Ero and gaming: an incompatible proposition?

Someone might be able to correct me on this, but the head of the BBFC at the time, James Ferman, had a policy of cutting all ‘martial arts’ weaponry out of any film/TV etc, no matter what rating it had (eg Ninja Scroll was cut too on release). Having said that, I think this show was censored in other European countries too in a similar fashion.

Posted in the wrong thread… :oops:

You should tell your friends that the main customers of the porn industry are… adults, and hardly “losers” but just about pretty much anyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Weirdness. TMNT is pure kiddy violence. The only things that ever “die” are mindless robots. IIRC, no one even gets a flesh wound. April never gets her outfit shred once (much to the horror of fanboys everywhere). Honestly, a Tom and Jerry cartoon is more violent than TMNT (it has actual decapitations and torn body parts).

Heh… I know we Americans are violent bastards, but I didn’t think we were that violent. :twisted:

Ever been smacked by the blunt part of a machete? Good, good…your body versus cold steel is a tough nut on an open fire.

I think people tend to classify dating sims and H-games in particular as games made for sorry losers shut in a room without an RL girlfriend type of thing - but that’s simply beacause of a few reasons; prudence mentality, the fact that you engage in a fictitions relationship with a character that you can ‘mould to your liking’ (Sexy Beach game series… LOL to the size Z cup hack O.O oh… wait, no, that was Oppai Slider) and the simplest fact of either no information / no idea about what it is all about, OR MISINFORMATION (tendency for most older people, and people who had never had exposure to anime (or H-games), to think that all anime is perverted, and all that bullcrap)

IMO, they just need to be informed properly. Especially those girls who think that those 1/4 inch thick pocketbooks are the bomb for fiction (ive read some, and all i can say is the stories are a mix of innovation and crappy storylines even with tons of SMUT in them [<<<read = decripit descriptions of sex scenes])
As well as women who watch drama everyday with the typical always tearful scenes, betrayal all over the place, and the antagonists are always of the variety that i really hate - scheming, hacking, golddigging bes. It’s somewhat like playing a crappy depression bgame over n over again… so n00bifying.
It really was annoying when the females of the house hogged the TV to themselves JUST to watch drama crap, making me miss anime episodes a lot, and nearly making me miss an episode of Ah My Goddess (the local network aired the OVAs at the same time as that show (i think it’s name was Meteorite Garden) with that Chinese boyband i really would like to call "The F
ing Four" (i heard these b
*****s have lost their popularity; serves them right! Yeah, i still hate them)

Hell, give them a dosage of Yume Miru or something just as good or even better, and they’d give up and toss even a truckload of those darn crappy paperbacks for it, as well as stop watching drama completely. Then the world would be a somewhat better place, indeed.