DVD art

I was wondering this: many of us don��t live in the US and b-games aren’t sold in stores, what’s the point of putting certain scenes in the backcover art? (I haven’t bought games from G-Collections, so I am not sure about those). Those not living inside the US can get more into trouble (read: customs) because of this… As a solution, use reversible covers.

Just my two cents.

Maybe, hiding the erotic content wouldn’t be such a good idea, because that could be a regarded of “smuggling” against the laws that forbids those things in some countries and lead to far worse consequences…

If you look at, for instance, the cover of Chain, you will notice it says “Erotic Bishoujo Adventure Game for Adults Only”. Other games have a similar warning. Isn’t that enough? Don’t need to make it THAT explicit on the back cover!

I am still not quite convinced. But I suppose at least there is no law that states, erotic content has to be visualized in that manner on the box. So maybe you’re right after all…

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-08-2002).]

I am not in the packaging design department and I am not going to defend anybody…but from the eyes of a customs officer, doesn’t the fact that the “adults only” statement makes the product adult regardless…what I mean is, it’s already “adult”, having pictures or not doesn’t help you with anything ^^

and yes, I hate customs too myself…

Not neccessarily:

The classification “Adult” can have two different reasons: “Violence” or “Sexual content”.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-10-2002).]

Originally posted by woodelf:

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Not neccessarily:

The classification "Adult" can have two different reasons: "Violence" or "Sexual content".

Gore comes to mind too.
Now why does much adult stuff seem the MOST
childish? Sadly there is few Adult stories
for Adults.

Actually, this makes sense (both adult stuff winding up being childish very often, and adult stuff being both violence and sex).

Put it this way. As defined to mean "violent or erotic", adult materials are extremely graphic and feature strong content. This makes it possible for mediocre works to do well commercially and carry themselves on the sheer extremity of the content.

Also, from a creative standpoint, it is far easier to create something childish and unsophisticated than it is to take the time and creative energy to create something mature and intelligent. (This is that whole "90% of the material in any given domain is crap" rule.) It's not that adult stuff is childish more often than not; it's that most things are in general.

As for why it makes sense to lump uberviolent things with sexually explicit ones...consider works like Berserk and Silent Hill. Neither one of those are by any means appropriate for children (Berserk features on screen torture and Silent Hill features...umm...very very creepy everything). Extreme depictions of violence are frowned upon just as much as that of sex, even in Japan--consider the (admittedly hearsay) backlash against _Evangelion_ (and I'm sure against Berserk as well). I would consider anyone old enough to play the likes of Tokimeki Checkin! old enough to watch Berserk and play Silent Hill. And probably vice versa.