Doujin Eroges

To avoid sidelining the interview thread in the other forums, and since there isn’t a dedicated topic for this already, this is a new thread for doujin eroges, free or otherwise.

The art in Ane Summer! 1 + 2 is rather interesting. (incidentally, the artist (Sumeragi Kohaku) also worked on Bazooka Cafe, which doesn’t seem to be one of his better efforts). From my perspective, there are quite a few eroges with better lineart, but very few with this level of colouring - in that sense it can be compared to minori’s eden*. Oddly enough though after having played Iceno!, my main reason for wanting to try the Ane Summer! games isn’t the art, story or ero - it’s actually the quality of the text, something which I wouldn’t say about most scenario writers.

Mini-review of Iceno! (engdlsite version - their translated plot summary is somewhat misleading as amongst other things, ‘fleeting, painful winter love story’ seems to have become ‘tender’ in their translation): Unlike the Ane Summer! games, the main writer wasn’t in charge of the planning as well, which I think comes through in the story (essentially the game’s only weakness). After the introduction, the game’s split into two halves. The first is a map selection (the scenes with CGs are marked with pink hearts on the map when they appear, although not all of them are ero-scenes), which despite containing some plot foreshadowing, is essentially a collection of slice of life scenes, a lot of which are extremely funny. The second half (after day 14) is completely linear, and contains almost all of the story development. Depending on the choices made in the first half of the game, the game will either finish with a bad ending, or move past that section onto a good ending (kind of like Mizuki’s good/bad ending structure in Yume Miru Kusuri). Because of the ending structure, I’d strongly recommend using a walkthrough, and aiming for the good ending first (as the bad ending kind of terminates along the way, and the final parts of the game probably won’t have the same impact otherwise). Aside from the scenario itself not being quite as good as it might have been in absolute terms (can’t really describe why without venturing into spoiler territory), the pacing is also very problematic, as there’s not really a gradual progression between the game’s two halves.

If you take the price into account though, nothing else can really be faulted - the art’s rather good (DEVILS DEVEL CONCEPT artist, but the lineart’s much improved), music’s certainly passable and the writing is excellent, probably some of the best from 2009. Ero, well, it’s high quality but the scenes themselves are a little bit peculiar, although there’s nothing particularly offputting in them either. It’s maybe a bit over 4 hours or so all up, and I guess because of the length and scenario weaknesses, as much as I enjoyed it, I can’t say it’s any more than an 80% eroge.

[Edit: Fixed the incomplete sentence - thanks Baldo.]

Nice minireview :slight_smile: , except here :wink: :


About me, I’ve played 10-15 doujin erogames (can’t remember), I think that the best one of my collection is Minami kara no Tegami: … game=10451

I love its art, but also ero and story (50/50 mix of dark and light themes neatly divided in different paths) are good (that “The story line is difficult to understand completely” from Lord’s dlsite review is crap, if you ask me :stuck_out_tongue: ), there are doujins making a better work in ero, art OR story, but Minami kara no Tegami is a real all-around product, and cheap too :smiley: .

I’ve played this one, and I agree that the story is not difficult to understand at all. To be honest, I was a little disappointed in the majority of the routes; admittedly I got the game for the hypnosis, but the thing was that only the hypnosis routes were actually all that good! I found that the other girl’s paths were rather unbelievable, and it didn’t seem to have the same strength of story. The harem route was, of course, an abomination but this is pretty common stuff.

Overall I enjoyed Saimin Jikken, by the same circle, a fair bit more. It’s shorter but has much better writing, music and atmosphere. The art isn’t as good, though.

Eagerly looking forward to #define’s next eroge.

I thought the “harem route” was put in there as a joke. Didn’t the writers tease you about it at the end?

I’m planning on playing one or both of those in the nearish future. As hypnotism games, they appeal a lot more to me (and are much better drawn) than say BLACK RAINBOW’s output. Incidentally, #define’s sister brand ifdef recently released a new Mahoushoujo title. The production values seem rather high for the price and the writer seems to have a reasonable track record, but it looks a bit too generic and insultish to be interesting. Has hardly gotten any attention on EGS, so I’m waiting for further reviews before I make I final decision on whether or not to buy it.

