Downhill series

Seems DN3 is the real sequel of DN2 so we will have to cheat on Rinka in DN3.
I don’t remember in wich topic but there was a discussion about this kind of problem in real sequels.

LOL… Sakura Taisen made fun out of “cheating on the girl” during their third title. Ohgami thought he was safe macking on the Paris unit girls, until the Tokyo unit girls unexpectedly showed up to say hello. Needless to say, Ohgami didn’t get any sleep that week. :lol:

Not the same scenario, but I wonder if it will result in the same kind of headaches for the male protagonist. :stuck_out_tongue:

Woohoo! I actually quite liked this series =D (I got DN:Blaze in jap =3) AFAIK the first 2 are practically ADV’s… the only real “Racing” that happens is just you acting as a navigator for the gals during their races =3

DN:Blaze is the one w/ the racing… while it definitely will never ever reach the likes of GTA and stuff its a nice lil non ADV addition and you still need to win the race (even tho the races are quite easy once you’ve gotten the hang of powersliding on turns xD) Also your not really “cheating” per se on DN:Blaze because IIRC you get into an argument w/ Rinka near the start… which leaves you quite free to pursue everyone else xD

and pre-order all 3 :smiley:
here a question, is US version of Downhill Night Blaze gonna support gamepad useage, cause the JP demo and i presume the JP game does aswell. Easier to race on a using a gamepad than keyboard :slight_smile:

Meh… Rinka is second rate anyways. All the cool people pick Narukami Kei. :wink: For the first title, Narg is partial to Yano Maria (if you’re gonna sin, do it with a nun).

Meh, I’ll take a miko over a nun any day. I take it that isn’t an option in this series however (since I haven’t looked at the pre-order info yet).

Many a Holy War has been started by comments like this. Take care, lest you bring the wrath of the Gods upon us all. :wink:

But even the miko and nuns put away their differences, when the might of the Meido Guntai rises to crush them all! :stuck_out_tongue:

Always nice to see more new game but I’d like it if they finish their other project first.Seeing it is posted above princess waltz,won’t this became the next game after it?

Hey Narg what’s the title of that manga you are posting?It looks funny,I sure will check it if it ever get translated

I may be wrong, but from what I can tell from old threads I remember reading, the next games coming out will be Princess Waltz, then Family Project. After that I don’t know.
Thanks for the pic Narg. That nun is pretty naughty, wearing sexy stockings like that. I don’t think the head of her order would look kindly on such an overtly sexual thing as that, given vows that are taken. (Granted, vows are different between various orders, but I think all of them would agree on this.)

One of the cool things in the first 2 MDN games is that BGM and SFX files can be swapped out. Currently in MDN2, “crosswise” by T.M.Revolution is serving as one of the battle themes, and I’ve also press-ganged several tracks from the Wangan Midnight anime OST into service (one of which is “Voice of S30Z”).

I am intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your mailing list.


AGREED! xD Can you guess which gal i went for first on DHN:Blaze? =P Blaze actually adds another girl (whose name i fergot at the moment) which is an alternate to the Rinka path in the game xD But yeah i am hoping they keep the pad support for the game (i use the pad for the jap version =3)

On a side note… i had to lol fer a bit when i saw Reika’s car in the game xD… all this talk is gonna make me wanna mess around w/ the game again actually xD

Oh and it looks like there’s a slight mistake on the links to the front page because Blaze links to no.2 xD

And there’s a translation mistake for one of the teams in the MDN2 description page. It’s NOT “Yotsuya FORTNIGHTS”, It’s “Yotsuya Four Knights” (check the team logo).

EDIT: Not exactly a translation mistake, but a mistake nonetheless.

Thanks for the clarification on this, I’ll be changing the description on the sites to reflect the correct team name.

Does this mean HashiriyaGDB gets a cut as a proofreader? =P j/k

On a random note… Shugo i think u might need to bug the webpage ppl coz the DHN:Blaze link is still a link to the DHN 2 game instead of Blaze… only way to access the Blaze page is to go the games list link and click from there =3

Heh… I’m surprised no one mentioned this before. :stuck_out_tongue: