Eroge that had what you want: but really didn't

ALL-TiME did that too, with one of their enslavement titles. After you’ve “broken” her, she gets the bangs cut and unties her hair. :expressionless:

Grrrrr… :evil:

I had that issue with Shinju in Let’s Meow Meow. Seriously, she pulled a total reversal. I liked her attitude and spunk before she became all… subservient.

Off-topic- do they still sell the Japanese versions of the Horny Bunny games? I’m noticing a lot of the text doesn’t come close to matching what I’m hearing. Sometimes 5 or 6 sentences will be said and the English translation has 2 super-short ones.

Considering how rapidly Japanese games disappear, I have to be very skeptical that you would find physical copies sold anywhere but bargain bins. (Never mind that the original labels are all-but-dead now.)

They might be up for download. I wouldn’t know how to check that.

1 and 2 are on various dl sales sites, (although you could get something better + newer for roughly the same price instead). There are cheap second hand copies available too, but once the expense of procuring them is factored in, you’d save money by purchasing the download version.

Looks like Yokoshima!! Pandemic has three of them… not sure how many will be unwinnable… but I preordered for the twincest. Will let you know in a few days, if posting here is just a false alarm or not.

Suika first chapter. First off, I favored Sayo over Itsuki. Later I got emotionally involved in the story, gave the couple my blessing, hoped for happy ending and, bang! The protag was dating a ghost. Really felt like I was lied to. And no, Sayo was not winnable since there was no alternative ending. I still remember it took a month for me to resume playing.
And count me along regarding Princess Waltz issue. Pulltop should have added ending for each princess. Chris’ ending can be considered Iris’ though.

Gomen nasai. I didn’t realize that this thread belongs to untranslated b-game forum.

It doesn’t matter if the eroge is translated or not. I just put it in the Japanese Bishoujo section, because it had to go somewhere. :slight_smile:

lol. I laugh at the person who made the comment about suika although I agree with them.

Seikein no Ignanock: I kind of felt cheated in this game since more of the game was a repetition of the same dialog. I still enjoyed the game but reading some of the same lines over and over again for nearly 12 chapters got kind of old.

I could also say I bought shuffle with anticipation that I would be able to go for (kureha, the teacher, the other girl in the class, asa’s mom) and then I find out as I’m playing that they are not available in the shuffle release that mangagamer licensed. It taught me to research games before I buy them. Still a good game I just wish it had any of those others. I can always hope for a release of Shuffle Essence…although I may just have to buy it from japan.

Didn’t they say once upon a time that they intended to release the expanded versions eventually, depending on how the base versions did? (And I think they’ve said Shuffle is the most popular of the games they’ve released so far?)

And could you mark that Suika spoiler please? Some of us haven’t played the game yet >_<

They did. They also made a mention at AX but whatever comment they made about navel escapes me. Would love to see a release of shuffle essence over here but I believe that comment went something along the lines that they are waiting to see whether or not the english market is profitable or something like that. Apparently they didn’t sell as much as they thought they would? (not sure on this) Either way I hope they release the expanded versions eventually.

Throwing some necromancy skills around on this, but oh well.

So I recently got around to playing ???SEX???, which I bought because Tsubaki is a blatant Sheryl Nome homage/ripoff/look-alike, whatever.

However instead of the disappointment I WAS expecting, (ie, just made Tsubaki look like Sheryl) the guys over at Ole-M took the Sheryl Nome theme and ran with it; down to the point of Tsubaki not only being a pop idol that’s famous worldwide, and basically transplanting her personality, AND allowing you to sex her up in one of the costumes from Macross Frontier. (I mean, seriously, they took it to the point of stealing Sheryl’s dialog, ie, instead of saying “Who do you think I am? I’m Sheryl, Sheryl Nome” its, “Who do you think I am, I’m TSUBAKI, TSUBAKI”)

So yeah, ???SEX??? might be a by the numbers nukige, but if you’re a Macross Frontier fan, Sheryl specifically, definitely worth the $105 if you’ve got it to burn. Well, the other options available are nice too, 2 “secret” character routes and the ability to change paper doll/CG characters skin tone (pale, completely tanned, tan lines, naked paper dolls) And it’s not like the other 9 ladies are ugly, they’re just not Sheryl Nome.

Black Cyc’s Cthulhu. I was expecting either something dark and in a vein similar to Gore Screaming Show since Gore was derived from the Cthulhu mythos or something that had the elements of creepiness and fear of the unknown that Lovecraft’s stories had. Instead I got the Black Cyc equivalent of Batman and Robin

I was expecting the next fantastic eroge by Black Cyc’s greatest writer… didn’t get what I wanted either >_>

Oops… done now. Thank you Nande.