End of the world prediction

Just wanted to say hi to everyone after another end of the world prediction fell flat on its face. :smiley:

Edit: For those who don’t know what I’m talking about:
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/05/21/ch … -doomsday/

Yeah, I only heard about this today. I guess that guy will be taking his money and running … THOUGH, considering his followers must be rather gullible, maybe he could convince them that the world DID end and we are all in the second stage of our existences; the reason they don’t remember it is because the event was so traumatic that their psyches were incapable of dealing with the event … but he remembers and through extensive preaching and one on one couching with the women, he can bring out some of those memories. (If I weren’t so lazy I’d make a good cult leader)

Sorry to break it to ya… but that religion is already taken. Throw in space aliens with nuclear weapons, and you’ve just described Scientology. :stuck_out_tongue:

Narg is still around… Shucks, guess there goes my chances of taking all his twincest. :cry:

The world actually ended in 1998, July 4 (X-Day). The chosen few were carried off in the flying saucers of the Sex Goddesses. The rest of us were instantly cloned so that we wouldn’t know it happened.

Joking aside, the guy who made the prediction is now saying October 21st. :roll:

Don’t we have insane asylum’s for guys like this??? This is just getting retarded. The guy should just give it up and check in to some place for his mental health. He can take all those that listen to him with him.

And I guess by then there’ll be a lot of people wanting to give him judgement from the business end of a gun.

It is unlikely the man believes in his predictions, but they are a great way to make money and if he can convince others to believe his garbage, why not take advantage of them? Being a cult leader has nothing to do with believing your own rhetoric.