Eroge Gamer Vocabulary

I’ve come to notice that we eroge gamers have a rather interesting vocabulary. Case in point: pedolicious and twincest.

Anyone else have any “interesting words” they want to share with us?

Well, I’m not sure if this counts, but in a discussion thread for the Fate/Stay Night anime at Beast’s Layer, they describe a scene regarding the brief appearance of villain Matou Zouken and describe his evil grin as the ‘pedosmile’

how about mixing the meanings of “loli” and “lolicon”? (thanks to a certain previous employee) :stuck_out_tongue:

loli = young girls

lolicon = people who are into young girls (or as such, lolis)

people here seem to very often (too often in my opinion) mix the 2 up and say dumb things like “i would like to see more games with lolicon characters”…and if we take that literally that means that they want to see games featuring the perverts but not the young girls themselves :stuck_out_tongue:

note that both terms do indeed come from japan, and japanese otakus do use those terms. it’s just that people here (on the BBS at least) like to mix the 2 up due to “improper education”

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 05-11-2006).]

I think we’ve improved on the loli vs. lolicon matter quite a bit since more than a year ago, when you first mentioned it, Lamuness.

but i believe that there are still a few errhm, stuck-up snobs who still insist that the “inverted” use is the correct one

When I refer to such things as lolicon games or lolicon characters, I refer to games or characters that would appeal to a lolicon. I’m not saying that the character/game is a lolicon. A “bishoujo game” describes a game in the bishoujo genre; it doesn’t say that the game itself is a bishoujo, i.e. a pretty girl. My use of lolicon is similar.

I see some conflicting statements, there.

You use bishoujo game to describe a game that features pretty girls. Then you use the term lolicon games to not describe a game that features lolicons… but a game for such people.

See the conflict there? If you want to be consistent, you’d have to replace bishoujo game by, I don’t know, girl-lover games.

It depends how you define the use of bishoujo in my above statement. I define it as delineating a genre of games. You define it as games featuring pretty girls. Either definition works, since the games are both of the bishoujo genre and they feature pretty girls. One can similiarly say that ‘lolicon’ in ‘lolicon games’ denotes a genre–one that caters to lolicons. In the example ‘lolicon game’, the different definitions lead to different meanings. I argue that reading ‘lolicon game’ as a game featuring lolicons is a possible, but in this case wrong, reading.

The real issue is confusing ‘lolicon’ for a little (anime) girl. I doubt that most people actually make that error, except for those who like to criticize others by interpreting ‘lolicon games’ as games featuring lolicons.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-12-2006).]

twincest = twin incest aka twins sharing the same lover at the same time. Hence why twincest is best! That and its a scientific fact that Nature prefers symmetry.

Hence my next favorite term, symmetrical docking.

[This message has been edited by Nargrakhan (edited 05-13-2006).]

errrm, symmetrical docking is from gaogaigar…

I’m remember using that term before Gaogaigar was around (for two women hugging each other really sexy and touchy-feely). I recall first seeing the term on 2ch years back…

gaogaigar was first broadcasted in japan back in around 1997, almost 10 years ago. the term symmetrical docking was used for 4 robots to combine 99.99% symmetrically left-and-right to form chouryujin and gekiryujin

wow, you have been using it for more than 10 years? not saying you are wrong (you can be right because i have no way of verifying this), but 2ch is more than 10 years old?

and again, not saying that the term is wrong or anything, but just interesting that the term is used elsewhere as well

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 05-13-2006).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
wow, you have been using it for more than 10 years? not saying you are wrong (you can be right because i have no way of verifying this), but 2ch is more than 10 years old?

I haven't been using the term for 10 years... I was still learning Japanese back then and didnft have time for the Internet. [img][/img]

GaoGaiGar used that term in its original incarnation? I was under the impression the word wasn't used until its later OVA. I've never formally seen the original series.

2ch only dates back to 1999 IIRC, but it can technically be argued to have been born about 1987 or so. Thatfs a moot point and useless knowledge though: I didn't join the place until mid-2001. [img][/img]

In any case, if Gaogaigar is the true origin of the word, then my apologies for ignorance. You seem to be a fan of the series. Still, I prefer the "fanboy" definition more. [img][/img]

You win. I found this funny 4 koma making fun of the whole thing. [img][/img]

Stole it from this BLOG post:

[This message has been edited by Nargrakhan (edited 05-13-2006).]

well no need to apologize since i can’t say that i am absolutely right on this either…it mean, it can be possible that sunrise wanted to make fun of the term and used it in gaogaigar.

all i am saying is that symmetrical docking is used in different aspects as well

ya i am a fan of transformers and yuusha series myself. fyi, gaogaigar is 1997, and the ova (gaogaigar final) is 1999.

now back to your regular bishoujo programming (although it’s arguable that gaogaigar is bishoujo simply of the character designer :P)

Hey, guys, I know that’s a common knowledge, but those are interested, I make a list of links about B-games and animes vocabulary.

And I’m sorry, Lamuness and others, but I don’t have pretension to become a necromancer, etc. I just want to join the similar topics.

  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Hentai:

  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Category - Hentai:

  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Category - Japanese sex terms:

  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - List of Japanese sex terms:

  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Category - Anime and manga terminology:

  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Anime and manga terminology: