Does your girl/boyfriend know you're playing Bishoujo games?

If I could get a girlfriend, I wouldn’t be playing these games nearly as much. I still probably wouldn’t date someone who was uptight enough to have a problem with them, though.

No, you don’t seem scary. Also, ever17 fandom is usually a plus. :slight_smile:

However, in some forums, any discussion of gender quickly devolves into:

  1. someone hitting on all the girls for no reason other than their being female, and/or declaring that they “asked for it” by declaring their gender
  2. someone accusing all the girls of being fakes, and demanding answers to extremely improper questions to “prove it”
  3. someone launching into a rant about women, either using the revealed girls as targets or claiming that the existence of said girls proves that the speaker is not really a sexist, because THESE girls are DIFFERENT!

So by this point my instincts react badly to the subject coming up. :slight_smile:

Never had a girlfriend. Never particularly cared. Yet I’m here … buying all the games … wanting all the awesome ones brought over.

I am well aware this makes me a weirdo. Stopped caring a long time ago. :smiley:

I don’t understand why would anyone having a proper gf/bf play bishoujo games in a first place.

A good Bishoujo game can touch you. :smiley:

Bishoujo’s are an addiction also, least you don’t die from it so far that I know. As for the question no sadly I don’t have a girlfriend. :cry:

Having friends or a gf/bf doesn’t stop one from practicing their hobbies, more so if said friends or gf/bf are also interested in the same hobby.

It’s the same for other hobbies. You don’t just stop reading books, watching movies, painting, sports, or whatever your hobby may be just because other people are around you. I play games, Kick box, watch anime, and still have my friends and my pet. The fact she’s involved in all of my hobbies as well helps, but even if she wasn’t, that still wouldn’t stop me from enjoying them.

Hobby? We’re not talking about that… all this moe/bishoujo culture and it’s products like erogames and so on are aiming at those ‘sex-deprived anti-social loners’ almost as a replacement for their lack of actual love/sex-life, so I’m personally kinda puzzled why would anyone with regular love/sexual partner waist dozens of hours in front of computer screen, having imaginary love affairs with 2D anime girls instead of well…spending quality time with their actual real-life girlfriends or whatever.

just remember that your GF maybe doesn’t want to have a kidney failure… So your only hope to have a “love affair” with a dying obedient girl is to play Kana little sister :smiley:
Personaly, If my left hand is on my mouse, my right hand is not on my ***. I don’t play eroge for the sexual content (I like visual novels in general)… most of the time (I will buy raidy and it will be my first 100% sex oriented game).
But still, even married men watch porn… maybe because their women are not sexual slaves (in some countries at least :)) or because they can make the difference between love and sexual urges (without cheating on their wives).

It’s complicated… let’s just say that every person is (should be) unique.

Never forget that, ever.

You bring up key points, although none should be of any concern because as you’ve stated this is a “social board” therefore making his statement irrelevant BUT and this is a huge juicy but, he speaks the truth as well. There are such things as aiming games to a particular audience and he sees himself as part of that audience because as he stated “why would anyone with regular love affairs WAIST time on imaginary ones.”. So you both WERE talking about two different things and when you decided to mix it misinformation reared it’s ugly…well rear. And on a final note, while he is part of THAT audience I believe that at the very least I can speak for Me, You, and the major bad ass I quoted earlier on games touching you that we are part of another audience who procreate in this genre of games simply because we like it. Thank you Princess Peach, Goodnight, and may the force be with you…always.

Putting MrBiggens’ harsh words aside and sticking to a level headed debate, I completely disagree.

We -are- talking about a hobby here. If you ask these questions then the same does apply to books and movies as well. Why would anyone in a relationship watch romance, or read love stories? The fact is, because it’s a hobby. As Rorokenu pointed out, RichardFG made a very accurate summery of why some people play B-games. I don’t deny that these games are geared towards social outcasts, because the companies making these games know they’ll buy them. However, the stories are what truly attract the people who aren’t social outcasts as well, thus making for a bigger market for these companies. I’d get into the potential games like these have for couples for ideas in the bedroom as well, but that’s taking it to a personal level that’s better left to the imagination. These games have just suffered from typical stereotyping, which is the curse of anything that doesn’t meet vanilla society’s standards. Just think, games like The Sims and Halo would have been considered a nerd’s hobby in the past, but now it’s largely acceptable for them to be played by what vanilla society considers ‘normal people’.

What about those of us who play games with our partners?

Okay, actually, I have never tried to play a game at the same time as someone else. Reading speed variation would make that annoying. However, I do share my games.

Not to mention that I see no relation between the games and making up for a lack of sex or love life, because I can’t imagine how reading a story about characters in a game is any better a replacement for a love life than reading a book (which is to say, not very much, but at least it passes the time) and while I’m sure plenty of you boys do wank over these things, I tend to find the porny bits more funny than anything else. Particularly with the, shall we say, less than arousing translations the sex scenes get. :slight_smile:

By my standards, this stuff barely qualifies as erotic. But I enjoy reading, I enjoy cute anime girls, I enjoy exploring strange cultural quirks.

Lol. I’m a man, but I feel the same.
Most of the time I laugh during the sex scenes (but I’m still aroused… saying the opposite would be a big lie).

