This post is a reply to a question SCDawg asked on another thread, but my answer belongs here.
The answer to your question, SCDawg, is yes. The DVD will replace the CD, just as surely as the CD replaced the floppy disk.
Do you remember floppy disks? When games were released in the 1980’s they would release games that required the info to be stored on up tp 20-25 floppies. Then along came MYST on CD-Rom, and all of a sudden, developers realized they could save a ton of money putting out one CD, istead of multiple floppies, and players realized that they could install just one CD, istead of fumbling with multiple floppies.
It’s the same thing with DVDs. Most games for the PC require multiple CDs these days. Why should deveopers and publishers spend the money on pushing out a game on 4-6 CDS when they could put out one DVD? With multi-millions being spent on developing games, the savings from putting out a single disk would be very welcome, and the game publishers are starting to realize this.
[This message has been edited by kmusky (edited 07-23-2004).]