of Cherrysoft which also is dead now as well. Damn. I hope that the artists find somewhere else to work.

Peter, any idea on when we might expect these future G-Collection games?

CD BROS is still active, at least Kurono and Steady branches are up.

Maybe a few of them survived to their stupid commercial choice…