Downhill Night...that was fast.

Naw… Vista is still a legacy of XP and 2003. In fact, Microsoft called it [url=]Longhorn XP[/url] for a time. There’s also a huge amount of code that’s the same as XP and 2003, just modified or recompiled differently (Device Manager anyone).

Basically the old manure, was just buried under fresh new manure, but the old manure is still there. :wink:

Well they don’t need to change the intuitive interface, but they DO need to change underlying code.

It’s like a jet plane. The F-15 and F-22 have the same general control layout, because pilots of the F-15 will fly the F-22. But the entire layout of the F-22 - from the body, to the material in it’s construction, to the engine, to the software that flies it - is completely different to use superior technology and manufacturing techniques. Thus the F-22 is superior to the F-15 in every absolute way… except price of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

Had the F-22 been built using the same frame and guts as the old F-15… well… it be a Super Eagle, but not the sky god that is the Raptor.

MIcroshaft has never created a stand alone OS on it’s own since it’s inception, unless you consider BASIC an OS. DOS was purchased from another developer and every OS to date from Microshaft is another layer built on DOS. All they do is slap another coat of paint and some new rims on the same old rust bucket, and slap a new price tag on it. Of course it’s easy to stay in business and succeed by doing that when you have a monopoly.

Nah, Windows NT never used the DOS kernel. The same goes for XP and Vista/7, which are evolutions of NT.

A DOS-like command prompt still exists, but any backwards compatibility is achieved through emulation.

Gonna pick me up a copy at a convention.
I was hoping that another game would be released in September instead. Oh well.

If anyone has a complaint about Downhill Night 1, just point out the virgin nun.

What would Jesus do? Probably not what I would do. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :twisted:

So when exactly is this game supposed to be released again?

Considering that it’s gone golden master, probably near the end of the month.

As Will Smith said “The Lord is good!” :smiley: :twisted:

I was just wondering, do you think there might be any questionable content that JAST may need to censor or alter in the Downhill Night games? I’m hesitant to buy this because Kotosato Yuuna from the first game and Narukami Kei from the second game might have their routes/art messed around with–They seem to appear rather underage if you ask me.

sigh Do we really have to talk about this again? That is all I am going to say, because I have neither the time nor inclination to discuss about such things again. I’ll let someone else handle it.

The minimum age to get a driver’s license in Japan is 18, so they have something to fall back on when saying all characters are over 18. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why not? They haven’t re-established their credibility with regards to such content yet.

You think I should just forget everything that’s happened and give leeway just because it happened to be everyone’s favorite game? How pitifully naive.

I will agree with you on that point: this is the first game released since the problem, so some skepticisim is warranted. However, there is no point in asking in this thread. 10 to 1 odds, Peter Payne isn’t reading this thread (since he only ever pops in once in a very long while), and none of the rest of us could answer (since the game is still prerelease).

You would have better luck starting a new thread specifically to ask this question.

Yeah I guess that’s true, but it’s sort of the reason why I’ve been wondering when exactly this game will be released–The longer it takes them to release it, the more likely it is for some issue might pop up and prompt them to change their minds at the last minute.

Where exactly did you guys hear about a “golden master” anyways? Did you get it from a website announcing that the game went gold, or was it from a newsletter?

I don’t see any girl in Downhill Night loli enough to bring the guys at JAST to making any kind of censorship. If you want to worry, worry about Demonbane, not about this game.

@B173 M3: the golden master announcement was in a recent news on the JASTUSA homepage.

If you’re worried about censorship, and you don’t trust JAST’s word on the matter (both of which seem to apply in your case), don’t preorder the game. There’s a pretty good chance that any potential censorship would be uncovered by the community within about a month after release. If there’s no word on it by then, you could probably rest assured that the game is unaltered. Generally speaking, lost preorders result in some degree of lost sales. Simply refusing to preorder games makes a statement to JAST that they’ve lost your confidence. Building on this, a very effective way to get JAST’s notice would be to organize an anti-preorder campaign. If you could get a number of users to not preorder / cancel their preorders, then order the game on the same day some time later (e.g., 1 month later), that would make a powerful statement to JAST that they’ve lost the trust of their customers, without necessarily harming them in the way a boycott would. Not that I feel this kind of measure is warranted at this point; personally I’m satisfied by their previous response to the Family Project censoring outcry.

I’ve been holding off on preorders ever since–I’ve mentioned that before, haven’t I?

Forgive me for not keeping up to date with your personal statements and interests. But if you never had any intention of preordering, why are you “hesitant to buy” then? Is that based on the assumption that content could be altered without being discovered? I find that unlikely. JAST is under the microscope now, and whatever you think of them, they probably won’t make the same mistake a third time by censoring a game without announcing it…at least while the memory is fresh in their minds. On the other hand, if you’re “hesitant to buy” because JAST has proved they’re not worthy of your patronage…then say it honestly and stop beating around the bush. You could also take Nandemonai’s suggestion: start a thread demanding that JAST announce whether the game is censored or not; if they don’t respond, refuse to buy the game.

Edit: Feel free not to respond. Not even sure now why I bothered posting this.

He’s just trolling, it’s painfully obvious.

Well, you could say it’s my own personal conflict between my wanting to get the game and my concerns for such edits. I can’t always rely on others to point out edits/differences–Better safe than sorry.

Besides, JAST is under the microscope? What do you mean by that? From what I can recall, most of you guys pretty much brushed aside the fact that they censored it and forgave them for doing so because the changes were “minor” and the game was “all about the story and you could care less about the H-scenes”. Only me and maybe one or two others ever actually made an issue purely based on the fact that they censored it alone, as opposed to just them “not informing us about it”–That hardly fits the definition of being “under the microscope”, at least not in the pure context of the fact that they can censor their games. Considering that, why shouldn’t I be concerned about them repeating the exact same thing again? I mean, I’ve seen other companies repeat the same stupid mistakes over multiple releases in a row, like with EA using SecuROM in their release of Red Alert 3 right after the widely-publicized Spore debacle, or NISA cutting out voices/content from Ar Tonelico 2 right after releasing Rhapsody DS, which outraged fans because the extras had also been cut out from the Japanese version.

Not to take this off topic, but if you’ve seen what EA plans to do with the upcoming C&C4, they really don’t see this as a mistake. Despite the massive outcry from the anti-DRM crowd, EA sold Spore and RA3 with quite a profit margin.

People buy what they want, with or without DRM, and EA likes their DRM. It’s had no real impact on their sales expectations, and has NOT been a commercial failure for them. When C&C4 is released next year, and if it sells like the investors expect it too, then the anti-DRM people’s DOOOOOM prediction about EA shooting itself in the foot, will be just a bunch of hot air. Far as EA is concerned (and until the $$$ proves otherwise), the people looking at them from under a microscope, aren’t worth considering since they’re a minority in sales.

If they make a good game, people will buy it, even with DRM. And again: EA wants DRM because EA wants DRM. They don’t care what the anti-DRM people want or don’t want. Like in politics, just because an interest group is the most vocal, doesn’t mean they’re the majority. Some people, like myself, just don’t care about DRM. Besides… it’s not like EA didn’t warn anyone they were using DRM. They made the announcement a full year before the games were out. :expressionless:

Which is what I had against JAST… it wasn’t the censorship, just the blatant silence about it. If you don’t like censorship or DRM - I can understand why. But as far as I go? Not a big deal, so long as I know it’s there, so I can make a decision to buy.