Downhill Night...that was fast.

Shows Golden Master. Who’s buying?

Is this a short game or something, it’s only $25 and they spit it out like a…well you get the picture.

It’s been over a year since they announced it, so it’s not that fast. It’s probably not that long either…

Lately there have been practically monthly releases, considering titles from both Mangagamer and JAST. It’s nice to see how things are quickly improving.

Narg will get. Has a hot horny nun. Even a man who dines on twincest, needs a little variety in his meals. :wink:

I think I pre-ordered the 3 of these and Raidy 2 off J-list way back… That, buy 4 games and get some % off deal :open_mouth: [plus free shipping with preorders]

I almost want to hold off on these and get some other more expensive games I’ve been eyeing, but eh… guess I’ll see how they are and it’ll support JAST in the meantime! :smiley:

Is the game any good? It didn’t score so well on Erogamescape: … brand=1413

For comparison, even Lightning Warrior Raidy I and Pretty Soldier Wars (games with major flaws) got better scores. The second Moero Downhill Night and Downhill Night Blaze fared a bit better.

To be perfectly honesty with you… not really. I find much better, randomly pulling eroge boxes off a shelf in an Akihabara store blindfolded. But then, not all of us can randomly pull eroge boxes off a shelf in Akihabara. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m getting it for the nun and to support JAST. The final Downhill Night was novel for it’s driving simulator though. It’s not a bad game though… just not the award winning stuff that the Pulltop and Nitro+ releases will offer. But JAST has to stay in business, for me to see the award winning stuff, so… you know how it goes… :wink:

Also… Overlord87’s signature image is made of pure win. It’s the main reason why I visited this thread again. :o

I know. Aren’t those two the loveliest thing that was ever drawn? :smiley:

I’m quite sure you already played the game, since it features twincest, but in case you’ve not, you’re missing something really beatiful (and therefore, you should get a copy ASAP :wink: ). As of today, it’s my favorite eroge. Too bad it features true incest and loli content, and therefore we’ll almost surely never see it translated in English :cry:

i might buy it if i hear good things about it
only because i need a game to play while waiting for demonbane

One thing I’m a bit worried about is the 3D aspects of the games, I’m basically worried if I’ll be able to play this. My computer, being as old as it is, isn’t the best at playing 3D games. It won’t play KOTOR for one and that’s pretty old nor could it play A-GA, but then again it was able to play Biko 3 and Artificial Girl 2. If it can play the latter two, then do I not have anything to worry about?

That sounds rather bizarre (no reason jumps out at me as to why you could play AG2 but not A-GA). What do you mean by “it won’t play?” If it’s a graphics issue (i.e., you can’t run a current enough version of DirectX), just get a new graphics card. You can get one that’ll do the job for under $50. OS-wise, if you’re like Benoit and refuse to upgrade from Windows 95, then well…

Game system requirements: … _Code=BGAL

You should be fine I imagine. As they don’t even say that a video card is required, the “3D scenes” are probably just a handful of pre-rendered FMVs. You might have a problem with Blaze though.

Heh, your showing your age on the forum Shiki. There are probably a large group of people here now that have no clue who you are referencing when you mention Benoit. Even I only know who he is because I took the time to read through some old threads back when I first joined.

At least it can’t be worse than Amorous Professor Cherry… :wink: I have preordered all three Downill Night games…

Famous last words.

I haven’t played it, nor have I any interest in doing so, but the impression I’ve gotten is that Amorous Professor Cherry is actually pretty good for an ero ero game (if the art style doesn’t bother you). On Erogamescape it scores a 69, which is pretty good, and far better than the scores of the Downhill Night series. That said, Erogamescape is a Japanese site, and doesn’t necessarily reflect Western preferences. The Downhill Night series (particularly Blaze) is probably something that’ll be better received in the West than it was in Japan.

Yeah, apparently he got himself banned somehow during my time away from the forum (well, he’d always been under threat of bannation). He wasn’t a troll; he just didn’t realize what things were acceptable to say, and what things were not acceptable to say…and he made the mistake repeatedly. He loved his Windows 95 though (probably still does). I think his last post was something along the lines of “Vista is your problem” in response to a customer’s problem running a game over on the Help forum.

Benoit still lurks the forums I believe. Not with an account, but simply as a guest I think. Haven’t communicated with him in quite awhile, but the last time he gave me his thoughts on something I posted on the forum about.

He was quite hardcore with old school Windows, but a lot of the things he mentioned about it, were quite valid. I know not everyone liked his personality, but you gotta admit, if there was anyone who could get a “made for Vista” program running on a Windows 95/98 generation OS – it was him.

95 and 98 were very fast systems, I had my 98 system booting in 15 seconds at one point. The only problem with them were the fact they had to be installed fresh every once in a while because of what seemed like registry problems.

Sadly there’s a lot of useless bloat in Windows. The newer, the more bloat. :frowning: Stuff like Ubuntu really show it. Naturally Windows is good at what it does - that’s partly why it’s number one - but there’s a HUGE amount of room for improvement. I think the real issue, is that each progressive version of Windows, is built on the old. Not just merely in code - the whole design and functionality concept of it.

Microsoft could probably come up with something REALLY amazing, if they created a new operating system from total scratch. But then… we could say that of any business: cars, shipping, mainframes, etc. Plus it would probably cost quite a fortune for them… and the investment really isn’t worth the risk, from a financial standpoint. That and people don’t always like change… especially something as complex as an operating system.

Actually, isn’t “redesigning” Windows exactly what Microsoft set out to do with Vista? It sucked because it was a redesign that had a lot of kinks to work out, and because it changed its design in such a way that users no longer knew how to do things that had previously been routine. Relearning how to do basic computer tasks wastes time and money–that’s why people are resistant to change in OS’s.

Windows 7 is the much needed fine-tuning and refinement that Vista really needed. Because that’s all Windows 7 really is–a refinement of Vista. It doesn’t introduce anything new, it just streamlines what Vista did and runs it better and more efficiently. It’s the first new Windows OS that doesn’t have higher system requirements than its predecessor. The tech gurus have been pleasantly surprised by it. I’m still running XP, having refused to upgrade to Vista when I got a new PC, but I’ll happily upgrade to Windows 7 when the next opportunity (or failure) arises. Of course, it’s vastly preferable to wait a year or two and let them resolve any issues or incompatibilities–and that’s exactly what I plan to do.

I’m not sure Vista was all about redesigning Windows from scratch, but supposedly that was what DirectX 10 was about if I recall correctly. Making a new DirectX irritated many people, since the new version broke the sound of many older games. Thankfully, for those who use Sound Blaster cards, Creative came up with a work around called ALchemy that translates the calls that were broken in to OpenAL calls. It isn’t perfect by any means from what I’ve heard, but at least it is something, especially for computer gamers who don’t have enough technical skill to figure out dual-booting or don’t have access to a copy of XP.