Eroge lasts longer than real sex!!!

It’s true! Research never lies. :lol: … index.html

You mean a whole playtrough? Yeah that’s much longer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like quite a few things last longer than sex.

3 to 13 minutes?

I hardly call that sex. That’s more like filling conjugal duty.

Real sex lasts 1 hour. Anything less than that is cutting corners. It’s like serving the cake without the whipped cream topping or the miso soup without the scallions.

So if your average time playing non stop an eroge is 3H, all you have to do to last longer during the intercourse, is to play an eroge without looking at your partner :smiley:

Why didn’t I think about that before ???

Do they mean the entire event, including foreplay, or just the act of intercourse? If it is just intercourse, then yes I could easily see that timeframe … but if they mean the entire experience … I feel sad for people … if I’m spending under an hour I feel cheated … if possible - depending upon schedules, etc - 4 hours or so is more appropriate. But, when both partners have jobs, kids, etc, you have to be satisfied with what you can manage.

Well, hate to break it to you, but some people are more energetic. I like foreplay … in fact I like foreplay a hell of a lot more than I like sex … so I make it last as long as possible. As for the actual sex act … I have honestly never timed it so I couldn’t say. (no longer than average, though, certainly) 4 hours isn’t really that long, when you’re preoccupied - but like I said, not everyone has the time for that …

I’m in my mid-thirties, mind you, so my priorities may be different from yours, I don’t know.

(and I can’t imagine why I’d have to make up stories to impress people on a forum - you don’t know me, I gain nothing by lying)

You do realize that also completely depends on what type of bedroom practices you partake in? My pet and I can easily take up an entire day once we seriously get started, so I don’t find four hours all that unrealistic. Granted, we’re not talking about a single climax here, but still, everyone has a different practice.

I accept that you find it hard to believe … though, honestly, I didn’t think I was boasting when I said it … to me that seems normal. (and it is my expectation that is normal for everyone) I might consider that, at 19, your priorities in a sexual encounter are different from mine … as you say, you’re at your sexual peak, which means your entire love making encounter is going to have a different atmosphere … though mid-thirties is not that old, really. (you’ll be telling people that when you’re in your mid-thirties)

As for how many times I engage in intercourse over 4 hours - it depends upon the situation, sometimes you spend the entire time building up and then calapse from exhaustion afterword, sometimes you build up - cool off, build up - cool off … or, like the other guy said, you can spend an entire day at some level of erousal, in and out of the act all around the house … it depends on what the people involved want.

I don’t mean to be condescending when I say, as you get older your attitude, expectations and approach to sex will change - just as you and the women you are involved with will change. There is no better or worse way of doing things (okay, that’s a lie, there are better and worse ways but not in regard to what we’re talking about) so long as you both enjoy yourselves. (and be sure she is enjoying herself for goodness sakes, it will make the act more fun for everyone involved - ever how many people that might be)

But, this ended up coming off as some wierd sex-ed lecture, which was never my intention. Ultimately whether you believe me or not is up to you, but like I said, I’ve not go reason to lie.

(As a random aside … because I’m tired and when I’m tired I type more … make sure you get to know what a woman wants before making any assumptions … I’ve had girlfriends who love foreplay and others who want no part of it - it may seem strange asking a girl about it, but slipping in a something like “How do you like it?” while things are heating up is fairly painless and allows you to work together better. Most of the girls my age - or at least the girls I date - are comfortable enough with the subject that you can discuss it at length before hand while keeping it pretty comfortable … though if you aren’t careful it really can be “before hand”.)

And if you do it with twins you have to multiply by 2.

If I do it with twins I get to die and go to heaven … particularly if the twins are as friendly with one another as they are with me.

Yes, pet. Rather, that’s the term she and I use as we go everywhere with her on a collar and leash. A normal term would be ‘girlfriend’.(Sorry for the obvious confusion.)

She’s quite fond of it actually.

That man is my goddamned hero!!!

Women + Chain Leash = Teh Sexy 8)

Not I, but it’s certainly not far off to how we look in public. Mine doesn’t wear the chain against her neck, it’s actually attached to her collar. (My boots are a lot nicer than his too.)

I should hope you’d also make a better showing of yourself in an interview.

“Hate crime”? While the driver was a pig, this girl obviously needs to witness a real hate crime before claiming to be a victim of one.

“It’s my culture”? Unless there has been an underground movement of pet keeping goths existing for generations - and I was part of the gothic movement which started this all, so I know better - then it isn’t a culture; a culture requires the keeping and teaching of traditions from one generation to the next. She is right in that it is her right to live this way, but don’t call it a culture.

And for as aggressive as that guy tried to look in the photo, statements like “I got a little angry and called him a fascist” make him sound weak. And young people living in America today really shouldn’t be tossing around the word Fascist so easily; their parents, and moreso their grandparents/great grandparents, had a much better view of fascism in action on the world stage - these days it’s a hip buzz word.

Well put. It would have been more correct to call it a lifestyle instead of a culture. While the goth lifestyle may become a true culture with time of course, or more likely a subculture, it isn’t appropriate to call it one currently.

Actually, I didn’t even have time to read the article this morning, so my response was based on the picture alone. I’m not impressed with this pair after reading the article, however. Their word choices are indeed poor, they don’t work, and the fact he let the bus driver just toss him around and insult his pet, all he does is “get a little angry” and toss a weak insult? Honestly though, they need to get jobs and grow up a little bit before they try taking this kind of lifestyle into the public eye, a lot of people wont agree with it and it’s something they just have to accept. My pet and I have been going into public on leash for years now, and you have to expect verbal lashing from the random ignorant person that feels the need to force their views on others. At any rate, yes, you’re right, there are a great many more differences between them and us now that I’ve had a moment to read the article. I have a high paying job, I don’t consider my lifestyle to be a culture, I don’t roll over and cry to the media when faced with judgmental views, and my pet looks a lot hotter on her chain.(But really that’s besides the point.:lol:)


Oh shit that cracked me up. That guy looks funny now. Well, he looked funny in the beginning but now even more so than before. The girls seem happy enough, however. Goth twincest. Not so much loli, but 2 out of 3 aint bad.