Eve burst Error

Eve burst Error back in print with Mangagamers all ages section. If you haven’t had the opportunity to get / play, now is a good time, and Cheap too.

Bought mine even though I do have a hard copy.

I also bought it even though I have a hard copy. The interesting thing is, the hard copy sat in my pile and never actually got used. (Sleep apnea sucks.)

Just started playing it. Couple hours in. It’s … interesting. Quite goofy. I mean, god, the guy walks into a bar and tries to order “A piece of your ass” from the waitress? It’s a lot sillier than I expected. A lot. Good thing that it actually manages to be funny; I definitely see why the game’s got such a good reputation.

The translation actually seems to be pretty good. It’s not the greatest in the world, a little stiff, some of the lines are obviously “oh I give up” moments where the translator just put something down that makes sense and moved on (Nikaido’s got some lines where he just starts screaming at Kojiro for instance) … But it actually works, more or less. The jokes come across, and those are the hardest things to make work. For the time it’s really good - it’s much better than the wooden “translation” Milky House got for Nocturnal Illusion, for instance.

Anyone besides me get a chuckle out of the Bill Clinton and OJ Simpson jokes for nostalgia’s sake?

Yeah, they really date the game. So do the references to modems and “Man, this computer’s awesome. I can access the Internet without a provider”, which at the time meant someone like Prodigy or AOL. How times have changed … :wink:

How is burst error in the all-ages section? Is it a backport of the SS version? Because I don’t think an all-ages version was ever released for PC. Certainly not by C’s Ware / TYRELL LAB.

Good game; I should play it again.


They’ve addressed that on their BBS (and I think in the comments on their blog).

The version they have is the same one Himeya released. There aren’t any actual h-scenes, in other words. So yeah, it’s really (really) risque, but it’s not actually explicit in the same way the rest of the games in the 18-and-over-only section is. They didn’t want anyone to get confused, so they put it in the all-ages section basically under the theory that “very heavy R rating” is different than “X-rated”.

So I just beat it. As I got further along I noticed how a lot of the goofy crude humor appeared to be made up wholesale by the translators, and there were a handful of times where what I thought people were saying in the speech seemed to contradict what the lines of text read (as if the translator knew the words but didn’t quite follow the meaning, and got it wrong). My opinion of the translation’s been significantly lowered as a result. There’s also a lot more barely-grammatical stuff at the end, like they simply ran out of time to clean it up.

(Endgame spoiler abound in the below. Seriously, don’t do it! It’s a trap!)

As for the actual story, I liked it quite a lot, other than the revelation about Suzuki’s identity. I thought it cheapened pretty much every relationship he was involved with except for Marina. The relationship between Kojiroh and Yayoi, then the whole thing with Natasha, I didn’t like either. All of the people I just mentioned (even the man himself) were more interesting (to me anyway) before the reveal. (I also didn’t like the way Natasha got offed but that’s not so much an issue with this game as a broader issue I have with similar situations in lots of other stories. A lot of characters like her have fates that often wind up being you’re much more likely to die if you’re a character the audience won’t like much and I tend to like them.)

But what’s with the name (of the game)? Why ‘Eve Burst Error’? And why did Mayako kill all those people yet leave Patricia alive? Wouldn’t she be just as pissed? And then the extra scene you unlock by guessing correctly - what was all the people saying Hi to Mayako supposed to imply at the very end? Or is that something that comes up in the sequels (which are supposed to be awful)? I have Adam around here somewhere, but if it’s as bad as I hear it is I may just skip it.

As far as I know Mayak is still comatose in EVE The Fatal Attraction. Don’t know about New Generation X

Regarding the sequels, the only one that I know sucks is Adam: The Double Factor which EVE: The Fatal Attraction retcons. I’ve played EVE: The Fatal Attraction and trust me that one doesn’t suck. I’ve heard EVE Zero and EVE The Lost One are good, but since both those games are pretty hard to find now I can’t really give my own words on them.

Eve ~new generation X~ is pretty bad. In fact, ignore everything released under the TYRELL LAB brand.

I’m technically not restricted to English-language only, but in practice I still am. So Adam is the only one really available to me, and it’s supposed to suck.

I do see EBE shot up to the top of Mangagamer’s all-ages section. But then I suspect any major release would have ended up there since it was kind of looking spare. I doubt it will end up being feasible to get the rest of the games out (except possible Adam, if MG can find copies) but one can always hope. (This IS the English B-Game part of the forum after all :wink: