Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
Hmmm i jus wanna know whats with everyone today? it's been lets moan bout just bout anything day? something go wrong?
Hmm, considering that it's Valentine's day in most places, the possible things that may have gone wrong just boggle the mind.
But we're all human (Or at least, I'm reasonably sure we all are) and somethings get under our skin and get us riled. It happens. I wouldn't worry all that much over it.
And back to the subject...about the essay writing thing. TurricaN-san has a point in that most of writings here are usually for a specific response to either a question or statement. We're not just picking topics out of the air and putting together long posts. But a general repository of informative articles does sound like a good idea. Putting together the time for writing such articles is another matter entirely.