ESRB Rates Manhunt 2 for PC "Adults Only"

Source: … ao-rating/

If the AO rating loses its stigma and online purchases of such materials (distributed both physically and digitally) become more widespread, bishoujo games might get more attention than they have in the past–particularly if bishoujo games get sold side-by-side with this new (and more popular) brand of adult-only product.

What is sad is that the US is far more tolerant of such games rated for their violent content than they are of erotic content. I really don’t understand why people are more willing to allow blood and gore than a bit of naked flesh and heavy breathing.

Hopefully, the A rating is destigmatised and the country opens up to more erotic based games and media. And let’s also hope that it is more erotic content more than simple pornographic content. The reason I appreciate Jast and associates is because they offer games with have immersive stories that include graphic sexual situations. This country needs more erotica and less pornography.

I think the prevailing opinion in the US is that sexual entertainment (particularly the graphically explicit type) HAS to be pornographic. You might say there’s 2 reasons to seek out graphically explicit sexual entertainment: 1) to satisfy a physicial craving, and 2) to satisfy a psychological craving. If the average American were to put their vague opinion into words, they’d probably say that 1) is alright, while 2) makes you a loser, and means you need to get a life. Thus mindless, non-interactive porn is ok (at least in a don’t ask, don’t tell sort of way), while a more involved, interactive dating sim type game is not.

[size=85]Excerpt from Dark_Shiki’s “How the Other Half Thinks: the 3D Bias”[/size]

And I guess that is what boggles my mind… mindless, non-interactive porn is alright in rare instances. I would prefer, however, a story in which I become emotionally involved with the characters and the erotic moments mean something more than mere titillation. It is the reason I like various eroge VNs and certain book sagas like Kushiel’s Legacy. Not only do we get to see the characters in various comedic, dramatic, or violent situations but we also get to witness them in more intimate and far more vulnerable mental/emotional states. The emotional connection I share with such characters is often far deeper because of such situations.

I find it rather sad that the big three in terms of video games and much of the mass market in written fiction either completely deny access to such material or severely limit such access to mere niche channels like Jast USA or various independent publishers.

It reminded of PS1’s Thrill Kill. It canned, long time ago due to highly violence.

This is part of the reason I enjoy the writing of Piers Anthony. In particular, there is a series called “Bio of a Space Tyrant” which repeatedly deals with sex, including the main character’s incestuous attraction to his younger sister, and a female character who grew up in a violent space pirate culture and can only reach orgasm if there is physical violence involved. In fact (if I recall correctly), in order for the main character to obtain her as his wife, the custom is that you must sneak past the defenses of her family and rape her. :shock:

Far be it for me to be a Word Lawyer, but I thought I’d just mention something about erotica and pornography. :stuck_out_tongue:

Erotica is nudity and sexual activity that has artistic merit. It’s a story that features sex as a central plot device or important fulcrum, but not simply a story that’s sex to only be sex. Or a painting that glorifies the beauty of the human body, and makes the viewer interpret what’s sexual perfection.

Pornography is nudity and sexual activity that makes no attempt for artistic merit. It’s a mindless orgy of sex and base emotional gratification. It’s the stuff you find on free porn sites, where the nude girl announces her name on a leather couch, and then goes buck wild with the guy sitting next to her for absolutely no reason, except to have sex with him. Or a rape guro comic without dialog ¬ñ just violence and sex.

Sometimes pornography is considered erotica, but that’s not the original intention. Generally erotica does not try to be pornography, although it can obviously be accused of such by those wishing to fight a legal battle against it.

It’s all semantic legal terminology, but it’s good to know the difference, in case you have to defend yourself and your collection. :wink:

That is how I started to seperate the two in my collection once I became aware of erotica some years back: which is erotica and which is pure pornography. Story or sex romp.

Both are fine and shouldn’t be demonised. While I prefer erotica, I understand the desire to have a mindless sex romp from time to time. Erotica just tends to be far more emotionally satisfying.

What’s the overarching category to which erotica and pornography both belong, then? That’s what I was calling “erotica.”

As I’m lead to understand it: sexual arousal (since pornography is supposedly devoid of art).

I’m not saying you’re wrong or anything… just pointing out how the word tends to be used in court and “civilized” social circles. I suppose you could say one term is insulting, and the other is positive. One doesn’t call the Venus de Milo or the Rape of the Sabine Woman pornography to a museum curator. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes… even [b]dark erotica[/b] has been around for centuries and considered treasured works of human culture. :twisted: :wink:
(The painting is a depiction of war crimes committed during the Russo-Turkish War, so it’s artistic merit is the revelation and contemplation of human atrocities, for obvious political symbolism – but we call it guro today :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I would say sexual entertainment (or art) is the over-arching category for erotica and pornography.

The irony is those same 2 reasons apply for blood and gore. Why does someone go and kill a whole town in a video game? 1> to satify a phyiscal craving or 2> to satisfy a psychological craving. Only difference is 1> we’d think they are disturbed and need to seek medial attention, probably immediately or 2> we’d think it’s alright as it’s better to vent your frustrations on a computer than the real thing.