Encyclopedia Dramatica

When I read some of the articles posted there, I can’t stop laughing.

The best ones (if you’re a woman, maybe you won’t find it funny… Why do I say “maybe” ?)

Almost raped(I really hate rape, but it’s too funny)





and a lot of others articles (asking for it, homosexuality, lesbians, incest, …)

“All men are known to be rapists, because they have penises and like to stick them in people”

I suppose that makes sense from a certain perspective. An insane perspective.

I love their perspective :slight_smile:

“Rape, also known as surprise sex, is essentially the act of getting pwned by a penis, and is the most fun thing in the world. Try it. It is teh ultimate female fantasy. Rape is always hilarious; especially when it involves clowns.”

“Man evolved from monkeys. This cannot be possible, however, since monkeys only know how to eat bananas, masturbate or fling shit. Men, on the other hand can do all three at once.”

Whoever wrote this has obviously no grasp on the meaning of the word “evolution”! :stuck_out_tongue:

This happened to one of my buddies :?

That’s some messed up shit. Lovely term though, cock trappers!

He should have done a Falcon Punch.


i think this is the funniest and true one.

Now that I’m done with formal school until fall, I finally went and explored Encyclopedia Dramatica. Very bizarre place, which I would define as a place to go when you understand that people can say what they want (to hilarious result sometimes), regardless of them being wrong or right. Personally, with what little of le nuage I have experienced thus far, I am surprised he brought about this topic, given what he said is in his collection. le nuage, are you a repressed darksider?

I watched the youtube video of a French commercial for Orangina in that section… Shudders I think I’m going to have furry nightmares tonight from seeing that.



Word he use the Most : Vengeance ==> Revenge

At the End of the Commercial :

Girl Voice : Why he is so evil?
Orangina : Because!

Lol. No I’m not a darksider. In my collection you can add Hitomi my stepsister and even this game is too dark for me (Most of the endings got me depressed for weeks).
Even if I’m totaly against rapes in eroge, I don’t take this encyclopedia seriously enough to feel… perturbed by its content.

Ah, alright. We’re pretty much on the same page so far then. It remains to be seen how I will react to a game like Hitomi, as I’m still waiting for it. I know I’m drawn to the breaking of a taboo (as you all have probably guessed from my sig), but I haven’t explored what darkness may lie inside me when it comes to these games.