I played Schrodinger no Tobira (dlsite engdlsite EGS) a few months ago, and while I wasn’t that taken with it overall, it was probably a good first NTR title for me to get a feel more the genre. The story itself doesn’t carry any real surprises - what’s on engdlsite pretty much describes the whole game. There are decision points in the story where you find out about the NTR, but disappointgly the game ends at that moment. It’s probably worth reading the EGS reviews to discover where it stands in relation to other NTR titles, but from what I understand Schrodinger no Tobira is relatively uncommon for not having any happy, non-NTR routes and from covering a whole gamut of different ero-scenes that emphasise varying aspects of ‘stealing’. I don’t think there are any NTR fans on this forum, but obviously if you like NTR, it’s a must buy, otherwise though (being such a specialised work) it’s probably a pass, as past a certain point, I found it very difficult to sympathise with the heroine, and the game moved from being depressing to a collection of ero-scenes. Production-wise, amazingly it doesn’t come with a CG gallery, scene gallery or music room… :roll: the art at times is fairly out of proportion, but the style is quite nice for a doujin work, and there’s an above average number of CGs to offset this defect (also, overall playtime is probably in the 3-4 hour range). Everything else is pretty much as expected - music quite nice but isn’t something you’d pay much attention to, and Reina’s seiyuu does a reasonably good job. This circle’s second game should be coming out in March, and from the few details that they’ve made available so far, it looks stylistically very similar to Schrodinger no Tobira, so definitely a wait and see for me.

They’re still good for a low-cost product, and however I much liked Kouzuka’s Good Route (only the Good Route of Ayane is really so-so, in my opinion).

And yes, I’m with you on Saimin Jikken, but I’m also VERY partial to pretty graphics in supposedly EROTIC products.
Saimin Jikken’s depiction of the inevitable victory of the Dark Side is really something to see :twisted: :stuck_out_tongue: , but tragically it comes with the strings of substandard graphics attached, as you can see from those few CGs I included after uploading the game page on :frowning: .
I prefer story to art even in an erotic product, but it’s a fact that I’ve bought MANY more well-drawn sexromps than well-written eronovels :oops: …

Yeah, it WAS a joke… And a convenient way to use a discarded CG :stuck_out_tongue: :lol: …

I see the writing quality as being the #1 most important detail in any sex-oriented story. Ero lives or dies by how well it’s written.

A story-focused title can get by with substandard writing if the story is good, but ero can’t get by without good writing. Good art is strictly optional, and nice to have, but the writing is what people buy. Nobody wants rubbish ero, even if it does look very good (Love x Evolution again).

Agreed. What’s odd (and unfortunate) is that quite a few famous story writers are terrible at writing ero-scenes, Nasu and Looseboy being two obvious examples.

If anyone’s interested in free eroges, these two are borderline recommendations, the second being a couple of percent better than the first:

Pancake’s Colorful is a light, linear, minimal story ero-based, single (loli) heroine game. The plot itself is inconsequential, as it essentially acts as a framework for the light ero atmosphere of the game. Although there are one or two amusing moments in the story, and for a free game the production values are rather high (11 HCGs, and in the rerelease, the heroine is fully voiced), the game itself isn’t particularly well written, and lacks any strong character development and humour. Consequently, it feels rather flat in a ‘why did you bother making this?’ kind of way. Colorful clearly doesn’t play to Pancake’s strengths. which can be understood in the light of their previous releases, almost all of which are yandere titles of varying quality. As a sex-focused free eroge, Colorful is quite strong, but in objective terms it’s not a particularly good game.

3 on 10’s Might - I think of you as yourself. - is a more story focused, but to Colorful in that it’s a linear single heroine game. The story is more in depth than Colorful’s, (which consequently leads to the game only having a single ero scene), but again it feels like a framework, as certain plot details are introduced that have minimal relevance to the story, and others aren’t elaborated on enough for the emotional segments in the game to work. The production values are still good, but slightly lower than Colorful’s (only 8 CGs, and unvoiced). Again, the game feels a bit incomplete as it is, particularly after reading the author’s notes where the creator refers to light’s Dear My Friend and Palette’s Moshiraba as influences for the heroine, only for her character to be far short of those examples. The creator’s obviously put a fair bit of thought into the game, as can be seen by their explanations of the somewhat unusual title, but their ideas for the story don’t seem to come through in the game as much as they might think they do. I wouldn’t say I wasted the 45 minutes or so I spent playing each game, but I still found it a bit frustrating to play eroges that with a bit of work on the story + quality of writing could be 5% better. Incidentally, they both would have benefitted from original music too, as I recognised several tracks in each game from other doujin eroges.