English Game recommendations?

I am fairly new to the whole bishoujo genre of gaming. I read about it some time ago and after reading some megatokyo and browsing some message boards I decided to give it a shot. I ended up getting Sagara family and Kana. Overall Sagara family wasn’t great but it was decent, the graphics were good but the stories weren’t terribly gripping. Kana on the other hand was amazing, I think it’s the first game that has ever actually made me cry.

Now I am looking for something new and am hoping someone could give me a few recommendations. I am pretty particular about the graphics style since I used to be pretty big into art. I don’t enjoy really overdone models like it would seem is in jewel knights, crusaders. Animation is cool but definitely isn’t everything.

I would actually like to find a game that has a loli or two, but it doesn’t seem like there are many games translated that have them. Just to clarify, by loli I don’t mean a girl who acts like she is 10, just that type of build. I am attracted to petite girls, not kids. I could probably stand a little bit of the childish behavior since they sorta seem to go hand in hand, but I don’t know how possible that is. Any thoughts? I would appreciate any help I can get…maybe a few links for me to check out. Thanks ^^


I like Let’s Meow Meow more then Crescendo. Then again I’m a sucker for cat girls. BRING ON MORE FURRIES!

Get Crescendo it’s one of the best ^^

Yes go and get Cresendo!!
Best game ever to be released. 2 thumbs up

Crescendo is good yes. Check it out for sure.

If you want loli’s and don’t mind the graphics, Come See Me Tonight is pretty good. The story isn’t ground breaking, but it provides sufficiently enough to keep the game rolling along.

I’d recommend the Milky House collection. Both of the games on it have loli characters. Also Jewel Knights Crusaders has a loli character, but I’ve never played it myself because not only was the loli too loli for me, the game’s storyline involves rape too much for my tastes.

I’d second the recommendation for Crescendo, and would also recommend Kana (a sister complex game). Tokimeki Checkin! is another perennial favorite around here. Critical Point has a loli character and a decently complex story.

I am going through adding Peter Says comments to the descriptions on J-List, I hope they are helpful. Make sure you get Tokimeki Check in, it’s one of the core games, and still one of my favorites.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. The peter says comments are helpful, if not a little positive about all of them :stuck_out_tongue: I ended up ordering crescendo and come see me tonight. I like having two games of differing types to play through, like with Kana and Sagara family. So I will check these two out and come back afterwords for more ^^


Very good. I hope you enjoy both of those games. I know I did!

Good games both of them !
I forgott about Come see me tonight when i wrote the suggestion to you, it’s one of my personal favorites too (well i like most of the games i have bought I know i know i’m a hopless romantic, but i realy love this games )


Good choices there. Crescendo is a great game and come see me tonight isn’t too bad either.

Well, I am done playing through Crescendo and I really enjoyed the story of that one. Both Kana and Crescendo had amazing stories, so now I am looking for something new. I thought about getting come see me tonight 2, but since I have had problems playing the first one I am not sure. Any other games you guys would recommend?

Originally posted by Aithos:
Any other games you guys would recommend?

Well, if you don't insist as much on lolis as you did before and instead go now more for interesting stories, I would definitely recommend:

  • Chain - the lost footsteps
  • EVE Burst error (though its english localized version isn't adult, but it has one of the best stories ever)
  • DiviDead
  • Desire

I’m with Unicorn in that.

If you want really good Mistery/Suspense, try any of these:
*Critical Point (25+ endings!!)

If you don’t care about H-Scenes, try these:
*Eve-Burst Error
*Phantom of Inferno
*Hourglass of Summer

If you want just fun, GOOD FUN, try these:
*Tokimeki Check-In
*Heart de Roommate
*Figures of Happiness