English loli games?

I know that this is often a touchy subject and I would rather this post NOT turn into a debate. I am looking for an english loli game. I know that there a quite a few in japanese but since I have no real japanese reading ability I can’t purchase them. I was hoping someone could give me any suggestions. Thanks.

May Club
Jewel Knights- Crusaders

Originally posted by RonXE:
May Club
Not really.
Originally posted by RonXE:
Jewel Knights- Crusaders
Yeah, that probably works.

[This message has been edited by Shii (edited 12-21-2005).]

Ruruka from the game SAGARA FAMILY can be considerated loli, too, because her very petite figure.

Come See Me Tonight features a bit of loli found in Kobato, the youngest daughter that you’re introduced to in the game.

I already wondered all the time:
What did he/she mean exactly when he/she used the undefined term “loli game”?

  • a game that features at least one loli-character
  • a game with many (but not all) female characters being lolis
  • a game that has only loli-characters on its female cast

Most people here seem to prefer the first version, but the original poster never stated if these answers were at all helpful.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 01-05-2006).]

In my case, i allways considerated Loli game a bgame with most (if not all) loli characters. So, considerating all the bgames translated so far, there’s not a single loli game translated and released in english yet.
So all we can do is recommend some bgames with some loli characters, at least.

Now, if he ask for some loli bgames in japanese, that’s another story.

Well, thanks for your suggestions guys. I already have some of the ones you have recommended. I have sagara family and come see me tonight 1 and 2. I was looking for a game with mostly loli characters, but as peter confirmed what I already thought…there aren’t any in english. I know of quite a few in japanese but unfortunately I have no real ability in reading japanese. So I guess I will have to keep waiting. Also, when I say loli, I don’t mean the characters that look like they are 4 years old, I find that a bit extreme…But thanks for the responses.