I’ve been thinking for some time now, as to the best way to go about playing these games. I apologize if this has been asked before.
For some time now I’ve been wondering if it’s a good idea to play a route, then put the game aside for a while, only to come back later on and play through it again? Generally I’ve been playing where once i finish one route, then I start a new game and just hit “skip” until I get to the next route and start from there.
Obviously both sides have their advantages such as playing the next route after you finished one, could keep the story – before it breaks off into routes – fresh in your mind. Not only that you can also keep it fresh in your mind how each of the girls relate to each other.
The other way, where you play through one route and then come back to it a month later or something, is somewhat like reading a new book all over again. Odds are you would probably have to start reading from the beginning for a refresh.
So, I’m curious as to how others here go about it?