Eroge playing habits

I’ve been thinking for some time now, as to the best way to go about playing these games. I apologize if this has been asked before.

For some time now I’ve been wondering if it’s a good idea to play a route, then put the game aside for a while, only to come back later on and play through it again? Generally I’ve been playing where once i finish one route, then I start a new game and just hit “skip” until I get to the next route and start from there.

Obviously both sides have their advantages such as playing the next route after you finished one, could keep the story – before it breaks off into routes – fresh in your mind. Not only that you can also keep it fresh in your mind how each of the girls relate to each other.

The other way, where you play through one route and then come back to it a month later or something, is somewhat like reading a new book all over again. Odds are you would probably have to start reading from the beginning for a refresh.

So, I’m curious as to how others here go about it?

I usually play all the routes through of a game at one time. After I’ve played through a couple of routes, I’ll let the game skip until the new story/route unfolds (although I usually read through all the “old” scenes with the route I’m trying to play). I find this helps me in getting all the routes, events, graphics.

For the games I really like, I usually load them up after a year or two, and play through them again (on my preferred routes).

First, no doubt for how to play a kinetic novel.

For a branched VN, the main/canon route should be the most well-writen of the game, (FSN’s Fate route , FOH’s Mio or Minamo route for example so it should be the first choice for my first playthrough. You should know the feeling when you want to orient the play to your wanted route and failed, sometime goes completely off to another unwanted route :(.

I still can’t figure out the canon route for Edelweiss though :frowning:

when i first play the game i go with the first route listed on the walkthrough or the route that sounds the most interesting then a play the others till i find one i don’t like

when i replay the game i play my favorite route first then play each other one after that

Naked how else. JK.

Read the Bio of the characters find the one I like the best, then go through that route or go through it last depends on my mood. Skip what I read if its in any other route. After I complete it I’ll play it again at a much later time maybe.

I don’t like to play ‘favourite character first’ or anything like that–if possible, I’d rather keep the best until last. I often play through the routes linearly. What I always make sure I do is, if I’m about to take a break from an eroge, I make sure the last save game points to whatever I’m going to get to next, so I remember what I’m up to.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to read a comment of yours again, not without the thought of you playing naked.

So it seems that many play it all at once. I plan on getting Princess Waltz (and probably Family Project, Cosplay Academy one, and maybe the first racing one). I’m curious to as if I will be playing these again after I finish them. I will admit, a friend lent me the YMK game, and I’m itching to play it again strangely. I’ll probably get my own copy as I like it quite a bit.

I only start a new game after I’m done with my current one. For this one, it pretty depends on its type:
[list][]If there’s a recommended order, the recommended order.[/]
[]For ADVs, I first follow my whim when making choices in order to find the girl with whom I’m “most compatible”, then alternate my choices.[/]
[]For AVGs, I usually go after the girl whose story I think would be my second favourite, then alternate between those I think have good and bad stories, to end with the one I think may have the best story.[/]
[]For RPGs and S-RPGs, if there are difficulty levels you open after you complete routes and where you can keep your previous experience and items, using a kouryaku I first after the girl who would lose less (power-wise) by being completed at low levels, to the girls who should only gain skills in the hardest levels.[/]
[]If there is none, I first go after the seemingly most powerful girl to the least powerful one.[/]
[]For SIMs, I usually start by the girl who seems to be the easiest to win (so to try out the system), then the ones I can think I can get the fastest. (of course, it’s a dying genre so I don’t play much SIMs any longer, but…)[/]
[]I seldom play TBLs (and most are mahjongs) but when I do, I start with the weakest girl (i.e. the easiest girl) because I suck at mahjong. :p[/][/list]

I’m curious, where is your avatar from? (EDIT: the one you had before you changed it…like just before I made this post)

You should give it back; michelous is complaining about it all over the place.

Look at the URL - the .php/, specifically. It’s an avatar that changes each time you reload it.

Yeah, i realized that after the 3rd reload. It was sad, as it was a nice image.

Unless there’s a recommended play order, I pick my favorite and then go through the rest shortly after. I feel the first character I get has the most impact since everything is new then. I usually skip previously read text on subsequent playthroughs, so those usually have less impact. One thing bad about this method is that I often feel bad for my favorite character after. It sort of feels like betrayal. :stuck_out_tongue:

Two games especially come to mind for me when you talk about the way you play Reikon. First is YMK. After having played through Aeka’s route, I frequently feel guilty when I play again and go a different path. The other game that comes to mind is Crescendo. I always feel like such a jerk when I crush Kyoko’s hopes and go after someone else.

As for how I play, the first time through I don’t use a walkthrough (if I have access to one). Often I will play through again after I’ve finished the first run through, often turning to a walkthrough at this point. However, even though much text is recycled in playing through again, I only skip text on rare occasions. Professor Cherry is one of the first games I’ve gotten where I have frequently skipped over previously read text. This is probably due in part to the overwhelming number of ero scenes in the game. (Which, as I’ve stated multiple times now on the forum, can occur so frequently that you’ll have less than five minutes of story text between them.)

Like abandoning Aeka and go messing around with Nekoko? sarcasm :lol:

I have to admit, you literally have to be a jerk to play a different route in YMK, I know I played Aeka first, and after that went after the big boob one, I felt like crap just ignoring the bullying. I guess in some instances, it might be better to save the “true” route for last. However, I don’t even think YMK had a “true” route.

I went in the exact same order in YMK. One of the big things that gets me through playing Kirimiya-senpai’s route (the “big boob one” as you put it) is the knowledge that at the end of the scenario you have greatly improved the climate in the school regarding bullies and such since you become student council president.

I always felt Cait Sith Nekoko was the true route - I thought it was the best route, anyway, and it had that whole link to the game’s name. (and, I felt, the best development of the protagonist’s character)

You have all of them here.

Thanks, I found out its that dominatrix-like girl from demonbane I guess?

I personally couldn’t stand Nekoko for the most part. While there certainly were some great elements to the story in her route, it wasn’t enough to overcome my finding her annoying. This was why I did her path last.