Doushin - Stuck at 99% 526 out of 527

Need help getting this last picture.

I have all endings and faces/poses.

Missing 1 picture from Page 3, top left most picture.

Any help would be great!

[ 01-10-2007, 03:24 AM: Message edited by: BettiePage ]

If you’ve found 99%, maybe you can help me with my problem. I’m trying to find one Maki Scene, think it’s the lesbian scene, it’s the top one on the third column in the memory room, and the third Miho Scene in the Memory Room. I suspect this one’s happening at the same time as Maki’s.

follow a moment of calm exactly as guide shows

The missing picture BettiePage is missing on p3 is of Maki in the Shower. Under the A FARAWAY DREAM one there’s an * saying At 9:25 on day 4 (just before point 12) zap to Maki (instead of Miho) to get shower scene

Thanks for the help getting the Maki Scene I was missing. Think I’d not followed that one because I had the ending already but from the other 3some scene.

I’m still missing the third Miho scene in the Memory room. Thought it would be at the same time as Maki’s but I couldn’t zap there.
Any Help with that would be great.

[ 01-20-2007, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: pchrgt ]

Sorry I am also missing that scene but the CG says I have 100%…

Not sure why that scene is missing.