Dragon Knight 4 Remake

I’m picking this up and it’ll be out at the end of the month. Anyone ever play the Original?

Main reason I got it was because I liked the “Wheel of Time” Anime which is based on the game.

I’ll put it through the paces and give a review later. That’s why I’m asking if anyone has played it before if they can give me some pointers etc.

[ 06-04-2007, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]

I never played the original, older version. But looking at the graphics, this game looks great, really well made.

The RPG-part looks to be Real Time 3D-RPG fighting, with lots of magic, monsters and fighters. With so much female characters here, probably there will be a lot of Love Simulation, too.

There’s a bunch of elf girls, so count me in! :smiley: There’s even twins elf girls, to please our twincest-lover Nargrakhan! :wink:

Just my 0.02 cents, in the case no one here knows. The protagonist of this game is Kakeru, son of Takeru (renamed Desmond) and Luna, main characters of the old RPG game DRAGON KNIGHT 3, released in english in 1994 as KNIGHTS OF XENTAR. There’s a h-anime version, too.

[ 06-04-2007, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Did someone say twincest.

Count me in. :wink:

Ooh, so it does have a link to the first three games! Cool. :slight_smile:

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Hey! Isn’t that guy from the Dragon Quest Dai manga? I sworn I’ve seen him in some DQ setting or something, but it wasn’t an actual DQ game.

Bah… my memory isn’t what it used to be. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

I already pre-order and I will have maybe July 2 or 3 2007. I test the bench mark and my PC average was a 56.6 looks OK to me…
Anyway, I did not play the older version.

I played the original and I liked it quite a lot.

System-wise it’s a tactical RPG with turn-based combat. Although the system itself is fairly simple, the later battles become actually quite challangeing.

Kakeru, the main character, is inherently stupid but there’s a LOT of other characters to compensate for that and he actually improves over time (sort of).

The best part of the game is the story. While it starts out being pretty standard fare, there’s a big plot twist about half-way through that makes things interesting. I can’t tell you anything more specific without spoiling the surprise, though. BTW, the story was completely linear with only one ending.

Anyway, I’m looking foreward to a review of the remake, to see how much it has changed. Not sure if I’m going to buy it myself, I prefer to use my money and time for new games instead of remakes of ones I know already.

[ 06-22-2007, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: Akela ]

Hello. Finally I got the Dragon Knight 4. Case is very nice. OK here is the simple review. First, you install the DVD-ROM into your DVD-Drive. Then your labtop or desktop will read the DVD. After that you need 2.7GB of hard drive space. It took me about 8 minutes. Second you can choose the 3D config. textutre shadow,etc. Third, you will start the game and opining will stars and they did not redraw the CGs it looks same. Anyway, right now I playing Dragon Knight 4 and watching the oping. I will post more later. I f you have any questions you can ask here^^;
Note: maybe my spelling or writing is not very good. lol

Yeah I received my copy as well.
-Maybe they didn’t redraw the CGs but they did recolor them.
-Narg might be a bit disappointed though, Due to the plot twist mentioned you only get to have 1 twin at a time, and not both together for some twincest. ; ; But maybe you do, cause after 1st playthrough I still have some pics missing.

  • I totally want elf to release a background wallpaper of Bianca in the “Where are they now” ending montage. Arguably, imo the best pic in the game.

Going to replay a few more times (especially since I can hold down CRTL key to speed through the fights) (if everyone’s on Auto) and give a more full review later. Combat is Final Fantasy Tactics style and if you decide to control everyone can be quite challenging. (Although I played on “Easy” mode for the 1st run through.)

oh for those of you who have played Brave Soul there’s various items you can find throughout the game world to buff your characters with. No weapons / Armors but basically spell and stat boosting items. Used them mainly with Neptune. Properly buffed She’s a one woman killing machine lol.

[ 07-07-2007, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]

OK I just finished the kakeru mode. Right now I playing the eto root and this game is very long at least you need more then 48hours. By the way, I playing the Normal mode and controlling 11 people and it very fun. Since this game looks like FFT battle style and you have to use your brain. I have to play one more time to get the some of the CGs I’m missing.

SPOilers don’t read this because this game has speceal files.

In the Folder you can find the Files that have you can skip the battles. That means that you don’t have to play battle and go to the next town. WOW I might use after I try the Second time. If you need it I can tell you where the file is… lol

Just an update for those who are still playing. I found out how to be able to pick between the two twins so you can have Claris through both Eto’s and Kakeru’s route, or Mayfair through both.

Spoiler Alert*

In the battles if you see an enemy Fort have any character in your party stand in front of it. (You’ll see a sign pop up (Like the in and out signs in town) Have a character stand in the square then click the charater to end it’s turn and you’ll get some extra graphics)

Note that you have to do this before the battle is over, and there are 2 ways to achieve Victory.

Victory conditions

  1. Defeat all Enemies
  2. Have a character stand in the entrance to the opposing city.

[ 07-09-2007, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]

Ok now playing through the game on normal mode
Changes from the easy version*

-Rounds allowed are cut in about half.
-Any of the big 5 (Kakeru, Eto, Marlene, Natasha, or Seil) Die it’s game over. Any other character that goes to 0 Hit points, during a fight has a nice little Funeral after the battle is over.

Haven’t noticed a real change in enemy power though.

[ 07-15-2007, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]

So the D4BENCH program is a good representation of a battle if you set the characters to Auto mode?
I tried to muddle through the old version of DK4 years ago with my zero knowledge of Japanese and Chinese, and gave up after several battles although I did confirm two ways to get the CG. Would it be an exercise in futility to try this one?

Bhelper The game has 3 difficulty modes and easy is really easy in the fact that :
A) If a character is defeated in combat they return to the battlefield 2 rounds later at the starting town for the Heroes.(and everyone will still be availabe for the next battle)
B) there’s only 3 battlefields (said it this way as to keep the plot twist unrevealed) in the game where I would recommend controlling Everyone in a fight.

Up to you on wether it’s worth getting the game or not considering how expensive importing Japanese games are.

[ 08-09-2007, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]