Well, I have a wife, and she knows, because I can’t keep my mouth shut. When I come across something in a game that I find particularly amusing or dramatic, I just have to tell her. Her response is usually a tolerant smile while she tells me to take out the garbage. When you are a gamer, you just can’t keep it to yourself, you know. I’ve been into games for years and years, and so have all my friends. When we communicate with each other our language is liberally peppered with terms from our games, like: ‘hit points’ and ‘saving roll’ (and now: ‘decision point’ and ’ [name of girl]'s path" or ‘H-scene.’ )Our spouses usually tolerate it, as long as we give them equal time by watching their latest chick flick (and be prepared to discuss it afterwards. Take notes!).

Let me tell you a little story: My mother used to read a lot of those romance novels (aka: ‘bodice-rippers’), you know, and whenever I visited her she would give me stacks and stacks of the ones she’d finished with. Her reasoning was thus: she liked them and she knew that I liked to read, as well. So [QED] she thought that I would like to read them. I won’t go as far as saying that I did like them, but I read them (after all, you do have to talk to your mom sometimes as well. Take notes!), so I’m a bit familiar with ‘chick-lit.’ And it strikes me that there’s not that much difference between chick-lit and eroge (except when there is: X-change and Bible Black come to mind). I would go as far to say that bishoujo is chick-lit for guys…except that I guess we’re not all guys here.

Wait, not only you’re obviously completely clueless about whole otaku/moe/bishoujo culture and majority of its consumers but you don’t see there’s like huge and very obvious difference between being anti-social in RL and on some semi-anonymous internet messageboard, and you’re calling me ignorant and ‘fucking idiot’ (shouldn’t you get warning from mod for that?) :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: …guess any debate with you stops here.

Dalburnan, Ok I think I understand what’re you getting at, as you look at bishoujo games the way you look at the book or movie or normal game, but I just think bishoujo games as a media form are on some very different and more personal level and I don’t see it as just a mere hobby the way you do. Thank for answering without calling me ‘fucking idiot’ though. :wink:

No fighting guys!

This is my (peaceful) topic. 8)

I asked my GF to bring along my region free DVD player. So I can try Hourglass of Summer. :smiley:

Ok this is my very last reply with you
a) I wasn’t mad then, I’m not mad now, though I admit I don’t like net-hooligans like you calling people names for no reason, you acting so mighty in RL too? …guess not
b) Don’t put words in my mouth, I said this industry is aiming at sexdeprivedblablah…, but nowhere I said all the people on this board are like that, nor I think so anyway. But then again; me, you, we’re all playing these games thanks to nolife otakus back in Japan that are putting tons and tons of money into this industry or in other words this whole industry is built upon those sex-deprived anti-social folks like it or not
c) heat, kitchen, bitch?..I dont’ get it, is that some sort of american football vocubalary, if you’re trying to tell me I shouldn’t be on this board cause I don’t share same opinion as you are…well I can only tell you back to FO then :smiley:

Don’t forget that there is a difference between a japanese who play eroge and us.
We don’t have the same social envirronement, so even if otaku are maybe seen as no-life in Japan it’s not the same in the Occident.

So the % of eroge addicts who have a GF/BF is probably superior in occident countries.

oh jeez…i would expect something like this if some random outsider comes into this board and says “you anime freaks are all anti-social nerds with no life”, but i cant believe this is happening amongst the members themselves, and makes me wonder why byndhrzn joined this bbs in the first place

ok while byndhrzn’s statements aren’t necessarily false (or at least partly), this pretty much trolling given the theme/culture of this bbs, and such (stereotypical) comments are generally not welcome here. byndhrzn should keep in mind that, like dalburnan said, this is nothing more than a hobby. while i wouldn’t say that there is no “anti-socialism” in this industry, i think it’s only to an extent and nowhere close to as a whole and should not be labelled as a stereotype like byndhrzn does. normal people, from both genders and “social levels”, do play these games, just like watching anime or playing counterstrike or GTA or MMORPGS, for stress relief from our daily lives and work, and thats just only one of the many reasons. i would like to compare this industry with something like the star wars franchise. would you say that the franchise is fueled by and aimed at anti-socials? of course not. sure there are crazy nerdy fans, but there are more normal people who are into it as well, just like there are normal people who are into this moe/bishoujo industry. i think this can be applied to pretty much anything, it’s just that the level of dedication or passion will vary by the individual and does not necessarily equate to anti-social or no-life in my opinion. are people who wait overnight in line for a release of a bishoujo game in japan just as anti-social as people who wait overnight in front of a theatre for a star wars movie premiere? not necessarily, and honestly, however anti-social these adults may be are none of our business because that is their private life. it’s a matter of choice (and aesthetics) which again comes back to the individual and it’s not something for us to judge

i must admit that originally this is a potentially interesting thread for discussion, but sadly with byndhrzn’s fix, which is totally uncalled for, i am going to close this thread. if richardfg wants to restart a thread from scratch please feel free to do so but i expect byndhrzn to not restate his comments again.

byndhrzn, you should know very well that such stereotypical statements, however partially true, are widely unwelcome in a bbs of this genre and will almost guarantee to some sort of flaming so please from now on seriously refrain from making such comments or i will have to consider suspending or banning your account, if the other members have not counter-attacked you already. MrBiggens, while your reaction is not necessarily unjustified and undeserved because ultimately byndhrzn started it , please try to be more civil when trying to deal with people like byndhrzn