Dragon Ball Online

Seriously. You can’t tell me you’re not at least curious to see what’s it like. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s the Opening Movie

To be honest, the gameplay isn’t all that bad looking. Ragnarok Online with a bit of DBZ fighters (duh) and some Dragon Quest (double duh). Clean 3D no less.

Wikipedia mentions some interesting stuff. I’ll give it a whirl. It’s over 9000 afterall. :wink:

:lol: yeah i saw advertising for this a while back, I will admit while I am a bit curious about what it’s like, I’m more curious about how many "Goku"s there will be :shock: :o

Sure I can :slight_smile:

Goku? Who wants to be that wimp? Real DBZ fans wanna be Vegito! :twisted:

LOL! Yea… DBZ isn’t the greatest series ever made, but it left a major impact in Japanese anime/manga. I’m not a massive follower of DBZ - there are things I don’t like about it - but it has it’s moments. Considering what else was around at that time, I totally understand why DBZ is worshiped so much.

Oh right I finished the series before the west even had freiza so you are right, I was just going off of what at the time was the stereotypical dragon ball name people liked to use not really giving it much thought :smiley:

None…saiyans and half-saiyans aren’t playable race for what should be an obvious reason.

That wouldn’t fly… Saiyans and Saiyan-hybrids are to DBZ, as Jedi are to Star Wars. I believe the plan is to make them an “advanced class” for players, or some sort of class upgrade quest where you discover you’re a hybrid and unlock the powers at the higher levels. It’s not unusual for MMO to have god classes (so to speak). Just recently Ragnarok Online has begun to impliment 3rd level classes. The power difference between an Acolyte and Arch Bishop is mind boggling.

It’s not like Super Saiyans are the most powerful beings in DBZ mythology. Even when you ignore the non-canon GT: Buu is on a whole new level… and Vegito is lightyears beyond Buu himself.

I’d imagine that something Buu will become super bosses, while things like Vegito are the GM class.

And if you look at the movies (yes I know they aren’t canon) it’s not like the idea having other Saiyans or part Saiyans around would be implausible.

Sorry it was a failed reference not to the character itself being Goku but just people picking that name in general, like having 1000 people with some variation of Goku,(Was really bad in the mid 90s MMO generation)
I dunno I guess i just suck :frowning:

Come on baxaca, no need to beat yourself up over it.

Yea… don’t worry about it dude. I was just playing with ya on the Vegito thing. You’re totally right: there will be tons of Goku clones, when the system gets out of beta.

Goku is a common name, but technically the game makers could deny anyone from using the name “Goku”. They could even ban any name that aluded that they were Goku, but that might not be worth their time. Games like WoW do that for major canon characters so it has precedent on successful MMO already.

From what I gather Akira Toriyama who is basically in charge of the project has given a big “no” to Saiyans.

Even if he didn’t know, there’s no real good way to implement a fusion class for an MMO…someone would have to give up control of their character, and no one likes to be the one giving it up.

And what about THE question : can a female saiyan transform into a super saiyan ? :lol:

No seriously… what’s the point of this game if you can’t be a saiyan ?

I heard the same thing. However the counterargument is that Toriyama changes his mind on a lot of things, when fans and investors pressure him enough. Dragon Ball GT wasn’t even supposed to be made. When it was, he claimed it would be his last Dragonball forever and ever: that’s obviously not true. Then he said Blue Dragon would be his last anime ¬ñ yet there’s rumors of him thinking of creating a Dragonball OVA to tie in with the MMO. Toriyama saying “no” is basically him saying, “not right now.” :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Fusion: the most popular 2chan idea, is that it would use another character on your account. Said character would appear during the dance animation, and then you’d merge together. It doesn’t have to require another player per se… just two characters.

Toriyama said it’s possible for female Saiyans to go Super some years ago in those DBZ interviews. IIRC, he just was never satisfied or unable to figure how she’d look. Obviously Pan is eligable for that… Bra too (although she probably will never tap that trait; she likes being a normal girl). There’s a lot of good fan art, that have butch yet sexy female Saiyans: so it’s not like they’d be instantly ugly.

Exactly. The more fans demand it, the more $$$ they can get. People will want Saiyans or at least become Super: I know people will quit or lose interest if that’s impossible or not eventually made possible. It may not be in the first issue, but if Dragon Ball Online is going to survive the MMO market, it will need to make fans happy. That’s what keeps WoW and Ragnarok Online (in Korean/Japan) so profitable. They give what the fans want (obviously tailored so it doesn’t break anything), so they keep their subscriptions.

Well you’re right Akira Toriyama has changed his mind with a lot of preassure often. I don’t think they will go the route of Star Wars Galaxies though and allow everyone to start as a Saiyan because they have more than just the hardcore fanbase to worry about if they want to become popular. The main problem I think right now he doesn’t want to do that is that Saiyans would be able to outclass normal humans and Nameks even in DBZ terms (which seems to be the what he’s basing it off of, ie no GT).

You know, it just dawned on me: I wonder if DBO is partly responsible for the massive delay on Dragon Quest 9: i.e. Toriyama spent more time on DBO than he did helping Yuuji Horii. Also development on Dragon Quest 10 was announced, just after the Korean beta of DBO started.

No, or atleast not entirely. Much of the delay can be put on the fact that the original game was designed to be an action-rpg, but was scrapped in favor of traditional rpg, but with no random battles.

Raditz is confirmed as fightable in Dragon Ball Online.

That at least makes it possible to battle a Saiyan. IIRC his power level was between 1000 and 2000.

Not like Goku… OVER NINE THOOOOUUUSAND!!! :stuck_out_tongue: