Eroge Review Site

Thanks a lot bro! That helped tons.

Going back in the game, Tsukino makes a comment about the “stars and moon” being together, and then she starts commenting about herself (in third person) and the protagonist, so I suppose it would be Hiroshi, given a subtle use of Hoshi and Tsuki.

Didn’t catch on to that until now.

Heheh no problem at all. I always play my erogames with the JWPce dictionary activated. Because the erogames are my only link with the Japanese tongue, I often need a few dictionaries for support (I often tend to forget/relearn difficult kanji and words).

Been real busy at work. Didn’t even get play any eroge this week.

Miko Miko Nurse

[ 06-04-2006, 01:15 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Originally posted by HIM:
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

But, at least, we can be grateful for receiving the wonderful gift of B-games during our free time [img][/img] [img][/img].
Thank you very much Nargrakhan [img][/img], and let's finally give some long due honor to the only self-exiled reviewer of this BBS too... Go Canada! [img][/img]!

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
Been real busy at work. Didn't even get play any eroge this week. [img][/img][/URL]

We all have weeks like that.. [img][/img]

Man… only managed to complete one review this week… I’m making a few changes on my site right now, so a few links might be broken for a few minutes.

Death Meta

Due to its potential to be a future Peach Princess release, I checked and doubled checked to ensure the review is spoiler free; and only used screenshot images that are found in the free demo. If there is a complaint that I said too much plot-wise, someone let me know and I’ll fix it ASAP.

The skeleton for Kuro Bara wa Yoru ni Saku is uploaded, but I haven’t filled in any information yet. That should be ready within the next 24 hours or so.

[ 05-25-2006, 05:17 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

I should have mentioned it sooner, but you should check out NVU:

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
[b]Kuro Bara wa Yoru ni Saku[/b]

What a coincidence! This erogame shares the same audio/voice problem with an erogame in my possession.
Do you have solved the "Codec Dilemma"? And how?
Originally posted by Benoit:
I should have mentioned it sooner, but you should check out NVU:

Thanks. I'll check it out and give it run through.

Someone else actually complained about my FrontPage use a few weeks ago. Seems he or she didn't like how I have a script for "whitespace" removal. [img][/img] To be honest, I get weird site comments about once a month. I just label them as crazies. [img][/img] 99.9% of the time, their about "opinion" rather than actual function (like my selection of colors, or the image sizes). They're gonna hate me when the SQL database is online. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Benoit:
What a coincidence! This erogame shares the same audio/voice problem with an erogame in my possession.
Do [b]you
have solved the "Codec Dilemma"? And how? [/b]

Hmmm... I didn't get any audio issues with the game. It started up fine on the first go. I run on Windows XP Media Center with Windows Media Player 10 and Japanese language enabled as the default (vice English). Combined Community Codec Pack ([url=][/url]) for those various video file formats.

[This message has been edited by Nargrakhan (edited 05-14-2006).]

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
Hmmm... I didn't get any audio issues with the game. It started up fine on the first go. I run on [b]Windows XP Media Center with Windows Media Player 10 and Japanese language enabled as the default (vice English). Combined Community Codec Pack ([url=][/url]) for those various video file formats.[/b]

Luchs promptly sent me the correct Codec, but my audio problem remains unsolved still today.
After reading your reply, however, I'm even more convinced that the cause is my Italian computer system. Unlike English, Italian uses accented words, which conflict somehow with the Japanese setting (the accented words tend to "disappear" when Japanese is activated).
It's long time that I'm thinking to buy a Japanese WinXP (and a Japanese keyboard, if necessary), but if you consider that I've problems with computer systems written in my native tongue, go imagine with Japanese...

Edit: In my opinion, "Malizia" (an Italian word) sounds better than "Mariezia" for ƒ}ƒŠ[ƒcƒBƒA [img][/img] [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Baldo (edited 05-15-2006).]

It should be noted that I wasn’t the one talking about the codecs, unlike the quote Nargrakhan made.

Two new articles. Like most things “hot off the press”, there are probably a grammar issue here and there. I’ll fix them in the morning when I have fresh eyes. :slight_smile:



In the end, Nukenin only got an 8. Despite my earlier prediction, even getting the true ending leads to some slow moments. This took away a LOT of synergy, and thus it fell from a high 9. Still… an 8 in book is quite good. :slight_smile:

[ 06-04-2006, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Article for Pigeon Blood is complete.


The site has been remodeled so that vistors can leave comments and/or opinions of the articles. The settings require an email address to be inputed (can’t disable that), but one can just put a bogus entry in that line - it doesn’t show or use the address in the weblog anyways. It’s just a minor anti-spam thing.

I grandfathered all the old review links in this thread, to point to their new locations. :slight_smile:

[ 06-04-2006, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

“stiletto heals, and anemia fluids”? While I don’t know precisely what you meant, I’m pretty sure that’s not it.

heels, and probably enema.

anemia is having low iron in your blood - while there MIGHT be a fetish of pouring iron supplements over a girl, I don’t think that’s what you had in mind. :slight_smile:

I see that nukenin review has some nude pics along with some hardcore pics in pigeon blood :slight_smile:
And yeah I agree it should be enema and heels

[ 05-27-2006, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: RedHell ]

Oy… my spelling is so bad, even the spellchecker in Wordpress doesn’t work for me. I know the one for Microsoft Office is next to useless in my hands as well. :slight_smile:

One of these days, I’ll put a special post of what may articles look like before I run them through a gauntlet of half a dozen grammar/spelling programs. You’d be amazed at how horrible I am. :slight_smile: [/b]
To be honest, don’t see “simple nudity” as adult matterial in my opinion. Having travelled around the world thanks to my past in the US Navy, I’ve noticed that the USA is in a minority when it comes to making a big deal over the thing.

As for Pigeon Blood… its not my fault when the official packaging has hardcore images on it. :wink:

That’s why the intro text says I will “tries not to” instead of the traditional “will not” for the adult material. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh. Nice reivew :slight_smile: .

Pigeon Blood’s indeed quite a title - but alas, lacking in several areas that prevents it from becoming truly “perfect” in my eyes. Still, it’s a quite good game that I wouldn’t heistate to recommend :slight_smile: .

I was using GOOGLE to find any eroge reviews sites/blogs - I wanna compile a list of links - I was able to find this:

Look down the page a bit, to the “Erotica” category, and you’ll see four articles. Not many granted, but he covers games I have yet to play. :slight_smile:

God, the reviews from

are terrible. I got a feeling that you posted them just to show how good we have it with you doing a lot of the Japanese game reviews. He never bothers to explain the meaning of the Japanese words and assumes everyone has the same knowledge he does. Just look at this excerpt from one of his reviews.

gYou refer to yourself as gakibakei,h meaning gAkihabara type,h as opposed to gotaku,h which seems to be mostly a hair splitting affection as all akibakei are, by definition otaku. Not all otaku are akibakei, however, which you take pains to point out in the course of the game. The semantics fall apart entirely when faced with the female cast, only two of the five of whom are remotely akibakei themselves, thus belying the title of the game. It might as well have been called gtenshikeih or gshimaikeih if the title is actually supposed to refer to the gamefs cast.h

Nargrakhan, thank you for being a better reviewer than this guy and keep up the good work.

With so few review sites available, we can’t be choosy about the handful that are there. :slight_smile:

On actual eroge gaming, I’m almost ready with that article for Kuro Bara wa Yoru ni Saku, writing an article for Crusade (Tacchi) and just finished Futago Niizuma Haruka to Setsuna no Momoiro Shinkon Seikatsu (Fetish - a subdivision of Crowd).

Kuro Bara wa Yoru ni Saku is a title with good intentions and an interesting plot (reminds me of Rosen Maiden in more ways than one), but fails to really leave a favorable lasting impression.

Crusade is a truly worthy label for its studio: that is to say, very dark and cruel. If you follow their Mayonaka series, this one will certainly be no stranger. The titles have so much in common, its impossible theyfre not related. :slight_smile:

Futago Niizuma Haruka to Setsuna no Momoiro Shinkon Seikatsu is a lighthearted twincest title, that focuses on keeping twins after marrying them. It’s not easy being “shared” and dishing out “equal love” so much. :wink:

I still have yet to complete the rest of the “Fetish Pack” titles: Sister Maria no Momoiro Seika and Kyonyu Nurse Ayumi no Momoiro Kango.

[ 06-01-2006, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]