E3 2011

E3 is only a few weeks away.

Floor Plans have been finalized.

Atlus has a surprisingly large booth on the Concourse. Despite the massive exodus of developers and cancels of titles, CAPCOM got a nice sized area as well. Be interesting to see what they stock it with.

Mainly so they can pimp “Oh Wait we didn’t give you guys the best version of Street Fighter IV the last 2 times so here’s Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition”.

Massive exodus? Inafune leaving was a huge blow (both to him, since he was just then getting to work on a game he’d wanted to do for years, and to Capcom itself), but who else has left since then?

Not a since then, but a list of who has left before him: Yoshifumi Yamashita, Haruhiro Tsujimoto, Tamio Oda, Akira Nishitani, Akira Yasuda, Tokuro Fujiwara, Tatsuya Minami, Atsushi Inaba, Shinji Mikami, Hideki Kamiya, Nao Ueda, Yuta Kimura, Mari Shimazaki, Masami Ueda, Shinji Utsunomiya, Dragan Tosic, Ryuta Takahashi… I could go on and on actually. Entire [u]DIVISIONS[/u] have left CAPCOM over the last 4 to 6 years years, to create entirely independant companies. And when they do leave, they rarely have anything nice to say about the executives running CAPCOM.

You’re also only look at the “big name” of who left… when Inafune left, he took a large chunk of CAPCOM’s Research & Development with him as well (he was their direct supervisior). Some goes for other department bosses, when they leave and create new companies. The “support team” they bring, becomes the core foundation of their new company. Do a rollcall of CAPCOM’s various Production Studio, and see who’s still left… it becomes painfully obvious then. Most “big names” left in CAPCOM, are fighting game designers… Ryota Niitsuma and Yoshinori Ono immediately come to mind. CAPCOM outsources a lot of their game series now, because the original creators have long since gone. Devil May Cry and Resident Evil are two good cases.

Inafune is one of the last left, who would be famous enough to get a news release that he quit. There’s like what… five or six of them left right now? Katsuhiko Ichii? Don’t make me laugh. Hiroshi Tobisawa? Resident Evil 5 and Dead Rising… he didn’t even make them - just offer advice and provide $$$.

Oh… Kenichi Ueda and Yasuhiro Anpo are still in CAPCOM too. They’re they reasn why we keep getting fed more RE. :roll: However, Jun Takeuchi recently said he is NOT involved with RE6… hmmm… suspicious, ain’t it?

I don’t especially look forward to E3. Every now and then, there will be surprising news, but I find it tough to get excited. Though every year brings a few new memes, and there’s usually a few celebrities who do something laughable.

At the Okashi Studio panel during Anime Central 2011, I heard that the group will be attending E3 2011. They are talking with an undisclosed company, and hoping to publish their game Shira Oka Second Chances on the Wii. No other statements about this possibility were made.

I’ll be depressed no matter what. IREM has officially cancelled Bumpy Trot 2 after 5 years of development hell. :cry:

There might be some interesting footage of FF XIII-2 to look forward to though…