Doushin update

Looks like we’ll have English translated buttons after all, thanks to the hard work of a friend in the Netherlands. I think I’ll have a Heineken tonight to celebrate!

Don’t get too much drunk, otherwise you’ll be late as always!

… or by mistake translate the buttons to dutch instead!

I just want to say that I was drinking Heineken when I read this post

Beware, oh ye bull-necked people, drinking grappa and peeing beer!

That’s nice, Peter.
Though, to be honest, I was looking forward to the next “How do I save?” debacle.


Originally posted by Skeith:
I just want to say that I was drinking Heineken when I read this post

What a coincidence.
However, there are two things that you never do when you’re in front/near the computer. Eating and drinking. Ever.

You should listen to this advice. I’ve fried a couple of keyboards by being careless with my beer. Great news about Doushin though.

naah… coffee is ten thousand times worst…

BTW, how long it will take, Peter-sama?

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 03-09-2006).]

Never mattered to me. Thankfully I wack all in one gulp with these so I never need to save.

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

Hurray! Hurray! Way to go to the heroes!

Kool great news.

I hate to be the dumb one to ask, but English translated buttons meaning what?

Originally posted by Gambit:
I hate to be the dumb one to ask, but English translated buttons meaning what?
Read alll aboute it here Gambit [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Thomas (edited 03-11-2006).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
However, there are two things that you never do when you're in front/near the computer. Eating and drinking. Ever.[/B]

That's exactly what i do. Eat and Drink. Always

And how troublesome can it be to just open the keyboard and "dry" it?

Answer: Way to much trouble ... buy a new one ... :P

"The reason we think the flowers on the precipice are beautiful, is because we are standing on the precipice as well.
Do not fear, because we are like the flowers,

We did not step off."

Taking your keyboard apart and washing all the pieces is fun!

Unfortunately it’s hard to get all the keys off and on without breaking some of the unimportant ones…

Originally posted by Benoit:
What a coincidence. [img][/img]
However, there are two things that you never do when you're in front/near the computer. Eating and drinking. Ever.

What a coincidence, that's what I ususally do XD. However, I have two or three reserve keyboards in case anything should happen - and it was five years or so since a keyboard last broke because of me eating in front of the computer...

People always make excuses to not follow my advice…

People always make excuses to not follow my advice...

Actually Benoit I wished I had followed your advice. I know better; but I was tired after work, decided to eat around my secondary computer set up for playing JP bishoujo games.

Next day, in a single word, ants. Never had any trouble with them before but here they came in. Left a window open a sliver because of the nice breeze after a storm and ta-da..!

Sooooo...although my other computers are just fine I am looking around to get another one to run Japanese games on. That computer is kinda in the same shape as the ants now... hopelessly burned up...

Oh well, I don't need another reason to play Darcrows or Pastel Chime Continue again....

[This message has been edited by Mirk (edited 03-12-2006).]

Originally posted by Mirk:
That computer is kinda in the same shape as the ants now... hopelessly burned up...

Ah, I see: It came from the desert!! Part 3: Ant-fries [img][/img]

Yay! and, well, booooo. The original japanese buttons were so pretty.

But it will definately cut down on confusion. Woohoo!